<style type="text/css">
@media print
<cfset statels = (" ,DE,NC,MD")> <!--- the blank state is the kluge --->
<cfset i = 0>
<table style = "margin-left: 50px">
<cfloop list = #statels# index = "state">
<cfset i = i + 1>
<cfif i EQ 1>
<tr><td>  </td></tr>
<td style = "border:1px solid green">This is a Header #state#</td>
<td> <img src="http://localhost/reports/XYZinc.jpg" alt="picture"> </td>
<!--- column headings to be on each page --->
<cfloop array = #test.GetColumnList()# index = "col">
<td class = "repsort">#col# </td>
<cfoutput query = "test">
<cfif test["PersonState"][currentrow] EQ state>
<cfloop array = #test.GetColumnList()# index = "col">
<td>#test[col]currentrow]# </td>
</cfif><!--- personstate is state --->
<cfif i EQ 1>
<tr><td>  </td></tr>
<td>This is a footer<br> i is #i# state is #state#
</cfoutput> <!---query = test --->
</cfloop> <!--- i loop --->