
时间:2013-06-12 12:24:18

标签: regex delphi



开发中的开源软件(Object Pascal)的CallTip。


Text                  I need
aaa(xxx               xxx
aaa(xxx,              xxx
aaa(xxx, yyy          xxx
aaa(y=bbb(xxx)        y=bbb(xxx)
aaa(y <- bbb(xxx)     y <- bbb(xxx)
aaa(bbb(ccc(xxx       xxx
aaa(bbb(x), ccc(xxx   xxx
aaa(bbb(x), ccc(x)    bbb(x)
aaa(bbb(x), ccc(x),   bbb(x)
aaa(?, bbb(??         ??
aaa(bbb(x), ccc(x))   ''
aaa(x)                ''
aaa(bbb(              ''

For all text above the RegEx proposed by @Bohemian
(?<=\()(?=([^()]*\([^()]*\))*[^()]*$).*?(?=[ ,]|$)(?! <-)(?<! <-)
matches all cases.

For the below (I found these cases when implementing the RegEx in the software) not
New text              I need
aaa(bbb(x, y)         bbb(x, y)
aaa(bbb(x, y, z)      bbb(x, y, z)


在之前的帖子中(RegEx: Word immediately before the last opened parenthesis)Alan Moore(非常感谢新人)帮助我在下面的RegEx的最后一个左括号前找到文本:




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

这类似于this problem。而且由于您使用PCRE,使用递归语法,实际上有一个解决方案。

(?(DEFINE)                # define a named capture for later convenience
  (?P<parenthesized>      # define the group "parenthesized" which matches a
                          # substring which contains correctly nested
                          # parentheses (it does not have to be enclosed in
                          # parentheses though)
    [^()]*                # match arbitrarily many non-parenthesis characters
    (?:                   # start non capturing group
      [(]                 # match a literal opening (
      (?P>parenthesized)  # recursively call this "parenthesized" subpattern
                          # i.e. make sure that the contents of these literal ()
                          # are also correctly parenthesized
      [)]                 # match a literal closing )
      [^()]*              # match more non-parenthesis characters
    )*                    # repeat
  )                       # end of "parenthesized" pattern
)                         # end of DEFINE sequence

# Now the actual pattern begins

(?<=[(])                  # ensure that there is a literal ( left of the start
                          # of the match
(?P>parenthesized)?       # match correctly parenthesized substring
$                         # ensure that we've reached the end of the input
/x                        # activate free-spacing mode


(normal* (?:special normal*)*)




在这种特殊情况下,事情有点复杂,因为我们也在使用递归。 (?P>parenthesized)以递归方式使用parenthesized模式(它是其中的一部分)。您可以将(?P>...)语法看作有点像反向引用 - 除了引擎不会尝试匹配组...匹配的内容,而是再次应用它的子模式。




编辑:我注意到您在问题中提到您正在使用Object Pascal。在这种情况下,您可能实际上并未使用PCRE,这意味着不支持递归。在这种情况下,问题可能没有完整的正则表达式解决方案。如果我们施加一个限制,例如“在最后一个不匹配的括号之后只能有一个嵌套级别”(如在所有示例中那样),那么我们就可以提出一个解决方案。同样,我将使用“展开循环”来匹配xxx(xxx)xxx(xxx)xxx形式的子字符串。

(?<=[(])         # make sure we start after an opening (
(?=              # lookahead checks that the parenthesis is not matched
                 # this matches an arbitrarily long chain of parenthesized
                 # substring, but allows only one nesting level
  $              # make sure we can reach the end of the string like this
)                # end of lookahead
                 # now actually match the desired part. this is the same
                 # as the lookahead, except we do not allow for commas
                 # outside of parentheses now, so that you only get the
                 # first comma-separated part



while you can read another character from the string
    if that character is "(", push the current position onto the stack
    if that character is ")", pop a position from the stack
# you've reached the end of the string now
if the stack is empty, there is no match
else the top of the stack is the position of the last unmatched parenthesis;
     take a substring from there to the end of the string


nestingLevel = 0
while you can read another character from the string
    if that character is "," and nestingLevel == 0, stop
    if that character is "(" increment nestingLevel
    if that character is ")" decrement nestingLevel
take a substring from the beginning of the string to the position at which
  you left the loop


答案 1 :(得分:1)


(?<=\()(?=([^()]*\([^()]*\))*[^()]*$).*?(\(.*?\))?(?=[ ,]|$)(?! <-)(?<! <-)

请参阅this running on rubular通过问题中发布的所有测试用例。