我设法构造一个包含子对象字典的父对象(PC):hooks。 Hooks也是一个带有子项字典的对象:rows。
for each hook in PC
for each row in hook
sheets("X").cells(i,1) = contract.price
next row
next hook
我正在寻找at this,但无法让它发挥作用......
这里的课程摘要: PC类
Option Explicit
Public pPC As Object
Private pName As String
Private pInclude As Boolean
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set pPC = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set pPC = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get hook(HookName As String) As CHook:
Set hook = pPC(HookName)
End Property
Public Sub Add(hook As CHook):
If Not pPC.exists(hook.Name) Then pPC.Add hook.Name, hook
End Sub
Public Property Get Include(HookName As String) As Boolean:
pInclude = pPC.exists(HookName)
Include = pInclude
End Property
Public Property Let Name(pcname As String):
pName = pcname
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String:
Name = pName
End Property
Option Explicit
Public pHook As Object
Private pName As String
Private pLTFlatPrice As Double
Private pLTBasisPrice As Double
Private pLTDate As Date
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set pHook = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
pLTDate = Sheets("Control").Cells(2, 2)
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set pHook = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub AddRow(Row As CRow)
If Not pHook.exists(Row.ContractLot) Then pHook.Add Row.ContractLot, Row
If Row.TradeDate < pLTDate Then
pLTDate = Row.TradeDate
If IsNumeric(Row.FlatMV) And Row.FlatMV <> 0 Then pLTFlatPrice = Row.FlatMV
If IsNumeric(Row.BasisMV) Then pLTBasisPrice = Row.BasisMV
End If
End Sub
Public Property Get Row(ContractLot As String) As CRow:
Set Row = pHook.Item(ContractLot)
End Property
Public Property Let Name(HookName As String):
pName = HookName
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String:
Name = pName
End Property
Public Property Get LTFlatPrice() As Double:
LTFlatPrice = pLTFlatPrice
End Property
Public Property Get LTBasisPrice() As Double:
LTBasisPrice = pLTBasisPrice
End Property
Public Property Get LTDate() As Double:
LTDate = pLTDate
End Property
对于i = 2到UBound(路径,1)
tName = path(i,1)
设置PC = SArray.PC(tName)
For Each hook In PC For Each row In hook With Sheets("COB") .Cells(ii, 2) = row.PC .Cells(ii, 3) = row.hook .Cells(ii, 4) = row.Period End With ii = ii + 1 Next row
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Sub Tester()
Dim d As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim k
d.Add "one", 1
d.Add "two", 2
d.Add "three", 3
For Each k In d.Keys
Debug.Print k
For Each k In d.Items
Debug.Print k
End Sub