
时间:2013-07-11 03:45:30

标签: c string int arrays


in (int) | out (char *)
0        | ""
1        | "a"
2        | "b"
3        | "c"
4        | "aa"
5        | "ab"
6        | "ac"
7        | "ba"
8        | "bb"


当您仅使用len = floor(log2(in + 1))a时,我发现字符串的长度与输入(b之间存在关联:

in (int) | floor(log2(in + 1)) | out (char *)
0        | 0                   | ""
1        | 1                   | "a"
2        | 1                   | "b"
3        | 2                   | "aa"
4        | 2                   | "ab"
5        | 2                   | "ba"
6        | 2                   | "bb"
7        | 3                   | "aaa"
8        | 3                   | "aab"


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

这与Calc cell convertor in C有关但明显不同。这段代码很快就来自该代码:

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

/* These declarations should be in a header */
extern char     *b3_row_encode(unsigned row, char *buffer);
extern unsigned  b3_row_decode(const char *buffer);

static char *b3_encode(unsigned row, char *buffer)
    unsigned div = row / 3;
    unsigned rem = row % 3;
    if (div > 0)
        buffer = b3_encode(div-1, buffer);
    *buffer++ = rem + 'a';
    *buffer = '\0';
    return buffer;

char *b3_row_encode(unsigned row, char *buffer)
    if (row == 0)
        *buffer = '\0';
        return buffer;
    return(b3_encode(row-1, buffer));

unsigned b3_row_decode(const char *code)
    unsigned char c;
    unsigned r = 0;
    while ((c = *code++) != '\0')
        if (!isalpha(c))
        c = tolower(c);
        r = r * 3 + c - 'a' + 1;
    return r;

#ifdef TEST

static const struct
    unsigned col;
    char     cell[10];
} tests[] =
    {    0,      "" },
    {    1,     "a" },
    {    2,     "b" },
    {    3,     "c" },
    {    4,    "aa" },
    {    5,    "ab" },
    {    6,    "ac" },
    {    7,    "ba" },
    {    8,    "bb" },
    {    9,    "bc" },
    {   10,    "ca" },
    {   11,    "cb" },
    {   12,    "cc" },
    {   13,   "aaa" },
    {   14,   "aab" },
    {   16,   "aba" },
    {   22,   "baa" },
    {  169, "abcba" },
enum { NUM_TESTS = sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0]) };

int main(void)
    int pass = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTS; i++)
        char buffer[32];
        b3_row_encode(tests[i].col, buffer);
        unsigned n = b3_row_decode(buffer);
        const char *pf = "FAIL";

        if (strcmp(tests[i].cell, buffer) == 0 && n == tests[i].col)
            pf = "PASS";
        printf("%s: Col %3u, Cell (wanted: %-8s vs actual: %-8s) Col = %3u\n",
               pf, tests[i].col, tests[i].cell, buffer, n);

    if (pass == NUM_TESTS)
        printf("== PASS == %d tests OK\n", pass);
        printf("!! FAIL !! %d out of %d failed\n", (NUM_TESTS - pass), NUM_TESTS);

    return (pass == NUM_TESTS) ? 0 : 1;

#endif /* TEST */



PASS: Col   0, Cell (wanted:          vs actual:         ) Col =   0
PASS: Col   1, Cell (wanted: a        vs actual: a       ) Col =   1
PASS: Col   2, Cell (wanted: b        vs actual: b       ) Col =   2
PASS: Col   3, Cell (wanted: c        vs actual: c       ) Col =   3
PASS: Col   4, Cell (wanted: aa       vs actual: aa      ) Col =   4
PASS: Col   5, Cell (wanted: ab       vs actual: ab      ) Col =   5
PASS: Col   6, Cell (wanted: ac       vs actual: ac      ) Col =   6
PASS: Col   7, Cell (wanted: ba       vs actual: ba      ) Col =   7
PASS: Col   8, Cell (wanted: bb       vs actual: bb      ) Col =   8
PASS: Col   9, Cell (wanted: bc       vs actual: bc      ) Col =   9
PASS: Col  10, Cell (wanted: ca       vs actual: ca      ) Col =  10
PASS: Col  11, Cell (wanted: cb       vs actual: cb      ) Col =  11
PASS: Col  12, Cell (wanted: cc       vs actual: cc      ) Col =  12
PASS: Col  13, Cell (wanted: aaa      vs actual: aaa     ) Col =  13
PASS: Col  14, Cell (wanted: aab      vs actual: aab     ) Col =  14
PASS: Col  16, Cell (wanted: aba      vs actual: aba     ) Col =  16
PASS: Col  22, Cell (wanted: baa      vs actual: baa     ) Col =  22
PASS: Col 169, Cell (wanted: abcba    vs actual: abcba   ) Col = 169
== PASS == 18 tests OK

答案 1 :(得分:1)


给出等级的位数是floor(log3(2n+1)),每个序列的第一个等级是(3**d-1)/2。所以序列中的第10000个有9个数字;第一个9位数序列(“aaaaaaaa”)是数字9841. 10000-9841是159,基数3是12220,所以第10000个序列是“aaaabccca”。

答案 2 :(得分:1)


string Convert(int input)
    char[] chars = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };

    string s = string.Empty;
    while (input > 0)
        int digit = (input - 1) % chars.Length;
        s = s.Insert(0, chars[digit].ToString());

        input = (input-1) / chars.Length;

    return s;


char* Convert(int input)
    char* chars = "abc";
    char result[50] = "";
    int numChars = strlen(chars);
    int place = 0;

    // Generate the result string digit by digit from the least significant digit
    // The string generated by this is in reverse
    while(input > 0)
        int digit = (input - 1) % numChars;

        result[place] = chars[digit];

        input = (input-1) / numChars; 

    // Fix the result string by reversing it
    place -= 1;
    char *reversedResult = malloc(strlen(result));
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i <= place; i++)
        reversedResult[i] = result[place-i];
    reversedResult[i] = '\0';

    return reversedResult;

答案 3 :(得分:0)

是不是简单地a = 1,b = 2,c = 3,乘以3 ^ n,其中n是字符串中的位置?这似乎是一个有点奇怪的三元定义。无论空字符串有多长,空字符串都是等效的,因为除了a,b和c之外的任何内容都会对输出值贡献0。

此外,您问题中的两个表格似乎有冲突。在第一个表中,5 - &gt; “ab”而在第二表5中 - &gt; “AB”。这是故意的吗?如果是这样,那么这个功能并不是一对一的,你的问题就更加模糊了。