"1": {
"name": "Tri 1"
"2": {
"name": "Tri 2"
"3": {
"name": "Tri 3"
"4": {
"name": "Orb Dave"
"5": {
"name": "Orb Fah"
在JSON Helper的帮助下,我将JSON变为更有用的格式(对于AppleScript)。
{|3|:{|name|:"Tri 3"}, |1|:{|name|:"Tri 1"}, |4|:{|name|:"Orb Dave"}, |2|:{|name|:"Tri 2"}, |5|:{|name|:"Orb Fah"}}
set lights to (every item in theReturn) as list
repeat with n from 1 to count of lights
set light to item n of lights
log n & light
end repeat
(*1, Tri 3*)
(*2, Tri 1*)
(*3, Orb Dave*)
(*4, Tri 2*)
(*5, Orb Fah*)
您可能会注意到结果未按所需顺序排列。索引是灯光列表中的索引。它不是出现在对象顶部的数字。如果您查看前两个预先形成的区域,您会看到项目1,2和3分别是Tri 1,Tri 2和Tri 3. Tri 3首先出现,Tri 1秒和Orb是正确的。排名第三。
我需要做的是找到一种方法能够以任何顺序迭代JSON(排序与否)并能够将“1”与“Tri 1”,“3”与“Tri 3”排成一行“和”5“与”Orb Fah“。但我找不到任何与返回的JSON交互的方法,它允许我引用第三个灯并返回它的名字。我似乎能够做到的唯一方法是对光索引进行硬编码,例如:
log |name| of |1| of theReturn
log |name| of |2| of theReturn
log |name| of |3| of theReturn
log |name| of |4| of theReturn
log |name| of |5| of theReturn
(*Tri 1*)
(*Tri 2*)
(*Tri 3*)
(*Orb Dave*)
(*Orb Fah*)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
您正在处理此处的记录列表,而不是列表列表。记录是键/值对。它们没有列表之类的索引。如果你知道钥匙就很容易,因为你只需要一个你想要的钥匙。并且您的记录中包含记录,因此您有2层记录。因此,如果您想要| name |的值记录对应于| 3 |记录,然后你发现了......
set jsonRecord to {|3|:{|name|:"Tri 3"}, |1|:{|name|:"Tri 1"}, |4|:{|name|:"Orb Dave"}, |2|:{|name|:"Tri 2"}, |5|:{|name|:"Orb Fah"}}
set record3name to |name| of |3| of jsonRecord
如果您不提前知道密钥,那么您可以使用JSON Helper以不同的形式提供结果,或使用不同的编程语言(python,ruby等)从记录中提取信息
另一个选择是在不使用JSON Helper的情况下使用json文本。例如,如果您将json作为文本,那么您可以使用标准的AppleScript命令为文本对象提取信息。你的json文本在第3行,6日,9日等都有你想要的信息。你可以利用它来做你的优势并做这样的事情......
set jsonText to "{
\"1\": {
\"name\": \"Tri 1\"
\"2\": {
\"name\": \"Tri 2\"
\"3\": {
\"name\": \"Tri 3\"
\"4\": {
\"name\": \"Orb Dave\"
\"5\": {
\"name\": \"Orb Fah\"
set jsonList to paragraphs of jsonText
set namesList to {}
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ": \""
repeat with i from 3 to count of jsonList by 3
set theseItems to text items of (item i of jsonList)
set end of namesList to text 1 through -2 of (item 2 of theseItems)
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return namesList
答案 1 :(得分:2)
tell application "System Events"
-- Convert the JSON file to a property list using plutil.
do shell script "plutil -convert xml1 /Users/mxn/Desktop/tri.json -o /Users/mxn/Desktop/tri.plist"
-- Read in the plist
set theItems to every property list item of property list file "/Users/mxn/Desktop/tri.plist"
set theLights to {}
-- Iterate once per item in the plist.
repeat with i from 1 to count of theItems
set theName to i as text
-- Find the item whose name is the current index.
repeat with theItem in theItems
if theItem's name is theName then
-- We found it, so add it to the results.
set theValue to theItem's value
copy {i, theValue's |name|} to the end of theLights
-- Move on to the next index.
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end repeat
return theLights
end tell
{{1, "Tri 1"}, {2, "Tri 2"}, {3, "Tri 3"}, {4, "Orb Dave"}, {5, "Orb Fah"}}
,而不是嵌套循环set theName to i as text
set theItem to (the first item in theItems whose name is theName)
此解决方案还演示了JSON Helper的替代方法:您可以使用方便的plutil