
时间:2013-06-19 17:33:42

标签: r time-series

我正在尝试使用R包 solaR 来计算在水平面上测量的辐照度下倾斜平面上的辐照度。我可以让代码工作,但最终输出时间戳没有意义。

可以找到此代码的数据here。对于德克萨斯州奥斯汀来说,这是一天的测量辐照度(全局水平 - ghz,直接法线 - dir,漫反射水平 - dhz和室外温度)。时间戳是本地'CST6CDT'时间。数据是晴天,因此全球水平(ghz)的最大值应该与太阳正午(太阳穿过当地子午线的时间)大致相对应。



sol_data <- read.csv(file)

    # The data must be named a certain way.
names(sol_data) <- c('time', 'G0', 'B', 'D0', 'Ta')

    # The negatives are an artifact of the sensor and are set to 0.
sol_data$G0 <- ifelse(sol_data$G0 < 0, 0, sol_data$G0)
sol_data$B <- ifelse(sol_data$B < 0, 0, sol_data$B)
sol_data$D0 <- ifelse(sol_data$D0 < 0, 0, sol_data$D0)

# This calculates the beam incidence on the horizontal plane. 
sol_data$B0 <- sol_data$G0 - sol_data$D0
sol_data$B0 <- ifelse(sol_data$B0 < 0, 0, sol_data$B0)

    # This takes the data and assigns the timestamp to a certain format and timezone
idxLocal <- with(sol_data, as.POSIXct(time, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'CST6CDT'))
    # This converts the timestamp to solar time
idx <- local2Solar(idxLocal, lon = -97.7428)

    # Creates a zoo object needed to make the Meteo file for input
z <- zoo(sol_data[,c('G0', 'D0', 'B0', 'Ta')], idx)

    # local latitude
lat = 30.2669

    # Creates a Meteo file
My_Meteo <- zoo2Meteo(z, lat=lat)

# Finds the start and end date of the input file
start <- idx[1] 
end <- idx[length(idx)] 

    # Returns a base time for the calculations
BTd <- fBTd(mode = 'serie', year = '2013', start = start, end = end, format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    # Computes the movement of the sun/earth
sol <- calcSol(lat = 30.2669, BTd, sample = 'min')

# Creates a G0 file for solar rad on horizontal surface
compI <- calcG0(30.2669, modeRad = 'bdI', dataRad = My_Meteo, corr = 'none')
    # creates the angles for calculation of the rad on a tilted surface
angGen <- fTheta(sol = sol, beta = 0, alfa = 0)
    # Calculates the irradiance on a tilted surface
irad_tilt <- fInclin(compI, angGen)

当我使用beta = 0,alfa = 0(平面)时,我应该得到与输入大致相同的输出。但是,当我搜索全局水平辐照度的最大值时:

x <- which.max(irad_tilt$G) 

我得到它在2013-05-05 10:43:01返回最大值,我无法弄清楚这个时间是什么/原因。这不是当地时间,应该是13:24左右。当地的太阳时间应该在12:00左右。 UTC时间应该是18:24左右,UTC太阳时间(如果有这样的话)应该是17:00 ......


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我已正确测试了计算机中的代码和数据 结果。让我们用一些图形重现主要步骤 输出:


sol_data <- read.csv('/tmp/one_day_WSL_8.csv')

## The data must be named a certain way.
names(sol_data) <- c('time', 'G0', 'B', 'D0', 'Ta')

## The negatives are an artifact of the sensor and are set to 0.
sol_data$G0 <- ifelse(sol_data$G0 < 0, 0, sol_data$G0)
sol_data$B <- ifelse(sol_data$B < 0, 0, sol_data$B)
sol_data$D0 <- ifelse(sol_data$D0 < 0, 0, sol_data$D0)

## This calculates the beam incidence on the horizontal plane.
sol_data$B0 <- sol_data$G0 - sol_data$D0
sol_data$B0 <- ifelse(sol_data$B0 < 0, 0, sol_data$B0)

## This takes the data and assigns the timestamp to a certain format and timezone
idxLocal <- with(sol_data, as.POSIXct(time, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'CST6CDT'))


idx <- local2Solar(idxLocal, lon = -97.7428)

## Creates a zoo object needed to make the Meteo file for input
z <- zoo(sol_data[,c('G0', 'D0', 'B0', 'Ta')], idx)

因为您的数据属于晴朗的一天而且此时间序列使用 平均太阳时,最大值应位于中午左右。

xyplot(z, type=c('l', 'g'))

data with mean solar time

现在我们用calcSol计算太阳几何。我在这里使用 来自你的不同代码。

## local latitude
lat = 30.2669
## Computes the movement of the sun/earth
sol <- calcSol(lat, BTi=idx)

xyplot(as.zooI(sol), type=c('l', 'g'))

sun geometry


g0 <- calcG0(lat, modeRad = 'bdI', dataRad = z, corr = 'none')

xyplot(as.zooI(g0), type=c('l', 'g'))

horizontal irradiance


gef <- calcGef(lat=lat, modeRad='bdI', dataRad=z)

xyplot(as.zooI(gef), type=c('l', 'g'))

irradiance on the tilted plane

我怀疑您的问题与定义的时区有关 你的电脑。你能检查一下这些结果吗?:

## [1] -1.570796
## [1] -1.570796

idxLocal1 <- as.POSIXct(sol_data$time, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'CST6CDT')
idxLocal2 <- as.POSIXct(sol_data$time, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'America/Chicago')

idxUTC1 <- as.POSIXct(format(idxLocal1, tz='UTC'), tz='UTC')
idxUTC2 <- as.POSIXct(format(idxLocal2, tz='UTC'), tz='UTC')

all.equal(idxUTC1, idxUTC2)
## [1] TRUE

这些技术说明可能对其他信息有用 这个主题:


答案 1 :(得分:1)



local2Solar(as.POSIXct("2013-07-07 13:36:00",tz="America/Chicago"),lon=-97.7428)

我得到"2013-07-07 12:05:01 UTC"。根据NOAA,"2013-07-07 13:36:00"是当天的太阳中午。


local2Solar(as.POSIXct("2013-06-07 13:30:00",tz="America/Chicago"),lon=-97.7428)

我得到"2013-06-07 11:59:01 UTC",所以看起来非常接近。根据NOAA,"2013-06-07 13:30:00"是当天的太阳中午。


local2Solar(as.POSIXct("2013-01-07 12:37:27",tz="America/Chicago"),lon=-97.7428)

你会得到"2013-01-07 12:06:28 UTC"。根据NOAA,"2013-01-07 12:37:27""是当天的太阳中午。

我与solaR分开运行了G. Master的方程式,得到了"2013-06-07 13:29:30 CDT"(此版本的最高精度为每分钟),第一种情况下{{1 }}