
时间:2013-06-07 15:54:07

标签: r dataframe


df1 <- structure(list(S01 = c(51L, 82L, 72L, 79L, 2L, 86L, 33L, 56L,3L, 35L), S02 = c(49L, 33L, 59L, 68L, 35L, 45L, 22L, 18L, 67L, 79L), S03 = c(109L, 103L, 112L, 100L, 102L, 110L, 106L, 105L,107L, 111L), S04 = c(136L, 160L, 46L, 298L, 133L, 96L, 224L, 82L, 238L, 283L), S05 = c(189L, 168L, 178L, 129L, 128L, 72L,77L, 171L, 4L, 65L)), .Names = c("S01", "S02", "S03", "S04", "S05"), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame")
correctCol <- c('S01','S03','S05','S02','S04') # this will be generated by a function in turn
df.correct <- subset[df1,select=correctCol]


Error in subset[df1, select = correctCol] : 
  object of type 'closure' is not subsettable




df.correct <- subset(df1,select=correctCol)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


df.correct <- subset(df1, select = correctCol) 

即。 ( )不是方括号[]


> subset(df1, select = correctCol) 
   S01 S03 S05 S02 S04
1   51 109 189  49 136
2   82 103 168  33 160
3   72 112 178  59  46
4   79 100 129  68 298
5    2 102 128  35 133
6   86 110  72  45  96
7   33 106  77  22 224
8   56 105 171  18  82
9    3 107   4  67 238
10  35 111  65  79 283
> df1[, correctCol]
   S01 S03 S05 S02 S04
1   51 109 189  49 136
2   82 103 168  33 160
3   72 112 178  59  46
4   79 100 129  68 298
5    2 102 128  35 133
6   86 110  72  45  96
7   33 106  77  22 224
8   56 105 171  18  82
9    3 107   4  67 238
10  35 111  65  79 283