
时间:2013-06-13 15:27:40

标签: ios apple-push-notifications mdm

我正在为自己的组织开发MDM解决方案。使用imdmtools提到的python创建了一个iOS MDM测试服务器,根据softthinker生成推送证书。


  • 供应商:拥有企业开发人员计划,可以在Apple开发人员中心找到“MDM CSR”类型证书,下载为“mdm.cer”。
  • 客户:与供应商相同,我在托管MDM服务器的Windows 2008 IIS中生成。客户CSR由support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xmob-dm-8/xmob-dm-connect-create-p12-apns-iis-tsk.html提及的方法生成。


  • 在Keychain Access
  • 中找到证书
  • 导出到.p12文件
  • 转换为.pem

    openssl pkcs12 -in OrigPushCert.p12 -out PushCert.pem

  • 删除密码

    openssl rsa -in PushCert.pem -out PushKeyNoPass.pem

  • 在文本编辑器中打开PushCert.pem

  • 将加密的“RSA私钥”部分替换为PushKeyNoPass.pem的内容
  • 保存


  • 使用服务器证书identify.p12
  • 推送服务:开发模式
  • 主题:com.apple.mgmt.External.e8154c51-4788-44bc-8c23-a2669 #### f9c

毕竟,设备可以通过https正确注册,服务器可以从设备接收设备令牌,推送魔术,解锁令牌。但是,当服务器发送MDM推送消息:{"mdm" : "PushMagic String>"}时,设备不会收到它。 IPCU设备日志显示:

Jun 13 16:26:13 unknown MobileSafari[374] <Warning>: webFrameLoader
Jun 13 16:26:16 unknown MobileSafari[374] <Warning>: webFrameLoader
Jun 13 16:26:16 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Profile “-c-o-m-.-c-i-t-e-c-h-.-m-d-m-.-p-r-o-f-i-l-e” -q-u-e-u-e-d -f-o-r -i-n-s-t-a-l-l-a-t-i-o-n-.
Jun 13 16:26:18 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Checking for MDM installation...
Jun 13 16:26:18 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: ...finished checking for MDM installation.
Jun 13 16:26:18 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Beginning profile installation...
Jun 13 16:26:20 unknown keybagd[1403] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [keybagd] (690.10)
Jun 13 16:26:22 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) profiled: Device unlock notification received
Jun 13 16:26:22 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change
Jun 13 16:26:22 unknown profiled[1394] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Profile “-c-o-m-.-c-i-t-e-c-h-.-m-d-m-.-p-r-o-f-i-l-e” -i-n-s-t-a-l-l-e-d-.
Jun 13 16:26:22 unknown mc_mobile_tunnel[1409] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: mc_mobile_tunnel starting.
Jun 13 16:26:23 unknown mc_mobile_tunnel[1409] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: mc_mobile_tunnel shutting down.
Jun 13 16:26:23 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: com.apple.managedconfiguration.mdmd [mdmd] (690.10)
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: mdmd starting...
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Looking for managed app states to clean up
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd622270>: connection set enabled topics {(
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x11dcb0>: Sending filter message for enabled hashes {
<10f79d78 c6984a13 f9fc677a 4556fc35 73249ead> = "com.apple.mgmt.External.e8154c51-4788-44bc-8c23-a26695####9c";
<141b878f 22242638 a132b5ba 96284394 eb258b67> = "com.citech.mdm.pushtest";
} and ignored hashes {}
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Warning>: (com.apple.managedconfiguration.mdmd) Check-in of Mach service failed. Already active: com.apple.managedconfiguration.mdmdpush-dev
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Warning>: Unable to bootstrap_check_in() to namedDelegatePort 'com.apple.managedconfiguration.mdmdpush-dev'. APS connections will not persist past process lifetime.
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd61b820>: Initializing connection server with environmentName 'development' and connectionPortName '(null)'
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Warning>: (com.apple.managedconfiguration.mdmd) Check-in of Mach service failed. Already active: com.apple.managedconfiguration.mdmdpush-prod
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Warning>: Unable to bootstrap_check_in() to namedDelegatePort 'com.apple.managedconfiguration.mdmdpush-prod'. APS connections will not persist past process lifetime.
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0x121fa0>: Initializing connection server with environmentName 'production' and connectionPortName '(null)'
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd61b820>: connection set enabled topics {(
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Network reachability has changed.
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Network reachability has changed.
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Telling MDM Check-In Server about new device token.
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd62a150>: Initializing connection server with environmentName 'development' and connectionPortName '(null)'
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x11dcb0>: Removing connection server <APSConnectionServer: 0xd62a150>
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: Interface manager: WWAN radio power level notification; DCH status changed to active
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: Calculated minimum fire date [2013-06-13 16:29:31 +0800] (54%) with fire date [2013-06-13 16:36:26 +0800], start date [2013-06-13 16:21:24 +0800], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: yes
Jun 13 16:26:24 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: Calculated minimum fire date [2013-06-13 16:34:23 +0800] (54%) with fire date [2013-06-13 16:42:49 +0800], start date [2013-06-13 16:24:28 +0800], minimum early fire proportion 0, power state detection supported: yes, in high power state: yes
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Transaction completed. Status: 200
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Telling MDM Check-In Server about new device token.
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd624a20>: Initializing connection server with environmentName 'development' and connectionPortName '(null)'
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x11dcb0>: Removing connection server <APSConnectionServer: 0xd624a20>
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Transaction completed. Status: 200
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Telling MDM Check-In Server about new device token.
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSConnectionServer: 0xd624a20>: Initializing connection server with environmentName 'development' and connectionPortName '(null)'
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x11dcb0>: Removing connection server <APSConnectionServer: 0xd624a20>
Jun 13 16:26:25 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Transaction completed. Status: 200
Jun 13 16:26:27 unknown mdmd[1405] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: mdmd stopping...
Jun 13 16:26:27 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x11dcb0>: Removing connection server <APSConnectionServer: 0xd61b820>
Jun 13 16:26:27 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: <APSCourier: 0x119eb0>: Removing connection server <APSConnectionServer: 0x121fa0>
Jun 13 16:26:29 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: Canceling system wake for [2013-06-13 16:42:34 +0800]
Jun 13 16:26:29 unknown apsd[95] <Warning>: Resuming push keep alive timer in normal mode with action PCActionMaintainPushKeepAliveInterval



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