
时间:2013-06-15 16:27:43

标签: excel-vba circular-reference vba excel


Public Function til2day(r As Integer) As Long ''supposed to receive cell("row") as parameter  
  Dim c As Integer  
  Dim c1 As Integer  
  Dim c_here As Integer  

  Application.Volatile True

  c_here = ActiveCell.Column
  c = 0
  c1 = 34 ''column contains 1/1/2013 date

  Range("AH4:OM4").Activate ''contains a timeline
  Do While ActiveCell.Offset(0, c).Value <> Date
    c = c + 1
  If ActiveCell.Offset(0, c).Value = Date Then
      c = ActiveCell.Offset(0, c).Column
  End If

  til2day = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(r, c1).Address, Cells(r, c).Address))
  Range(Cells(r, c_here).Address).Activate
End Function

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


multiple cells are being calculated with this function, and 
you use `Application.Volatile`, and 
you refer to the active cell inside your function, and 
you allow multi-threaded calculation, 

事情不会按照您期望的顺序发生,并且在某些时候,活动单元格将与您想象的不同。函数最终会引用它所在的单元格,并且您有一个循环引用。运行调试器时不会发生这种情况,因为它按定义运行为单个线程 - 这就是为什么你找不到问题的原因......

以下是对您的函数的建议重写 - 它不会激活单元格,但会尝试保持相同的功能:

Public Function til2day(r As Integer) As Long ''supposed to receive cell("row") as parameter  
  Dim c As Integer  
  Dim c1 As Integer  
  Dim dateRange as Range
  Dime dateCell as Range

  Application.Volatile True

  c = 0
  c1 = 34 ''column contains 1/1/2013 date

  set dateRange = Range("AH4:OM4")

  For Each dateCell in dateRange
    If dateCell.Value = Date Then Exit For
  Next dateCell

  c = dateCell.Column

  til2day = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(r, c1).Address, Cells(r, c).Address))

End Function

注意:我试图重现您的功能的功能 - 但如果没有您正在使用的工作表的良好示例,以及您希望返回的值,则很难进行测试。请尝试在工作表上运行此操作 - 如果事情无法按预期运行,请告诉我。


=SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range)


=SUMIF($AH$4:$OM$4, "<=" & NOW(), $AH18:$OM18)



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