我在C ++中序列化协议缓冲区消息,并通过TCP连接将其发送到C#客户端。一切都在大约75%的时间内起作用,但是,大约25%的时间,我得到无效的序列化异常。
我可以在必要时发布代码,但我在这里遗漏了什么吗?为什么C ++服务器每次都不会将对象序列化相同? (顺便说一句,我硬编码了一个对象来测试它。确保字段没有变化。)
8 162 1 18 21 84 87 32 86 101 110 100 105 110 103 32 68 101 109 111 32 83 116 111 114 101 24 176 32 132 131 186 141 5 40 2 48 42 56 2 - bad serialization
8 162 1 18 21 84 87 32 86 101 110 100 105 110 103 32 68 101 109 111 32 83 116 111 114 101 24 7 32 132 131 186 141 5 40 2 48 42 56 2 - good serialization
8 162 1 18 21 84 87 32 86 101 110 100 105 110 103 32 68 101 109 111 32 83 116 111 114 101 24 128 32 132 131 186 141 5 40 2 48 42 56 2 - bad serialization
8 162 1 18 21 84 87 32 86 101 110 100 105 110 103 32 68 101 109 111 32 83 116 111 114 101 24 216 32 132 131 186 141 5 40 2 48 42 56 2 - bad serialization
8 162 1 18 21 84 87 32 86 101 110 100 105 110 103 32 68 101 109 111 32 83 116 111 114 101 24 0 32 132 131 186 141 5 40 2 48 42 56 2 - good serialization
8 162 1 18 21 84 87 32 86 101 110 100 105 110 103 32 68 101 109 111 32 83 116 111 114 101 24 255 32 132 131 186 141 5 40 2 48 42 56 2 - bad serialization
更新 - 我发布了我的C#客户端代码,因为这个问题最有可能就是这个问题。我还包装了生成的proto对象,所以你必须接受我的话,我的序列化功能正常工作。 (我100%肯定他们是。)
private List<byte> LockNetworkStream(ref System.IO.Stream clientStream, byte[] data)
List<byte> completeMessage = new List<byte>();
lock (clientStream)
byte[] bufferLength = BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Length);
clientStream.ReadTimeout = 10000;
clientStream.Write(bufferLength, 0, bufferLength.Length);
clientStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
byte[] messageLength = new byte[4];
int bytesRead = 0;
bytesRead = clientStream.Read(messageLength, 0, 4);
int messageSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(messageLength, 0);
if (messageSize > 0)
int totalBytesRead = 0;
byte[] message = new byte[messageSize];
while (totalBytesRead < messageSize)
bytesRead = clientStream.Read(message, 0, messageSize - totalBytesRead);
if (bytesRead > 0)
byte[] temp = new byte[bytesRead];
for (int i = 0; i < bytesRead; i++)
temp[i] = message[i];
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
catch (StokedTcpException ex)
throw ex;
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
if (reconnectAttempts < 3)
return LockNetworkStream(ref clientStream, data);
throw new Exception("Unable to connect. Please check your internet connection or firewall config");
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return completeMessage;
public byte[] Communicate(byte[] data, ref TcpClient client)
byte[] bufferLength = BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Length);
System.IO.Stream clientStream = null;
lock (client)
clientStream = client.GetStream();
List<byte> completeMessage = LockNetworkStream(ref clientStream, data);
ServerFunctionResponse response = null;
response = ServerFunctionResponse.Deserialize(completeMessage.ToArray());
deserializeAttempts = 0;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Unable to deserialize server response: " + ex.Message);
if (response.IsException)
StokedTcpException exception = StokedTcpException.Deserialize(response.Data);
throw exception;
return response.Data;