
时间:2009-11-19 15:42:50

标签: .net path filenames

我有一个固定长度的字段我想显示路径信息。我想在.NET中有一种方法可以通过插入省略号来缩写长路径名以适应固定长度字段,例如“.. .... \ myfile.txt的”。我不能为我的生活找到这种方法。

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:17)




public static string GetCompactedString(
   string stringToCompact, Font font, int maxWidth)
   // Copy the string passed in since this string will be
   // modified in the TextRenderer's MeasureText method
   string compactedString = string.Copy(stringToCompact);
   var maxSize = new Size(maxWidth, 0);
   var formattingOptions = TextFormatFlags.PathEllipsis 
                         | TextFormatFlags.ModifyString;
   TextRenderer.MeasureText(compactedString, font, maxSize, formattingOptions);
   return compactedString;




public static void SetTextAsCompactedPath(this Control control, string path)
   control.Text = GetCompactedString(path, control.Font, control.Width);



PathCompactPathEx - 根据字符中所需的字符串长度压缩字符串



[DllImport("shlwapi.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
static extern bool PathCompactPathEx(
   [Out] StringBuilder pszOut, string szPath, int cchMax, int dwFlags);

public static string CompactPath(string longPathName, int wantedLength)
   // NOTE: You need to create the builder with the 
   //       required capacity before calling function.
   // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa446536.aspx
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(wantedLength + 1);
   PathCompactPathEx(sb, longPathName, wantedLength + 1, 0);
   return sb.ToString();



答案 1 :(得分:6)


/// <summary>
/// Shortens a file path to the specified length
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">The file path to shorten</param>
/// <param name="maxLength">The max length of the output path (including the ellipsis if inserted)</param>
/// <returns>The path with some of the middle directory paths replaced with an ellipsis (or the entire path if it is already shorter than maxLength)</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Shortens the path by removing some of the "middle directories" in the path and inserting an ellipsis. If the filename and root path (drive letter or UNC server name)     in itself exceeds the maxLength, the filename will be cut to fit.
/// UNC-paths and relative paths are also supported.
/// The inserted ellipsis is not a true ellipsis char, but a string of three dots.
/// </remarks>
/// <example>
/// ShortenPath(@"c:\websites\myproject\www_myproj\App_Data\themegafile.txt", 50)
/// Result: "c:\websites\myproject\...\App_Data\themegafile.txt"
/// ShortenPath(@"c:\websites\myproject\www_myproj\App_Data\theextremelylongfilename_morelength.txt", 30)
/// Result: "c:\...gfilename_morelength.txt"
/// ShortenPath(@"\\myserver\theshare\myproject\www_myproj\App_Data\theextremelylongfilename_morelength.txt", 30)
/// Result: "\\myserver\...e_morelength.txt"
/// ShortenPath(@"\\myserver\theshare\myproject\www_myproj\App_Data\themegafile.txt", 50)
/// Result: "\\myserver\theshare\...\App_Data\themegafile.txt"
/// ShortenPath(@"\\\theshare\myproject\www_myproj\App_Data\themegafile.txt", 50)
/// Result: "\\\theshare\...\themegafile.txt"
/// ShortenPath(@"\theshare\myproject\www_myproj\App_Data\", 30)
/// Result: "\theshare\...\App_Data\"
/// ShortenPath(@"\theshare\myproject\www_myproj\App_Data\themegafile.txt", 35)
/// Result: "\theshare\...\themegafile.txt"
/// </example>
public static string ShortenPath(string path, int maxLength)
    string ellipsisChars = "...";
    char dirSeperatorChar = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
    string directorySeperator = dirSeperatorChar.ToString();

    //simple guards
    if (path.Length <= maxLength)
        return path;
    int ellipsisLength = ellipsisChars.Length;
    if (maxLength <= ellipsisLength)
        return ellipsisChars;

    //alternate between taking a section from the start (firstPart) or the path and the end (lastPart)
    bool isFirstPartsTurn = true; //drive letter has first priority, so start with that and see what else there is room for

    //vars for accumulating the first and last parts of the final shortened path
    string firstPart = "";
    string lastPart = "";
    //keeping track of how many first/last parts have already been added to the shortened path
    int firstPartsUsed = 0;
    int lastPartsUsed = 0;

    string[] pathParts = path.Split(dirSeperatorChar);
    for (int i = 0; i < pathParts.Length; i++)
        if (isFirstPartsTurn)
            string partToAdd = pathParts[firstPartsUsed] + directorySeperator;
            if ((firstPart.Length + lastPart.Length + partToAdd.Length + ellipsisLength) > maxLength)
            firstPart = firstPart + partToAdd;
            if (partToAdd == directorySeperator)
                //this is most likely the first part of and UNC or relative path 
                //do not switch to lastpart, as these are not "true" directory seperators
                //otherwise "\\myserver\theshare\outproject\www_project\file.txt" becomes "\\...\www_project\file.txt" instead of the intended "\\myserver\...\file.txt")
                isFirstPartsTurn = false;
            int index = pathParts.Length - lastPartsUsed - 1; //-1 because of length vs. zero-based indexing
            string partToAdd = directorySeperator + pathParts[index];
            if ((firstPart.Length + lastPart.Length + partToAdd.Length + ellipsisLength) > maxLength)
            lastPart = partToAdd + lastPart;
            if (partToAdd == directorySeperator)
                //this is most likely the last part of a relative path (e.g. "\websites\myproject\www_myproj\App_Data\")
                //do not proceed to processing firstPart yet
                isFirstPartsTurn = true;

    if (lastPart == "")
        //the filename (and root path) in itself was longer than maxLength, shorten it
        lastPart = pathParts[pathParts.Length - 1];//"pathParts[pathParts.Length -1]" is the equivalent of "Path.GetFileName(pathToShorten)"
        lastPart = lastPart.Substring(lastPart.Length + ellipsisLength + firstPart.Length - maxLength, maxLength - ellipsisLength - firstPart.Length);

    return firstPart + ellipsisChars + lastPart;

Originial post with (a little) background here

答案 2 :(得分:4)

通过缩短长文件路径的Coding Horror blog post,您可以使用Windows API调用PathCompactPathEx

答案 3 :(得分:1)


答案 4 :(得分:0)


答案 5 :(得分:0)


string longPath = @"c:\somewhere\myfile.txt";
string shortPath = @"..\" + Path.GetFileName(longPath);

答案 6 :(得分:0)

我发现了一个易于使用的类,它来自TextBox: EllipsisTextBox ,它封装了StringTrimming.EllipsisPath。适合我!