Foursquare API Auth Token

时间:2013-06-10 04:42:26

标签: php javascript foursquare




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

要生成Foursquare OAuth访问令牌,您必须按照此页面上的Foursquare所述完成OAuth流程:


InitializeOAuth - 返回您可以向用户显示的Foursquare授权网址,让他们授予您的应用访问其Foursquare帐户的权限。

FinalizeOAuth - 返回您的应用访问Foursquare帐户所需的访问令牌。

您可以通过以下链接在浏览器中体验Temboo的Foursquare OAuth支持,然后使用Temboo PHP SDK生成在您的应用中使用此行为所需的源代码。

您可以看到Temboo如何为Facebook here处理OAuth的示例。完整的PHP源代码是可用的(并且适用于Foursquare非常简单)。


答案 1 :(得分:0)




检查测试> node-foursquare-test.js和lib> node-foursquare.js了解更多详情

答案 2 :(得分:0)


 $client_key = "XXXXXXX";
    $client_secret = "XXXXXXX";
    $redirect_uri = "http://localhost/project/";

    $foursquare = new FoursquareApi($client_key,$client_secret);

            $token = $foursquare->GetToken($_GET['code'],$redirect_uri);

            echo "<a href='".$foursquare->AuthenticationLink($redirect_uri)."'>Connect to this app via Foursquare</a>";
        // Otherwise display the token
            echo "Your auth token: $token";


    define("DEFAULT_VERSION", "20160322");

    class FoursquareApiException extends Exception {}

class FoursquareApi {

    /** @var String $BaseUrl The base url for the foursquare API */
        private $BaseUrl = "";
        /** @var String $AuthUrl The url for obtaining the auth access code */
        private $AuthUrl = "";
        /** @var String $AuthorizeUrl The url for obtaining an auth token, reprompting even if logged in */
        private $AuthorizeUrl = "";
        /** @var String $TokenUrl The url for obtaining an auth token */
        private $TokenUrl = "";

        // Edited Petr Babicka (
        /** @var String $Version YYYYMMDD */
        private $Version;

        /** @var String $ClientID */
        private $ClientID;
        /** @var String $ClientSecret */
        private $ClientSecret;
        /** @var String $RedirectUri */
        protected $RedirectUri;
        /** @var String $AuthToken */
        private $AuthToken;
        /** @var String $ClientLanguage */
        private $ClientLanguage;
        /** @var String[] $ResponseHeaders */
        public $ResponseHeaders = array();
        /** @var String last url sent */
        public $LastUrl;

         * Constructor for the API
         * Prepares the request URL and client api params
         * @param bool|String $client_id
         * @param bool|String $client_secret
         * @param string $redirect_uri
         * @param String $version Defaults to v2, appends into the API url
         * @param string $language
         * @param string $api_version
        public function  __construct($client_id = false,$client_secret = false, $redirect_uri='', $version='v2', $language='en', $api_version=DEFAULT_VERSION){
            $this->BaseUrl = "{$this->BaseUrl}$version/";
            $this->ClientID = $client_id;
            $this->ClientSecret = $client_secret;
            $this->ClientLanguage = $language;
            $this->RedirectUri = $redirect_uri;
            $this->Version = $api_version;

        public function setRedirectUri( $uri ) {
            $this->RedirectUri = $uri;

        // Request functions

         * GetPublic
         * Performs a request for a public resource
         * @param String $endpoint A particular endpoint of the Foursquare API
         * @param Array $params A set of parameters to be appended to the request, defaults to false (none)
        public function GetPublic($endpoint,$params=false){
            // Build the endpoint URL
            $url = $this->BaseUrl . trim($endpoint,"/");
            // Append the client details
            $params['client_id'] = $this->ClientID;
            $params['client_secret'] = $this->ClientSecret;
            $params['v'] = $this->Version;
            $params['locale'] = $this->ClientLanguage;
            // Return the result;
            return $this->GET($url,$params);

         * GetPrivate
         * Performs a request for a private resource
         * @param String $endpoint A particular endpoint of the Foursquare API
         * @param Array $params A set of parameters to be appended to the request, defaults to false (none)
         * @param bool $POST whether or not to use a POST request
        public function GetPrivate($endpoint,$params=false,$POST=false){
            $url = $this->BaseUrl . trim($endpoint,"/");
            $params['oauth_token'] = $this->AuthToken;
            $params['v'] = $this->Version;
            $params['locale'] = $this->ClientLanguage;
            if(!$POST) return $this->GET($url,$params);
            else return $this->POST($url,$params);

         * GetMulti
         * Performs a request for up to 5 private or public resources
         * @param Array $requests An array of arrays containing the endpoint and a set of parameters
         * to be appended to the request, defaults to false (none)
         * @param bool $POST whether or not to use a POST request, e.g.  for large request bodies.
         * It does not allow you to call endpoints that mutate data.
        public function GetMulti($requests=false,$POST=false){
            $url = $this->BaseUrl . "multi";        
            $params = array();
            $params['oauth_token'] = $this->AuthToken;
            $params['v'] = $this->Version;      
            if (is_array($requests)){
                $request_queries = array();
                foreach($requests as $request) {
                    $endpoint = $request['endpoint'];
                    $query = '/' . $endpoint;
                        if (!empty($request)) $query .= '?' . http_build_query($request);
                    $request_queries[] = $query;
                $params['requests'] = implode(',', $request_queries);
                    if(!$POST) return $this->GET($url,$params);
            else return $this->POST($url,$params);

        public function getResponseFromJsonString($json) {
            $json = json_decode( $json );
            if ( !isset( $json->response ) ) {
                throw new FoursquareApiException( 'Invalid response' );

            // Better to check status code and fail gracefully, but not worried about it
            // ... REALLY, we should be checking the HTTP status code as well, not 
            // just what the API gives us in it's microformat
            if ( !isset( $json->meta->code ) || 200 !== $json->meta->code ) {
                throw new FoursquareApiException( 'Invalid response' );
            return $json->response;

         * Request
         * Performs a cUrl request with a url generated by MakeUrl. The useragent of the request is hardcoded
         * as the Google Chrome Browser agent
         * @param String $url The base url to query
         * @param Array $params The parameters to pass to the request
        private function Request($url, $params=false, $type=HTTP_GET){

            // Populate data for the GET request
            if($type == HTTP_GET) $url = $this->MakeUrl($url,$params);

            $this->LastUrl = $url;

            // Reset the headers every time we initiate a new request
            $this->ResponseHeaders = array();

            // borrowed from Andy Langton:
            $ch = curl_init();
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
            if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ) {
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] );
            } else {
                // Handle the useragent like we are Google Chrome
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/0.X.Y.Z Safari/525.13.');
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);//---------------------SSL verification disable
            $acceptLanguage[] = "Accept-Language:" . $this->ClientLanguage;
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $acceptLanguage);
            // Set the header callback
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array($this, 'ParseHeaders'));
            // Populate the data for POST
            if($type == HTTP_POST) {
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); 
                if($params) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);


            return $result;

         * Callback function to handle header strings as they are returned by cUrl in the $this->Request() function
         * Parses header strings into key/value pairs and stores them in $ResponseHeaders array
         * @param $ch
         * @param $header
         * @return int
        private function ParseHeaders($ch, $header) {
            if (strpos($header, ':') !== false) {
                $header_split = explode(':', $header);
                $this->ResponseHeaders[strtolower(trim($header_split[0]))] = trim($header_split[1]);
            return strlen($header);

         * GET
         * Abstraction of the GET request
        private function GET($url,$params=false){
            return $this->Request($url,$params,HTTP_GET);

         * POST
         * Abstraction of a POST request
        private function POST($url,$params=false){
            return $this->Request($url,$params,HTTP_POST);

        // Helper Functions

         * GeoLocate
         * Leverages the google maps api to generate a lat/lng pair for a given address
         * packaged with FoursquareApi to facilitate locality searches.
         * @param String $addr An address string accepted by the google maps api
         * @return array(lat, lng) || NULL
        public function GeoLocate($addr){
            $geoapi = "";
            $params = array("address"=>$addr,"sensor"=>"false");
            $response = $this->GET($geoapi,$params);
            $json = json_decode($response);
            if ($json->status === "ZERO_RESULTS") {
                return null;
            } else {
                return array($json->results[0]->geometry->location->lat,$json->results[0]->geometry->location->lng);

         * MakeUrl
         * Takes a base url and an array of parameters and sanitizes the data, then creates a complete
         * url with each parameter as a GET parameter in the URL
         * @param String $url The base URL to append the query string to (without any query data)
         * @param Array $params The parameters to pass to the URL
        private function MakeUrl($url,$params){
            return trim($url) . '?' . http_build_query($params); 

        // Access token functions

         * SetAccessToken
         * Basic setter function, provides an authentication token to GetPrivate requests
         * @param String $token A Foursquare user auth_token
        public function SetAccessToken($token){
            $this->AuthToken = $token;

         * AuthenticationLink
         * Returns a link to the Foursquare web authentication page.
         * @param String $redirect The configured redirect_uri for the provided client credentials
        public function AuthenticationLink($redirect=''){
            if ( 0 === strlen( $redirect ) ) {
                $redirect = $this->RedirectUri;
            $params = array("client_id"=>$this->ClientID,"response_type"=>"code","redirect_uri"=>$redirect);
            return $this->MakeUrl($this->AuthUrl,$params);

       * AuthorizeLink
       * Returns a link to the Foursquare web authentication page. Using /authorize will ask the user to
       * re-authenticate their identity and reauthorize your app while giving the user the option to
       * login under a different account.
       * @param String $redirect The configured redirect_uri for the provided client credentials
      public function AuthorizeLink($redirect=''){
        if ( 0 === strlen( $redirect ) ) {
          $redirect = $this->RedirectUri;
        $params = array("client_id"=>$this->ClientID,"response_type"=>"code","redirect_uri"=>$redirect);
        return $this->MakeUrl($this->AuthorizeUrl,$params);

         * GetToken
         * Performs a request to Foursquare for a user token, and returns the token, while also storing it
         * locally for use in private requests
         * @param $code The 'code' parameter provided by the Foursquare webauth callback redirect
         * @param $redirect The configured redirect_uri for the provided client credentials
        public function GetToken($code,$redirect=''){
            if ( 0 === strlen( $redirect ) ) {
                // If we have to use the same URI to request a token as we did for 
                // the authorization link, why are we not storing it internally?
                $redirect = $this->RedirectUri;
            $params = array("client_id"=>$this->ClientID,
            $result = $this->GET($this->TokenUrl,$params);
            $json = json_decode($result);

            // Check if we get token
            if (property_exists($json, 'access_token')) {
                return $json->access_token;
            else {
                return 0;
        *Request for user information
        public function GetUserInfo(){
