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在LiveCode 6中执行以下操作
例如,从该堆栈中获取的以下代码段连接到数据库 AppReg3.db 。如果数据库尚不存在,则创建该数据库。
# Connect button script
on mouseUp
global gConID
put revOpenDatabase("sqlite","AppReg3.db",,,,,,) into tConID
if tConID is "" then
answer warning "Problem creating or accessing database!"
answer information "AppReg Connected! Your connection ID is: " & tConID
put tConID into gConID
end if
end mouseUp
以下内容创建了一个表 Users
on mouseUp
global gConID
if gConID is "" then
answer information "No Database is Connected to, please go back 1 step and connect to the Database!"
exit mouseUp
end if
put "CREATE TABLE users(userID integer primary key, name text,email text,emailList boolean)" into tSQL
put revExecuteSQL(gConID,tSQL) into tTmp
handleRevDBerror tTmp
if the result is not empty then
answer warning the result
exit mouseUp
end if
answer information "Number of Tables Added: " & tTmp
end mouseUp