
时间:2013-07-08 07:07:51

标签: scala

我正在尝试为以下情况编写“更好”(更惯用?)Scala代码: 我有一组类,这些类将由属于一组并行参考案例类的引用字段标识,如下所示:

abstract sealed class Ref(value: String)

case class ARef(value: String) extends Ref(value)
case class BRef(value: String) extends Ref(value)
case class CRef(value: String) extends Ref(value)

trait Referenced {
  type refType <: Ref
  val ref: refType

trait A extends Referenced { type refType = ARef }
trait B extends Referenced { type refType = BRef }
trait C extends Referenced { type refType = CRef }


val aRef = ARef("my A ref")


val myA: Option[A] = context.get[A](aRef)


trait Context {

  // ... other stuff ...

  protected val aList: List[A]
  protected val bList: List[B]
  protected val cList: List[C]

  def get[R <: Referenced](ref: R#refType): Option[R] = {
    val result = ref match {
      case aRef: ARef => aList.find(_.ref == aRef)
      case bRef: BRef => bList.find(_.ref == bRef)
      case cRef: CRef => cList.find(_.ref == cRef)
      case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Ref type for retrieval: "+ref)


请注意,由于其他原因,我到目前为止选择使用抽象类型而不是参数类型(trait A extends Referenced[ARef]样式),但如果原因足够引人注意,可能会改变它。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)

在这种情况下,没有铸造所需的机器真的不是那么重......这只是functional dependency的另一个例子。

在下文中,我们依赖类型Ref被密封的事实,以便我们可以简单地枚举替代方案。您的RefReference层次结构保持不变,我们添加关系类型Rel以表示两者之间的类型级别对应关系,并进行适当的值级别选择,< / p>

trait Rel[Ref, T] {
  def lookup(as: List[A], bs: List[B], cs: List[C])(ref: Ref) : Option[T]

object Rel {
  implicit val relA = new Rel[ARef, A] {
    def lookup(as: List[A], bs: List[B], cs: List[C])(ref: ARef) : Option[A] =
      as.find(_.ref == ref)
  implicit val relB = new Rel[BRef, B] {
    def lookup(as: List[A], bs: List[B], cs: List[C])(ref: BRef) : Option[B] =
      bs.find(_.ref == ref)
  implicit val relC = new Rel[CRef, C] {
    def lookup(as: List[A], bs: List[B], cs: List[C])(ref: CRef) : Option[C] =
      cs.find(_.ref == ref)


trait Context {

  // ... other stuff ...

  protected val aList: List[A] = ???
  protected val bList: List[B] = ???
  protected val cList: List[C] = ???

  def get[R <: Ref, T](ref: R)(implicit rel: Rel[R, T]): Option[T] =
    rel.lookup(aList, bList, cList)(ref)


object Test {
  def typed[T](t: => T) {}     // For pedagogic purposes only

  val context = new Context {}

  val aRef = ARef("my A ref")
  val myA = context.get(aRef)
  typed[Option[A]](myA)        // Optional: verify inferred type of myA

  val bRef = BRef("my B ref")
  val myB = context.get(bRef)
  typed[Option[B]](myB)        // Optional: verify inferred type of myB

  val cRef = CRef("my C ref")
  val myC = context.get(cRef)
  typed[Option[C]](myC)        // Optional: verify inferred type of myC


答案 1 :(得分:0)


trait Context {

  // ... other stuff ...

  protected val aList: List[A]
  protected val bList: List[B]
  protected val cList: List[C]

  def get[R <: Referenced](ref: R#refType): Option[R] = {
    val result = ref match {
      case aRef: ARef => aList.find(_.ref == aRef)
      case bRef: BRef => bList.find(_.ref == bRef)
      case cRef: CRef => cList.find(_.ref == cRef)
      case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Ref type for retrieval: "+ref)