创建新的ctype python

时间:2013-06-18 18:00:25

标签: python ctypes



  1. 有没有办法在C中编写它们并将它们导入python以获得更快的速度?
  2. 如何?
  3. 用法是这样的:

    _cm=Unit(...)  # Unit
    _m =Unit(...)  # Unit
    a= 1*_cm  # UnitValue
    b= 2*_m  # UnitValue
    _m2 = _m**2  # Unit
    b*a == 0.02 * _m2  # UnitValue
    a*b == 200  * _cm2   # UnitValue # _cm2 is auto created unit based on Unit.__new__
    b-a = 0.99*_m  # UnitValue
    a-b = -99*_cm  # UnitValue
    # and so on...


    class Unit(object):
        def __new__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            # check if this unit not created before and if ues return before created-one.
            # useful for cmp between units.
            return created_or_new_unit_instance
        def __div__(self, other):
            return self * (other ** -1)     # self / other
        def __rdiv__(self, other):
            return other * (self ** -1)     # other / self
        def __rmul__(self, other):
            return self * other             # other * self
        def __mul__(self, other):       # self * other
            if isinstance(other, SUPPORTED_NUMBERS):
                return UnitValue(other, self)
            elif isinstance(other, UnitValue):  # FIXME DOUBLICATED!
                return (other.value * (other.unit * self))
            elif isinstance(other, Unit):  # multipling two units self * other
                # calculate the other exchange factor againest self in `v`
                if v == 1.0:
                    # the bases may differ from self.bases or other.bases
                    # so just create a new Unit and let __new__ handle doublication.
                    return Unit(bases)
                    return v * Unit(bases)
            return NotImplemented
        def __pow__(self, other, modulo=None):  # @UnusedVariable
            # create new powered unit.
            return new Unit


    class UnitValue(object):
        def __init__(self, value, unit):
            self.value           = value
            self.unit            = unit
        def __add__(self, other):       # self + other
            if isinstance(other, UnitValue):
                o    = self.unit.get_unitvalue_in_this_unit(other)  # other is UnitValue
                v    = self.value + o.value
                return UnitValue(v, self.unit)
            if other == 0:
                return UnitValue(self.value, self.unit)
            return NotImplemented
        def __mul__(self, other):    # self * other
            if isinstance(other, SUPPORTED_NUMBERS):
                return UnitValue(other * self.value, self.unit)
            elif isinstance(other, UnitValue):
                return (self.value * other.value) * (self.unit * other.unit)
            return NotImplemented
        def __pow__(self, other, modulo=None):
            v    = self.value ** other
            u    = self.unit ** other
            if modulo:
                v    = v % modulo
            return UnitValue(v, u)
        def __cmp__(self, other):
            if isinstance(other, UnitValue):
                vo   = self.unit.get_unitvalue_in_this_unit(other).value
                vo   = other
            if vo is None:
                vo = 0
            diff     = self.value - vo
            epsi     = 1e-10
            if abs(diff) < epsi: return  0
            elif    diff > 0:    return  1
            elif    diff < 0:    return -1

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