VBA访问 - 多个表按日期计算

时间:2013-07-12 21:07:16

标签: ms-access access-vba

我们想从具有多个表的Access数据库中计算 - 大约50个。

我们需要从每个表中的1列计算'QCPASS'这是一个复选框 - 如果通过该框的产品被检查是否失败然后没有。我们需要对EACH表进行计数,同时允许用户从每个表中存在的日期列指定日期范围。



SELECT "Table1" , Count('qcpass') AS column 
FROM 5000028 
GROUP BY [5000028].qcpass
SELECT "Table2",count('qcpass')
FROM 5000029 
Group By [5000029].qcpass;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


警告: TableDefs集合具有Access数据库系统表,因此您需要跳过此表。我建议你的方法是检查一个特定的表名前缀(在下面的代码中注明)。

public sub createMyBigUnionQuery()
dim db as DAO.database(), tbl as DAO.tableDef
dim strSQL as string, i as integer
set db = currentdb()
i = 1
for each tbl in db.TableDefs
    if left(tbl.name, 1) = "5" then ' Check for a table name prefix
        if i = 1 then
            ' The final spaces are important
            strSQL = "select '" & tbl.Name & "' as table, count(qcpass) as column " & _
                     "from [" & tbl.Name & "] " & _
                     "group by qcpass "
            ' The final spaces are important
            strSQL = strSQL & " union all " & _
                     "select '" & tbl.Name & "' as table, count(qcpass) as column " & _
                     "from [" & tbl.Name & "] " & _
                     "group by qcpass "
        end if
        i = i + 1
    end if
next tbl
db.createQueryDef "qryYourFinalQuery", strSQL
exit sub




  1. 在过程
  2. 创建的每个where上包含select条件
  3. 在查询中包含日期字段并按其分组,并创建第二个查询以从创建的查询中过滤所需的数据。
  4. 我个人会选择选项1,这是一个示例代码:

    public sub createMyBigUnionQueryWithDates(d0 as date, d1 as date)
    dim db as DAO.database(), tbl as DAO.tableDef
    dim strSQL as string, i as integer
    set db = currentdb()
    i = 1
    for each tbl in db.TableDefs
        if left(tbl.name, 1) = "5" then ' Check for a table name prefix
            if i = 1 then
                ' The final spaces are important
                strSQL = "select '" & tbl.Name & "' as table, count(qcpass) as column " & _
                         "from [" & tbl.Name & "] " & _
                         "where rowDate between " & cDbl(d0) & " and " &cDbl(d1) & " " & _
                         "group by qcpass "
                ' The final spaces are important
                strSQL = strSQL & " union all " & _
                         "select '" & tbl.Name & "' as table, count(qcpass) as column " & _
                         "from [" & tbl.Name & "] " & _
                         "where rowDate between " & cDbl(d0) & " and " &cDbl(d1) & " " & _
                         "group by qcpass "
            end if
            i = i + 1
        end if
    next tbl
    db.createQueryDef "qryYourOtherFinalQuery", strSQL
    exit sub

    我使用cDbl(d0)的原因是因为访问日期对区域设置很敏感,而且我遇到了很多麻烦。 Access(以及许多其他Microsoft产品)将日期存储为浮点数(整数部分是日期,小数部分是时间)。


    "where rowDate >= " & cDbl(d0) & " and rowDate < " & cDbl(d1 + 1)"