
时间:2013-06-25 14:17:15

标签: f# code-generation computation-expression

虽然我找到了一些关于如何使用f#计算表达式进行组合递归下降解析的示例,但我尝试将它们用于相反的方法。创建易于阅读的代码以从某些XML数据生成(c ++)源文件。然而,我被困住了,如果社区可以帮助我找到我的误解,我将不胜感激。为了公众利益,我希望很快这篇文章将展示如何通过f#计算表达式,monadic风格以酷炫的方式进行代码生成器。


// in my full fledged application, State type also contains the Input data, used for generating code.
type State() = 
    let builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
    let mutable indentLevel : int = 0
    member this.Result() = builder.ToString()
    member this.Emit (s : string) : unit = builder.Append( s )
    // ... Methods allowing to do the indenting right, using indentLevel. And adding Output to the builder instance.
    member this.Indent() = indentLevel <- indentLevel + 1
    member this.Exdent() = indentLevel <- indentLevel - 1
// The return value of the Formatters is State only to allow for |> pipelining.
type Formatter = State -> State
type FormatterBuilder() = 
    // Q: Bind() Kind of Looks wrong - should it be a generic, taking one generic first Parameter? See Class function below.
    member this.Bind (state,formatter) = formatter state
    member this.Return state = state              // Q: Not sure if this is the way to go. Maybe some Lambda here?!

let format = new FormatterBuilder()

// Q: Now Comes the part I am stuck in!
// I had the idea to have a "Block" function which 
// outputs the "{", increases the indent Level, 
// invokes the formatters for the Content of the block, 
// then reduces the indent Level, then Closes "}". 
// But I have no idea how to write this.
// Here my feeble attempt, not even sure which Parameters this function should take.
let rec Block (formatters : Formatter list) (state : State) : State =
            state.EmitLine("{") // do I Need a "do!" here?
            formatters |> List.iter (fun f -> do! f state) // Q: "state" is not really propagated. How to do this better?
            state.EmitLine "}"
// Functions with "Get" prefix are not shown here. They are supposed to get the Information
// from the Input, stored in State class, which is also not shown here.
let rec Namespace (state : State) : State =
             state.EmitLine(GetNameSpace state)
let rec Class (classNode : XmlNode) (state : State) : State =
             do! TemplateDecl classNode state   // TemplateDecl function not shown in sample code
             do! ClassDecl classNode state
             do! Block [ NestedTypes classNode; Variables classNode; // ... ] // just to give the idea. Q: the list seems wrong here - how to do it better? 
let GenerateCode() : string = 
     let state = new State()
             do! Namespace state    // Q: Is there a way to get rid of the passing of state here?
             do! Block 
                [   // Q: Maybe a Seq is better than a list here?
                 for c in State.Classes do // Q: requires override of a few functions in Builder class, I guess?!
                  do! Class c state


所以,如果有人找到时间发布一个真正的样本,这样做我的上面的乱码代码试图做的事情,那将是最有启发性的,填补了互联网上可以找到的关于此的差距(至少对我而言) )混乱的f#编程方面。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

好的,正如我在评论中提到的,这是一个功能风格的解决方案,我已经使用了一段时间并取得了很好的成功,虽然它不是纯粹 - 功能,它只是使用了一些简单的函数而不是计算表达式。

首先,代码:从我的 facio 存储库中抓取CodeGen.fs。如果您想了解我在实践中如何使用这些功能,请查看FSharpLex/Backend.Fslex.fsFSharpYacc/Backend.Fsyacc.fs


  • 我在IndentedTextWriter模块中定义的功能非常轻巧,(IMO)易于使用。如果您决定在自己的代码中使用我的函数,则可以放弃模块上的[<RequireQualifiedAccess>]属性或将其更改为[<AutoOpen>]以减少噪音。

  • 我没有实现一堆代码来管理缩进级别并将缩进字符串发送到底层StringBuilder,而是更喜欢使用System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter,因为它会为您处理所有这些,它也是TextWriter的一个实例,因此您可以将其与fprintffprintfn等函数一起使用。


  • IndentedTextWriter只包含TextWriter的另一个实例,因此您使用它编写的代码(例如,使用我在CodeGen.fs中的函数)与特定的“无关”目标”。换句话说,您可以轻松地修改它以写入StringBuilder(带有StringWriter),磁盘上的文件(带StreamWriter),依此类推。


let rec Block (formatters : Formatter list) (itw : IndentedTextWriter) =
    itw.WriteLine "{"
    IndentedTextWriter.indented itw <| fun itw ->
        formatters |> List.iter (fun fmtr -> fmtr itw)
    itw.WriteLine "}"

关于你的伪代码的另一个注意事项:因为你的格式化状态是可变的(在我的代码中是IndentedTextWriter),实际上没有必要传递你的函数 out - 也就是说,通常只需要创建函数,当这些状态由不可变对象/值表示时,返回状态值。

奇怪的是,当传递一个可变的作者(如我们的代码中)时,你实际上想要“读者”工作流程或它的一些变体。 ExtCoreExtCore.Control.Collections.Reader module中包含了List,Array等的“reader”式函数,您可以使用这些函数来进一步简化代码。