
时间:2013-07-08 20:46:03

标签: sql database postgresql email




select count (*) from subscriber_db
WHERE (emailaddress_status = 'VALID' OR emailaddress_status IS NULL)
AND newsletter_status = 'Y'
and unsub = 'N' and newsletter_datejoined >= '2013-01-01';



enter image description here


我正在运行PostgreSQL 9.2.3。


这是我对于序数位置{column>,char_limit和is_nullable'的无效table definition

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


24  ***_status  text        YES
25  ***_status  text        YES
26  ***_status  text        YES
27  ***_status  text        YES
28  ***_status  text        YES
29  ***_status  text        YES


需要阅读有关data normalization的内容,否则您将遇到一个问题,该问题会持续增长,直至您点击PostgreSQL's row-size limit

由于每个感兴趣的项目都在不同的列中,因此使用现有模式解决此问题的唯一方法是使用PL / PgSQL EXECUTE format(...) USING ...编写动态SQL。您可能只会将此视为临时选项,但它有点像使用打桩机将方柱塞入圆孔中,因为锤子不够大。


我不打算写一个例子,因为(a)这是一家电子邮件营销公司,(b)"混淆"架构完全无法用于任何类型的测试而无需重写大量的手动工作。 (将来,请为您的虚拟数据提供CREATE TABLEINSERT语句,或者更好的是http://sqlfiddle.com/)。您将在PL / PgSQL中找到许多动态SQL的示例 - 以及如何通过正确使用format来避免产生SQL注入风险的警告 - 快速搜索Stack Overflow。我过去写过一堆。

,为了您的理智以及其他任何人需要在此系统上工作的理智,normalize your schema

您可以通过规范化表格create a view来呈现旧结构,从而为您提供适应应用程序的时间。通过更多工作,您甚至可以定义DO INSTEAD视图触发器(较新的Pg版本)或RULE(较旧的Pg版本)以使视图可更新和可插入,因此您的应用甚至无法实现告诉我发生了任何变化 - 尽管这会带来性能成本,因此如果可能的话,最好调整应用程序。


CREATE TABLE subscriber (
    id serial primary key,
    email_address text not null,
    -- please read http://www.kalzumeus.com/2010/06/17/falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-names/
    -- for why I merged "fname" and "lname" into one field:
    realname text,
    -- Store birth month/year as a "date" with a "CHECK" constraint forcing it to be the 1st day
    -- of the month. Much easier to work with.
    birthmonth date,
    CONSTRAINT birthmonth_must_be_day_1 CHECK ( extract(day from birthmonth) = 1),
    postcode text,
    -- Congratulations! You made "gender" a "text" field to start with, you avoided
    -- one of the most common mistakes in schema design, the boolean/binary gender
    -- field!
    gender text,
    -- What's MSO? Should have a COMMENT ON...
    mso text,
    source text,
    -- Maintain these with a trigger. If you want modified to update when any child record
    -- changes you can do that with triggers on subscription and reducedfreq_subscription.
    created_on timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
    last_modified timestamp not null,
    -- Use the native PostgreSQL UUID type, after running CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";
    uuid uuid not null,
    uuid2 uuid not null,
    brand text,

    -- etc etc

CREATE TABLE reducedfreq_subscription (
    id serial primary key,
    subscriber_id integer not null references subscriber(id),
    -- Suspect this was just a boolean stored as text in your schema, in which case
    -- delete it.
    reducedfreqsub text,
    reducedfreqpref text,
    -- plural, might be a comma list? Should be in sub-table ("join table")
    -- if so, but without sample data can only guess.
    reducedfreqtopics text,
    -- date can be NOT NULL since the row won't exist unless they joined
    reducedfreq_datejoined date not null,
    reducedfreq_dateunsub date

CREATE TABLE subscription (
    id serial primary key,
    subscriber_id integer not null references subscriber(id),
    sub_name text not null,
    status text not null,
    datejoined date not null,
    dateunsub date

CREATE TABLE subscriber_activity (
    last_click  timestamptz,
    last_open   timestamptz,
    last_hardbounce timestamptz,
    last_softbounce timestamptz,
    last_successful_mailing timestamptz

答案 1 :(得分:0)

称它为“恐怖”,表明你很有机智和善意。谢谢。 :)我最近才继承这个架构(最初由StrongMail的人员创建)。

我今年的路线图上有一个完整的关系数据库重新建立项目 - 样本规范化非常符合我的工作。关于realname的非常有趣的见解,我没有真正想过这个。我认为StrongMail打破它的唯一原因是名字电子邮件个性化。


我正在为此创造一个小提琴 - 我是新来的,所以今后我会更加注意你们需要帮助的人。谢谢!