Google Maps V3中的Elabel未定义错误

时间:2013-07-04 04:45:05

标签: javascript google-maps google-maps-api-3 google-maps-api-2

我一直在移植一个从V2到V3的脚本,我遇到了麻烦。我得到了一个Elabel未定义的错误但我不确定为什么我得到这个。我已将Elabel.js更新为V3,这是... ELABLE.JS我不确定这不是ELabel.js的好副本或者是什么。我尝试了几个不同的其他副本但没有成功。










1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



这取代了各种其他内联脚本。文档正文中唯一剩下的脚本应该是google analytics(2个脚本)和StatCounter(1个脚本)。不应删除任何外部脚本。

var map;

jQuery(function($) {
    var llCenter = new google.maps.LatLng(32.8297,-96.6486);
    var URLToKML = '';
    var Sec2Update = 30;
    var KMLdate = 1372820133;
    //var NSdate = 1372927434;
    var NSdate = 0; //Force KML file creation on first update
    var TZString = 'CDT';
    var TZOffset = -5;

    var nyLayer;
    var lcolor = 'white';//This defines the line color for the target circle

    //Check if user wants debug mode
    dbg = (gup('dbg')=='y') ? 'y' : 'n';
    var force = (gup('force')=='y') ? 'y' : 'n';  //Force updates regardless of NSStrikes.txt date

    var mapReady = false;

    function initialize() {
        var mapOptions = {
            center: llCenter,
            panControl: false,
            zoom: 6,
            mapTypeControl: true,
            mapTypeControlOptions: {
                style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU
            zoomControl: true,
            zoomControlOptions: {
                style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL,
                position: google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP
            mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID

        map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions);

        var radarOptions = {
            gmap: map,
            name: 'Radar',
            position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT,
            action: function(){
                if (map.overlayMapTypes.length==0) {
                    map.overlayMapTypes.push(null); // create empty overlay entry
                    map.overlayMapTypes.setAt("1", tileNEX);
                else {
        var radarButton = new buttonControl(radarOptions);
        tileNEX = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
            getTileUrl: function(tile, zoom) {
                return "" + zoom + "/" + tile.x + "/" + tile.y +".png?"+ (new Date()).getTime();
            tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
            opacity: 0.70,
            name: 'NEXRAD',
            isPng: true

        function MyLogoControl() {
            var logo = $('<img/>').attr('src', 'images/watermark_MW_GMap.png').css('cursor', 'pointer').get(0);
            google.maps.event.addDomListener(logo, 'click', function() {
                window.location = '';
            return logo;
        var logoControlDiv = $('<div/>').css('padding','5px').append(MyLogoControl()).get(0);
        logoControlDiv.index = 0; // used for ordering
        var nyLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(URLToKML + "?rand=" + (new Date()).valueOf(), {
            suppressInfoWindows: false,
            map: map,
            preserveViewport: true

        google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'idle', function() {
            //You can add circles, or change other parameters
            //radials should be set to true for the maximum distance if you want radials
            //doDrawCircle(circleUnits, center, circleRadius, lineColor, lineWidth, lineOpacity, fillColor, fillOpacity, opts, radials)
            doDrawCircle('MI', llCenter,  62, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
            doDrawCircle('MI', llCenter, 124, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
            doDrawCircle('MI', llCenter, 187, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
            doDrawCircle('MI', llCenter, 249, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
            doDrawCircle('MI', llCenter, 312, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
            doDrawCircle('MI', llCenter, 374, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
            //doDrawCircle('MI', llCenter, 374, lcolor, 1, .7, '#00FF00', 0, { clickable: false }, true);   // This would add the radials

            UpdateKML();//Get the first set of data

    //Function to draw circles
    function doDrawCircle(circleUnits, center, circleRadius, liColor, liWidth, liOpa, fillColor, fillOpa, opts, radials) {
        var polyLineOptions = {
            map: map,
            path: null,//added with jQuery.extend()
            strokeColor: liColor,
            strokeOpacity: liOpa,
            strokeWeight: liWidth
        var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
        var circlePoints = [];
        var d = circleRadius / ((circleUnits == 'KM') ? 6378.8 : 3963.189);
        var d2r = Math.PI/180;
        var lat1 = d2r *;//radians
        var lng1 = d2r * center.lng();//radians
        for (var a=0; a<361; a++ ) {
            var tc = d2r * a;
            var sin_lat1 = Math.sin(lat1),
                cos_lat1 = Math.cos(lat1),
                sin_d = Math.sin(d),
                cos_d = Math.cos(d),
                sin_tc = Math.sin(tc),
                cos_tc = Math.cos(tc);
            var y = Math.asin(sin_lat1 * cos_d + cos_lat1 * sin_d * cos_tc);
            var dlng = Math.atan2(sin_tc * sin_d * cos_lat1, cos_d - sin_lat1 * Math.sin(y));
            var x = ((lng1 - dlng + Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI)) - Math.PI ; // MOD function
            var point = new google.maps.LatLng(y/d2r, x/d2r);
            if(a==0) {
                var offset = new google.maps.Size((circleRadius < 100) ? -5 : -8, 0);
                //ELabel(map, point, html, classname, pixelOffset, percentOpacity, isFloatShadow, overlap);
                var label = new ELabel(map, point, circleRadius, "style1", offset, 100, false);
            if (radials && ((a==0) || (a==45) || (a==90) || (a==135) || (a==180) || (a==225) || (a==270) || (a==315))) {
                new google.maps.Polyline($.extend({}, polyLineOptions, {
                    path: [center, point]
        new google.maps.Polyline($.extend({}, polyLineOptions, {
            path: circlePoints
        map.fitBounds(bounds);//This sets the map bounds to be as big as the target circles, comment out if you don't want it

    //This function is called on page load to start the refresh of the strikes
    function cycle() {
        setInterval(CountDown, 1000);
    var intvl = Sec2Update;

    function CountDown() {
        intvl -= 1;
        if(intvl < 1) {
            intvl = Sec2Update;

    //This calls genkml.php on every refresh cycle to generate a new kml file
    function UpdateKML() {
            url: 'genkml.php',
            type: "GET",
            data: {
                force: force,
                ofd: KMLdate,
                nsd: NSdate, 
                dbg: dbg
            cache: false,
            dataType: '',//????
        }).done(function(resp, textStatus) {
            var $debugDiv = $("#div1");
            if (dbg == 'y') {//Check if we want debug info
                if (!$debugDiv.length) {//Check if debug div exists, if not add it to end of body
                    $debugDiv = $("<div/>").attr('id', 'div1').appendTo('body');
                var tmpresp = resp || ' ';
                $debugDiv.html('Response Status: ' + textStatus + '<br />' + tmpresp);
            } else {//Else empty the debug div
            var dates = resp.split("|")[0].split("~");
            KMLdate = dates[0];
            NSdate = dates[1];
            updateHTML(resp);//This calls the updateHTML function if info was returned

        if(map) {
            if(nyLayer) {
                map.removeOverlay(nyLayer); //Remove overlays

            //nyLayer = new KmlLayer(URLToKML + "?rand="+(new Date()).valueOf() );
            nyLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(URLToKML + "?rand=" + (new Date()).valueOf(), {
                suppressInfoWindows: false,
                map: map,
                preserveViewport: true
        // Time overlayed on map - could be in updateHTML() to just show when .kml read last
        $('#currenttime').innerHTML = CurrentTime ("B", "12a", true, TZOffset);

    function CurrentTime (type, hours, secs, ofs) {
        type (char)           hours (char)      secs (bool)     ofs (num)
        "U"-UTC               "24"=24 hr time   true=hh:mm:ss   0=hours from UTC
        "B"-User's Browser    "12"=12 hr time   false=hh:mm
        "S"-Web Site          "12a"=am/pm
        if (type  == null){ type  = "B"; }     // These are the defaults
        if (hours == null){ hours = "12a"; }
        if (secs  == null){ secs  = true; }
        if (ofs   == null){ ofs   = 0; }
        var currentHour = 0;
        var currentMinute = 0;
        var currentSecond = 0;
        var time = [];
        var currentDate = new Date();

        if (type == "U") {
            currentHour = currentDate.getUTCHours();// UTC
        } else if (type == "B") {
            currentHour = currentDate.getHours();// Viewer's time
        } else {
            currentHour = currentDate.getUTCHours() + ofs;// your local time
            if(currentHour < 0) { currentHour = currentHour + 24;}

        currentMinute = currentDate.getMinutes();
        currentMinute = (currentMinute < 10 ? "0" : "") + currentMinute;

        if (hours == "24") {
            if(currentHour == 24) { currentHour = 0 };// use if wanting 24 hour time
            currentHour = (currentHour < 10 ? "0" : "") + currentHour;
        } else if (hours == "12") {
            if(currentHour == 0) currentHour = 12;
            currentHour = (currentHour < 10 ? "0" : "") + currentHour;
        } else {
            if(currentHour == 0) currentHour = 12;// else no leading zero for am/pm

        time.push(currentHour, currentMinute);

        if (secs) {
            currentSecond = currentDate.getSeconds();
            currentSecond = (currentSecond < 10 ? "0" : "") + currentSecond;

        time = time.join(' : ');

        if(hours == "12a") {
            time = time + " " + (currentHour > 12 ? "PM" : "AM");
        return time;

    //This function is only used if you leave the debug checkbox below
    //  You can remove this function and the checkbox and set the debug
    //  mode using the dbg=y query parameter
    function debug(obj){
        if (obj.checked) {
            dbg = 'y';
        } else {
            dbg = 'n';
    //This function is only used if you leave the Force Update checkbox below
    //  You can remove this function and the checkbox and set the force
    //  mode using the force=y query parameter
    function forceupdate(obj) {
        force = (obj.checked) ? 'y' : 'n';
    //This function parses out the query parameter value
    function gup( name ) {
        name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
        var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)";
        var regex = new RegExp(regexS);
        var results = regex.exec(window.location.href);
        return results ? results[1] : "";
    You can add custom HTML code here and get access to the additional data that is returned everytime the page calls genkml.php.  
    In the example below, result is an array that holds 16 values (17, if in debug mode) with each of the values explained below.
    function updateHTML(resp) {
        var result = resp.split("|");
        if (result.length < 16) return;//Make sure there is data
        document.getElementById('q1').innerHTML = result[1];//Number of strikes in first quarter of diplay time
        document.getElementById('q2').innerHTML = result[2];//Number of strikes in second quarter of diplay time
        document.getElementById('q3').innerHTML = result[3];//Number of strikes in third quarter of diplay time
        document.getElementById('q4').innerHTML = result[4];//Number of strikes in fourth quarter of diplay time
        document.getElementById('numicp').innerHTML = result[6];//Number of IC+ strikes
        document.getElementById('numicn').innerHTML = result[5];//Number of IC- strikes
        document.getElementById('numcgp').innerHTML = result[7];//Number of CG+ strikes
        document.getElementById('numcgn').innerHTML = result[8];//Number of CG- strikes
        document.getElementById('ds').innerHTML = result[9];//Total displayed strikes
        document.getElementById('ta').innerHTML = result[10];//Total strikes in NSStrikes
        document.getElementById('dt').innerHTML = result[11];//Display time
        document.getElementById('numicpd').innerHTML = result[13];//Number of IC+ strikes
        document.getElementById('numicnd').innerHTML = result[12];//Number of IC- strikes
        document.getElementById('numcgpd').innerHTML = result[14];//Number of CG+ strikes
        document.getElementById('numcgnd').innerHTML = result[15];//Number of CG- strikes
        document.getElementById('tu').innerHTML = Date();//Number of CG- strikes
        document.getElementById('sec2up').innerHTML = Sec2Update;//Number of CG- strikes
        var dt = result[11] / 4;
        document.getElementById('q1t').innerHTML = [0, dt].split('-');//Set time frame headers
        document.getElementById('q2t').innerHTML = [dt, 2*dt].split('-');
        document.getElementById('q3t').innerHTML = [2*dt, 3*dt].split('-');
        document.getElementById('q4t').innerHTML = [3*dt, dt].split('-');

    //Onload event caller. Does not intefere with OnLoad event in Body tag.
    //Put this is after all functions to be called
    function addLoadEvent(func) {
        $(window).on('load', func);


<script type="text/javascript">
* Fading Scroller- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit Dynamic Drive at for full source code
* Wrapped as module by Beetroot-Beetroot
* Converted to use jQuery calls by Beetroot-Beetroot
* Note: The "proper" approach would be to use the 'color' jQuery plugin
var FADING_SCROLLER = (function($) {//Module patttern
    var delay = 5000; //set delay between message change (in miliseconds)
    var maxsteps = 10; //number of steps to take to change from start color to endcolor
    var stepdelay = 200; //time in miliseconds of a single step
    //**Note: maxsteps*stepdelay will be total time in miliseconds of fading effect
    var startcolor = [201,201,201]; //start color (red, green, blue)
    var endcolor = [0,0,0]; //end color (red, green, blue)
    var fadelinks = 1;  //should links inside scroller content also fade like text? 0 for no, 1 for yes.

    // *** No need to edit below this line ***
    var faderdelay = 0;
    var index = 0;

    function changecontent() {
        var $fscroller = $("#fscroller").css('color', "rgb(" + startcolor.join(', ') + ")");
        var $content = $fscroller.find(".NWSinfo div").hide().eq(index).show().end();
        if(fadelinks) linkcolorchange(1);
        colorfade(1, 15);
        index = (index + 1) % $content.length;

    function linkcolorchange(step) {
        $("#fscroller a").each(function() {
            $(this).css('color', getstepcolor(step));

    // Rafael Raposo edited function
    var fadecounter;
    function colorfade(step) {
        if(step<=maxsteps) {    
            $("#fscroller").css('color', getstepcolor(step));
            if (fadelinks)
            fadecounter = setTimeout(function() {
            }, stepdelay);
        } else {
            $("#fscroller").css('color', "rgb(" + endcolor.join(', ') + ")");
            setTimeout(changecontent, delay);
    //Rafael Raposo's new function
    function getstepcolor(step) {
      var diff, newcolor = [];
      for(var i=0; i<3; i++) {
        diff = startcolor[i] - endcolor[i];
        if(diff > 0) {
           newcolor[i] = startcolor[i] - (Math.round((diff/maxsteps)) * step);
        } else {
           newcolor[i] = startcolor[i] + (Math.round((Math.abs(diff)/maxsteps)) * step);
      return "rgb(" + newcolor.join(', ') + ")";

    // *** Expose public methods here ***
    return {
        changecontent: changecontent


您将看到我将主脚本包装在$(function(){...})结构中,将Fading Scroller脚本包装为模块。这样做是为了防止污染全局命名空间以及脚本之间污染的可能性。我将map留在全局命名空间中,以防任何其他脚本需要它。
