无法检测到Java UDP广播数据包

时间:2013-06-12 23:08:10

标签: java udp broadcast


public class DatagramClient
   private final static int PACKETSIZE = 100 ;

   public static void main( String args[] )

      DatagramSocket socket = null ;

         // Convert the arguments first, to ensure that they are valid
         InetAddress host = InetAddress.getByName( "" ) ;
         int port         = 34567;//Integer.parseInt( args[1] ) ;

         // Construct the socket
         socket = new DatagramSocket() ;

         // Construct the datagram packet
         byte [] data = "Hello Server".getBytes() ;
         DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket( data, data.length, host, port ) ;

         // Send it
         socket.send( packet ) ;

         // Set a receive timeout, 2000 milliseconds
         socket.setSoTimeout( 2000 ) ;

         // Prepare the packet for receive
         packet.setData( new byte[PACKETSIZE] ) ;

         // Wait for a response from the server
         socket.receive( packet ) ;

         // Print the response
         System.out.println( new String(packet.getData()) ) ;

      catch( Exception e )
         System.out.println( e ) ;
         if( socket != null )
            socket.close() ;

public class DatagramServer

   private final static int PACKETSIZE = 100 ;

   public static void main( String args[] )

         // Convert the argument to ensure that is it valid

         int port = 34567;

         // Construct the socket
         DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket( port ) ;

         System.out.println( "The server is ready..." ) ;

         for( ;; )
            // Create a packet
            DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket( new byte[PACKETSIZE], PACKETSIZE ) ;

            // Receive a packet (blocking)
            socket.receive( packet ) ;

            // Print the packet
            System.out.println( packet.getAddress() + " " + packet.getPort() + ": " + new String(packet.getData()) ) ;

            // Return the packet to the sender
            socket.send( packet ) ;
     catch( Exception e )
        System.out.println( e ) ;

Wireshark没有检测到数据包,但我无法弄清楚哪里出错了。 提前谢谢!

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如果这不起作用,您可能希望将目标地址缩小到实际网络。使用您的IP地址和您的网络掩码应该允许您通过将IP地址与反向网络掩码进行或运算来计算广播地址:例如, IP=; mask= - > broadcast = || =

为简单起见,您还可以使用ipcalc(网络计算器);甚至有online version