
时间:2013-06-07 15:44:32

标签: php regex wordpress



Marnie Stanton led us through the process first and then everyone went crazy. 
[caption id="attachment_76" align="alignnone" width="191"] One of the work stations[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_78" align="alignnone" width="300"] The group is getting some great results[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_83" align="alignnone" width="224"] You can see the prints multiplying[/caption]  


Marnie Stanton led us through the process first and then everyone went crazy. 





4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


$string = 'Marnie Stanton led us through the process first and then everyone went crazy. 
[caption id="attachment_76" align="alignnone" width="191"] One of the work stations[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_78" align="alignnone" width="300"] The group is getting some great results[/caption]
I want to keep this !
[caption id="attachment_83" align="alignnone" width="224"] You can see the prints multiplying[/caption]';

$new_string = preg_replace('#\s*\[caption[^]]*\].*?\[/caption\]\s*#is', '', $string);
echo $new_string;



Marnie Stanton首先引导我们完成整个过程然后每个人都发疯了。我想保留这个!


  • 修饰符isi表示匹配大小写不敏感,s表示匹配新行与点.
  • \s*:匹配空格0次或以上
  • \[caption:匹配[caption
  • [^]]*:匹配除] 0次或更多次以外的任何内容
  • \]:匹配]
  • .*?\[/caption\]:匹配任何内容,直到[/caption]找到(并匹配[/caption]
  • \s*:匹配空格0次或以上

Online demo

答案 1 :(得分:1)


$pos = stripos($your_string, '[caption');
$result = substr($your_string, 0, $pos);

答案 2 :(得分:0)



$str = <<<EOD
Marnie Stanton led us through the process first and then everyone went crazy.
[caption id="attachment_76" align="alignnone" width="191"] One of the work stations[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_78" align="alignnone" width="300"] The group is getting some great results[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_83" align="alignnone" width="224"] You can see the prints multiplying[/caption]

$lines = explode("\n", trim($str));

echo $lines[0]; # Marnie Stanton led us through the process first and then everyone went crazy.

答案 3 :(得分:0)

[caption]是shortcode的示例。您可以使用Wordpress删除所有短代码&#39; strip_shortcodes();功能。

$text = 'Marnie Stanton led us through the process first and then everyone went crazy. 
[caption id="attachment_76" align="alignnone" width="191"] One of the work stations[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_78" align="alignnone" width="300"] The group is getting some great results[/caption]
I want to keep this !
[caption id="attachment_83" align="alignnone" width="224"] You can see the prints multiplying[/caption]';

$text = strip_shortcodes($text);
echo $text;



Marnie Stanton首先引导我们完成整个过程然后每个人都发疯了。我想保留这个!

[caption] documentation

strip_shortcodes documentation