Wanderlust / Emacs - 过滤器 - 字符串格式/自:X#ofDays /%收件箱

时间:2013-07-08 00:20:20

标签: emacs imap

我能够找到以下两个字符串/since:...的工作示例,以便在Wanderlust(.folders)中配置一些文件夹过滤器,但我找不到任何定义设定天数的内容 - 例如,/since:last-7-days/$inbox/from:2012-01-01-to-2012-12-31/%inbox

我的网站提供商(liquidweb)的支持团队不知道 - 显然他们在面对这样的情况时也会使用谷歌搜索。我认为必须有一种方法来进一步定义过滤器。任何帮助将不胜感激。我在Google上发现了一些东西(不是 Wanderlust),它使用了类似的东西 - 它没有给我任何错误消息,但过滤后的文件夹中没有显示电子邮件:/date:today..now/...和{{ 1}}。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Filter Folder

A folder to access virtual folder which collects all messages that satisfy a condition.


`/' condition `/' target-folder

In the condition part, you can specify following.

    Partial filter: `first:number', `last:number' first: number messages are picked from top of folder. last: number messages are picked from bottom of folder. Example:

    /last:10/-fj.os.linux -> Latest 10 messages from -fj.os.linux are picked.
    /first:20/%inbox      -> First 20 messages from %inbox are picked.

    Date filter: `since:date', `before:date' since: only messages arrived since date are picked. before: only messages arrived before date are picked. You can specify following as date.

    yesterday ->  a day before today.
    lastweek  ->  same day of last week.
    lastmonth ->  same day of last month.
    lastyear  ->  same day of last year.
    numberdaysago -> number days ago. (e.x. '3daysago')
    day-month-year -> specify date directly (ex. 1-Nov-1998)


    /since:3daysago/+inbox -> messages arrived since 3 days ago in +inbox
                              are picked.
    /before:yesterday/+inbox -> messages arrived before yesterday in +inbox
                              are picked.

    Field filter: `field:value' All messages that have field and its value is value are picked. field and value are case insensitive. Example:

    /from:teranisi/+inbox -> In +inbox, messages which have From: field
                             and its value includes "teranisi" string are picked.
    /body:foo/%inbox      -> In %inbox, messages which have "foo" text
                             are picked.

    Compound condition If you combine conditions by character `|', it is considered as OR condition. `&' is considered as AND condition, likewise. Condition can be grouped by parentheses (`(', and `)'). `/tocc:xxxx/' is an abbreviation of `/to:xxxx|cc:xxxx/'. `/!tocc:xxxx/' is an abbreviation of `/!to:xxxx&!cc:xxxx/'. Example:

                          -> In +inbox, messages are picked if the message's
                             From: field includes "teranisi" and
                             To: field doesn't include "teranisi".

    /tocc:"Yuuichi Teranishi"/+inbox
                          -> In +inbox, messages are picked if the
                             message's To: field or Cc: field includes
                             "Yuuichi Teranishi".

                          -> In +inbox, messages are picked if the message's
                             From: field includes "yt" or "teranisi", and
                            Subject includes "report".

Tip for string description:

Space character, `"', `/',`)',`|' and `&' should be enclosed with `"' in value string. (`"' should be escaped with `\' in it). You can enclose the string with `"' even it does not contain these characters.

Advanced example:

       -> Messages in %inbox or
          message is in the %inbox@server folder and it's From field
          includes "teranisi" are collected.

       -> Latest 100 messages which is in the +inbox or %inbox folder
          and To: field matches "teranisi".

       -> Pick messages which have From: field and it includes "hogehoge"
          from latest 20 messages in the %#mh/inbox@localhost
          and To: or Cc: field includes "teranisi".