抛出未捕获的TypeError:对象#在chrome中没有方法'getHtml'。 但是,当我在Firefox上运行我的代码时,我得到了
TypeError: startNode.getFirst() is null
[Break On This Error]
...tartNode = startNode.getFirst().insertBeforeMe( range.document.createText( '' ) ...
使用firebug调试我发现我的代码在这里是ckeditor 5.3的内置函数
var getNativeListener = function( domObject, eventName )
return function( domEvent )
// In FF, when reloading the page with the editor focused, it may
// throw an error because the CKEDITOR global is not anymore
// available. So, we check it here first. (#2923)
if ( typeof CKEDITOR != 'undefined' )
domObject.fire( eventName, new CKEDITOR.dom.event( domEvent ) );