我花了好几个小时尝试运行这个脚本,但由于某种原因它根本无法正常运行。 'Sex'现在是一个全局安装,所以它称之为好,但其他东西似乎失败了。看起来它失败的东西是它应该创造的东西,不幸的是。我甚至在def语句之后添加了一个简单的print语句,它不会打印,它只是自动失败。任何见解?
def objmask(inimgs, inwhts, thresh1='20.0', thresh2='2.0', tfdel=True,
xceng=3001., yceng=3001., outdir='.', tmpdir='tmp'):
print "c"
# initial detection of main galaxy with SExtractor for re-centering purposes
if outdir!='.':
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
print inimgs
if not os.path.exists(tmpdir):
for c in range(np.size(inimgs)):
print 'Creating Aperture Run:', c
IOError Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/vidur/se_files/<ipython-input-2-bbc58f9e134a> in <module>()
----> 1 fetch_swarp2.objmask(['sciPHOTOf105w0.fits'],['whtPHOTOf105w0.fits'])
/home/vidur/se_files/fetch_swarp2.pyc in objmask(inimgs, inwhts, thresh1, thresh2, tfdel, xceng, yceng, outdir, tmpdir)
116 secat=asciitable.read('./se_files/_tmp_seobj'+str(c)+'.cat',
117 names=['flux','ferr','xmin','ymin','xmax','ymax',
--> 118 'xc','yc','cxx','cyy','cxy'])
119 robj = np.sqrt((secat['xc']-xceng)**2.0+(secat['yc']-yceng)**2.0)
120 rmin = (robj==np.min(robj))
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/asciitable-0.8.0-py2.7.egg/asciitable/ui.pyc in read(table, numpy, guess, **kwargs)
129 guess = _GUESS
130 if guess:
--> 131 dat = _guess(table, new_kwargs)
132 else:
133 reader = get_reader(**new_kwargs)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/asciitable-0.8.0-py2.7.egg/asciitable/ui.pyc in _guess(table, read_kwargs)
173 try:
174 reader = get_reader(**guess_kwargs)
--> 175 dat = reader.read(table)
176 # When guessing impose additional requirements on column names and number of cols
177 bads = [" ", ",", "|", "\t", "'", '"']
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/asciitable-0.8.0-py2.7.egg/asciitable/core.pyc in read(self, table)
839 self.header.data = self.data
--> 841 self.lines = self.inputter.get_lines(table)
842 self.data.get_data_lines(self.lines)
843 self.header.get_cols(self.lines)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/asciitable-0.8.0-py2.7.egg/asciitable/core.pyc in get_lines(self, table)
155 table = table.read()
156 elif '\n' not in table and '\r' not in table + '':
--> 157 table = open(table, 'r').read()
158 lines = table.splitlines()
159 except TypeError:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './se_files/_tmp_seobj0.cat'
P.S。我运行Ubuntu 12.04 32位