--Begin common table expression - determine fields being brought back CLD data
with rankedValues (ConfirmedAmount, AccountNumber, PortfolioName, RankNumber, ProposalStatusName, StatusChangeDate, Determination) as
SELECT cld.ConfirmedAmount as Confirmed_Amount, cld.ProposalId as AccCount, blu.PortfolioName,
-- Rank AND de-dupe
Rank() over (partition by cld.AccountReference order by cld.owedamountid desc) as RankNumber, Pstat.ProposalStatusName, pstat.StatusChangeDate, det.Determination
FROM [tixdata].[dbo].[CLD_201305] cld
left outer join dbo.tblBookLookup blu on cld.BrandName = blu.BookName
left outer join [tixdata].[dbo].[PD_201305] pstat on CLD.ProposalId = pstat.ProposalId
left outer join dbo.DeterminationDateLookup det on cld.BrandName = det.Brand
Where Cld.BrandName <> 'Sold/Putback'
and cld.CurrentVersion = 1
--Remove any BKX double-counting
AND (cld.AccountReference not in (select distinct AccountNumber from BKX_201305))
--Fuigure out what is actually !"Active"
Select RV.Range as [True Status], COUNT(AccountNumber) AccountCount, PortfolioName
into #rv2
From(Select Case
When ProposalStatusName = 'Active' and GETDATE() > Determination then 'Active'
When ProposalStatusName = 'Pending Chairmans' and GETDATE() > Determination then 'Active'
When ProposalStatusName = 'Pending Review' and GETDATE() > Determination then 'Active'
When ProposalStatusName = 'Broken' and GETDATE() > Determination and GETDATE() < StatusChangeDate then 'Active'
When ProposalStatusName = 'Closed' and GETDATE() > Determination and GETDATE() < StatusChangeDate then 'Active'
Else 'Not_Active'
End as range, ConfirmedAmount, AccountNumber, PortfolioName, ProposalStatusName,StatusChangeDate, Determination From rankedValues
where RankNumber = 1) RV
Group by RV.Range, PortfolioName
select * from #rv2 where [True Status] = 'Active'
drop table #rv2
True Status ¦ Account Count ¦ Portfolio Name
Active ¦ 10000 ¦ P1
Active ¦ 700 ¦ P2
Active ¦ 2000 ¦ P5
Month ¦P1 ¦ P2 ¦P3
Jan 2011
Feb 2011
Mar 2011
Jun 2013
答案 0 :(得分:1)
case when r.date < m.month then 'a' else 'b' end
from baseresults r
cross join months m
where m.month < GETDATE()