select case vp.player_type when 'L' then lpm.last_name when 'C' then cpm.last_name end as last_name, case vp.player_type when 'L' then lpm.first_name when 'C' then cpm.first_name end as first_name, lag(ch.next_date) over(partition by ch.virtual_customer_id order by ch.end_date) as scheduled_date, ch.date_entered as start_com_date, ch.end_date as end_com_date, round(ch.date_entered - lag(ch.next_date) over(partition by ch.virtual_customer_id order by ch.end_date)) as date_dif, case when ch.date_entered - lag(ch.next_date) over(partition by ch.virtual_customer_id order by ch.end_date) > 45 then 'overdue' else null end as overdue, tt.tot_actualloss as lg_loss, stt.tot_actualloss as slot_loss, ch.response, to_char(ch.notes) as notes, casinocrm.main.getUserName(ch.user_id) as entered_by, ch.next_date as next_com_date, ch.id as communication_id, ch.virtual_customer_id from casinocrm.communication_history ch join casinocrm.virtual_player vp on vp.id = ch.virtual_customer_id left join logismos.player_master lpm on lpm.link_id = vp.player_id and vp.player_type = 'L' left join casinocrm.potential_player_master cpm on cpm.link_id = vp.player_id and vp.player_type = 'C' left join logismos.trak_totals tt on tt.memb_linkid = lpm.link_id left join logismos.trak_totals_sl stt on stt.memb_linkid = lpm.link_id where ch.date_entered between TO_DATE(:startdate,'DD/MM/YYY' ) and TO_DATE(:enddate,'DD/MM/YYY' )