Sub ChangePCase()
rownum = 2
colnum = 1
ActiveSheet.Range("a2", ActiveSheet.Range("a2").End(xlDown)).Select
For Each Cell In Selection
mystr = Cells(rownum, colnum).value
Text = WorksheetFunction.Proper(mystr)
Cells(rownum, colnum + 1) = Text
rownum = rownum + 1
End Sub
Sub Propername()
rownum = 2
colnum = 1
ActiveSheet.Range("a2", ActiveSheet.Range("a2").End(xlDown)).Select
For Each Cell In Selection
Text = Trim(StrConv(Cells(rownum, colnum).value, vbProperCase))
Cells(rownum, colnum + 1) = Text
rownum = rownum + 1
End Sub
第二和第三个角色不是资本,而6 p的快乐也不是资本。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
更新:我添加了修补程序以解决Proper case function and apostrophes 的限制
Sub NotScared_butConfused()
Dim objRegex As Object
Dim objRegMC As Object
Dim objRegM As Object
Dim X
Dim lngCnt As Long
X = Range([a2], Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With objRegex
.Pattern = "([\_\-\$;:\s])+([a-z])"
.Global = True
For lngCnt = 1 To UBound(X)
X(lngCnt, 1) = Application.Proper(LCase$(X(lngCnt, 1)))
If .test(X(lngCnt, 1)) Then
Set objRegMC = .Execute(X(lngCnt, 1))
For Each regm In objRegMC
Mid$(X(lngCnt, 1), regm.firstindex + 2, 1) = UCase$(regm.submatches(1))
End If
With Application
X(lngCnt, 1) = .Substitute(.Proper(.Substitute(X(lngCnt, 1), "'", "zyx")), "zyx", "'")
End With
End With
If lngCnt > 1 Then [b2].Resize(UBound(X), 1) = X
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:0)
=proper("If you don't Need It")
"If You Don'T Need It"
Sub Propername()
rownum = 2
colnum = 1
ActiveSheet.Range("a2", ActiveSheet.Range("a2").End(xlDown)).Select
For Each Cell In Selection
FullName = Cells(rownum, colnum).value
'capitalize the first letter after _.
For i = 1 To Len(FullName)
pos = InStr(1, FullName, "_", vbTextCompare)
If pos > 1 Then
text1 = Trim(StrConv(Mid(FullName, 1, pos), vbProperCase))
text2 = Trim(StrConv(Mid(FullName, pos + 1, 999), vbProperCase))
Cells(rownum, colnum + 1) = text1 & text2
cont = 1
If InStr(1, text2, "_") Then
pos1 = InStr(1, text2, "_")
text3 = Trim(StrConv(Mid(text2, 1, pos1), vbProperCase))
text4 = Trim(StrConv(Mid(text2, pos1 + 1, 999), vbProperCase))
Cells(rownum, colnum + 1) = text1 & text3 & text4
End If
End If
If pos = 0 Or InStr(1, text2, "_") = False Then cont = 0: Exit For Next
'capitalize the second letter as capital if first letter is a digit or some special character in string
Select Case Left(Cells(rownum, colnum).value, 1)
Case "_", "#", "$", "-", "'", ";", ":"
Text0 = Mid(FullName, 1, 1)
text1 = StrConv(Mid(FullName, 2, 1), vbProperCase)
text2 = Trim(StrConv(Mid(FullName, 3, 999), vbLowerCase))
Cells(rownum, colnum + 1) = Text0 & text1 & text2
Case 0 To 9
Text0 = Mid(FullName, 1, 1)
text1 = StrConv(Mid(FullName, 2, 1), vbProperCase)
text2 = Trim(StrConv(Mid(FullName, 3, 999), vbLowerCase))
Cells(rownum, colnum + 1) = Text0 & text1 & text2
Case Else
If cont <> 0 Then
Text = Trim(StrConv(FullName, vbProperCase))
Cells(rownum, colnum + 1) = Text
End If
End Select
rownum = rownum + 1
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Function mySC(txt, how) As String 'ST = string convert
'vbUpperCase 1 Converts the string to all uppercase.
'vbLowerCase 2 Converts the string to all lowercase.
'vbProperCase 3 Converts the first letter to every word to uppercase. All other characters are left as lowercase.
'vbUnicode 64 Converts the string to Unicode.
'vbFromUnicode 128 Converts the string from Unicode to the default code page of the system.
mySC = StrConv(txt, how)
End Function