Django REST框架根据使用浏览器或python的着名Requests库返回不同的http状态代码

时间:2013-07-07 06:02:04

标签: django rest django-rest-framework

我使用Django REST框架的RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView发出DELETE请求。
如果对象存在,则响应代码应为204“无内容”。 如果我再次发出DELETE请求,则响应代码应为404。




        #create a role, then delete it
        #response = self.test_POST_role()
        #print 'response in json of the test_role_POST() is %s : ' % response.json()
        url = ''
        payload = {
            "name": "test",
            "description": "someone who tests"
        headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
        response =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
        responseDict = response.json()
        newly_created_role_id = responseDict['id']
        print 'newly created role id is: %s ' % newly_created_role_id

        #delete this newly created role
        url = '' + str(newly_created_role_id)
        print 'going to delete using this url: %s ' % url
        #headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
        delete_response = requests.delete(url)
        print 'delete_response text delete is : %s' % delete_response.text
        print 'delete_response code after first delete is is: %d' % delete_response.status_code
#         self.assertEquals(delete_response.status_code, 200)#should be 204 no content, but who knows why???
        #delete again, and get a 404 not found
        delete_response = requests.delete(url) 
        #should be 404 no content b/c you just deleted twice, obj should not be there!
        print 'delete_response code after second delete is: %d' % delete_response.status_code
#         self.assertEquals(delete_response.status_code, 404)
        print 'delete_response code after third delete is: %d' % delete_response.status_code
        self.assertEquals(delete_response.status_code, 404)

* *上述单元测试中的所有status_codes为200 *


.newly created role id is: 59
going to delete using this url:
delete_response text delete is : {"id": 59, "name": "test", "description": "someone who tests"}
delete_response code after first delete is is: 200
delete_response code after second delete is: 200
delete_response code after third delete is: 200
F.{"id": 60, "name": "test", "description": "someone who tests"}

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