
时间:2013-07-03 21:59:58

标签: ruby macos


- 编辑(工作解决方案。需要ImageMagick和OSXUtils) *注意,对于我的应用程序,我打算设置文件夹图标。完全有可能这也适用于文件。

def set_icon image, folder

        # Convert to absolute paths and setup
        image = File.expand_path image
        folder = File.expand_path folder
        dim = 512
        thumb = folder + '/'+ 'thumb.png' # PNG supports transparency
        icon = folder + '/'+ 'icon.icns'

        # Convert original to thumbnail
        system "convert '#{ image }' -quiet -thumbnail '#{dim}x#{dim}>' \
          -background none -gravity center -extent #{dim}x#{dim} '#{ thumb }'"

        # Set icon format. Causes 'libpng warning: Ignoring attempt to set cHRM RGB triangle with zero area'
        system "sips -s format icns '#{ thumb }' --out '#{ icon }'"

        # Set the icon
        system "seticon -d '#{ icon }' '#{ folder }'"

        # Cleanup
        FileUtils.rm thumb
        FileUtils.rm icon

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require 'fileutils'
def set_icon image, folder

    # Convert to absolute paths and setup
    image = File.expand_path image
    folder = File.expand_path folder
    temp = File.join(folder, 'temp2' + File.extname(image))

    # Copy image
    FileUtils.cp(image, temp)

    # Take an image and make the image its own icon
    system "sips -Z 512 -i #{ temp }"

    # Extract the icon to its own resource file
    system "DeRez -only icns #{ temp } > tmpicns.rsrc"

    # Append a resource to the folder you want to icon-ize
    system "Rez tmpicns.rsrc -o $'#{ folder }/Icon\r'"

    # Use the resource to set the icon.
    system "SetFile -a C #{ folder }"



sips有这个选项,看起来很有希望,但在man page中没有很好地记录:

       Add a Finder icon to image file.

另外,Stack Overflow的兄弟网站“Ask Different”有“Why setting image as its own icon with sips result a blurred icon? Are there any alternatives?”,“How do I set an icon for a directory via the CLI?和”Changing a file or folder icon using the Terminal“,看起来很有用。