我在bas文件中有一个带有公共方法的Excel VBA加载项。此方法当前创建一个VB6 COM对象,该对象存在于正在运行的VB6 exe / vbp中。 VB6应用程序加载数据,然后Excel加载项方法可以调用VB6 COM对象上的方法将数据加载到现有的Excel xls中。这一切目前都在运作 我们已经将我们的VB6应用程序转换为C# 我的问题是:用C#/ .NET应用程序模仿这种行为的最佳/最简单方法是什么? 我想我可能无法从加载项方法将.NET应用程序中的数据拉入Excel,因为.Net应用程序需要在加载数据的情况下运行(因此不使用独立的C#类库) 。也许我们可以通过从C#代码访问VBA加载项方法将数据从.NET推送到Excel 以下是访问VB6应用程序的现有VBA方法:
Public Sub UpdateInDataFromApp()
Dim wkbInData As Workbook
Dim oFPW As Object
Dim nMaxCols As Integer
Dim nMaxRows As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim sName As String
Dim nCol As Integer
Dim nRow As Integer
Dim sheetCnt As Integer
Dim nDepth As Integer
Dim sPath As String
Dim vData As Variant
Dim SheetRange As Range
Set wkbInData = wkbOpen("InData.xls")
sPath = g_sPathXLSfiles & "\"
'Note: the following will bring up fpw app if not already running
Set oFPW = CreateObject("FPW.CProfilesData")
If oFPW Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Unable to reference " & sApp
sheetCnt = wkbInData.Sheets.Count 'get number of sheets in indata workbook
For j = 2 To sheetCnt 'set counter to loop over all sheets except the first one which is not input data fields
With wkbInData.Worksheets(j)
Set SheetRange = .UsedRange
End With
With SheetRange
nMaxRows = .Rows.Count 'get range of sheet(j)
nMaxCols = .Columns.Count 'get range of sheet(j)
Range(.Cells(2, 2), .Cells(nMaxRows, nMaxCols)).ClearContents 'Clears data from data range (51 Columns)
Range(.Cells(2, 2), .Cells(nMaxRows, nMaxCols)).ClearComments
End With
With oFPW 'vb6 object
For nRow = 2 To nMaxRows ' loop through rows
sName = SheetRange.Cells(nRow, 1) 'Field name
vData = .vntGetSymbol(sName, 0) 'Check if vb6 app identifies the name
nDepth = .GetInputTableDepth(sName) 'Get number of data items for this field name from vb6 app
nMaxCols = nDepth + 2 'nDepth=0, is single data item
For nCol = 2 To nMaxCols 'loop over deep screen fields
nDepth = nCol - 2 'current depth
vData = .vntGetSymbol(sName, nDepth) 'Get Data from vb6 app
If LenB(vData) > 0 And IsNumeric(vData) Then 'Check if data returned
SheetRange.Cells(nRow, nCol) = vData 'Poke the data in
SheetRange.Cells(nRow, nCol) = vData 'Poke a zero in
End If
Next 'nCol
Next 'nRow
End With
Set SheetRange = Nothing
Next 'j
End If
Set wkbInData = Nothing
Set oFPW = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub