我使用的是摩托罗拉MC67(我不确定这件事,但它是一个便携式设备),我想写一个批处理脚本来移动文件。问题是我无法调用设备路径,因为它没有安装,我无法安装它。我无法在google上找到关于不是从Windows GUI访问设备的任何内容。我读到某处activeSync可以从便携式设备同步,但这对我没用。 无论如何,我再说一遍,我需要一种方法将文件从我的电脑移动到一个没有安装的便携式设备。安装设备的方法也很好,因为我可以从批处理文件
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首先,您需要下载Windows Mobile Developer Power Toys,因为它包含此解决方案所依赖的cecopy
cecopy file.exe dev:\file.exe
Usage: CeCopy [options] <Source_FileSpec> <Destination>
/is Copy file even if identical.
/s Include subdirectories, hierarchy reproduced on device.
Source_FileSpec File specification denoting the source of the copy.
Destination Where files should be copied to.
For the source, wild cards or directory names may be specified, as may be single files. The destination can be either a directory or a file name, depending on the type of source specified.
By default, an argument is assumed to live on a local file system. To indicate that either argument denotes a location on a device connected via ActiveSync, prepend 'dev:' to that argument. To articulate that a local file system is referenced, prepend 'desk:' to the argument.
"cecopy readme.txt dev:\readme.txt" copies this readme to the device's root.
"cecopy /s *.* dev:\" copies all files and subfolders of current directory to device's root. Generates new folders on device as needed.
"cecopy /s *.dll dev:\windows" copies all dlls and dlls in subfolders of current directory to the device's root. Generates new folders on device as needed.
答案 1 :(得分:3)
嗯,你不能 mount 设备本身,但你可以通过Windows Portable Devices api访问它。有一些应用程序示例here,但它们使用的是C ++。有一个scripting interface,但这似乎仅限于设备阶段的体验,而且似乎从Powershell中看不到。
答案 2 :(得分:1)