为什么断言在if中检查IEEE lib中的实际断言?

时间:2013-06-07 14:12:18

标签: vhdl

在为自定义数组类型实现function "or"时,我决定查看"or" std_logic_vector的实现。 在那里我偶然发现了这样的代码:


funciton "or" (Left, Right: std_logic_vector) is
    if Left'LENGTH /= Right'LENGTH then
        assert FALSE report
        "ErrorDifferentLengthVectors" severity failure;
    end if;
end "or";

this over using the条件-part of the报告声明的优势在哪里?断言是否会取消进一步的编译或者是否需要将以下代码放在else分支中?

funciton "or" (Left, Right: std_logic_vector) is
    assert Left'LENGTH = Right'LENGTH report
    "ErrorDifferentLengthVectors" severity failure;


end "or";

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

这是一种编码风格的东西。如果你用assert做,你必须否定这个条件。如果你写了多个,exlusive elsifs,你总是要反驳你头脑中的第一个条件,以确定你已经在if语句中涵盖了哪些情况。至少这就是为什么我在一个相似的时尚中做到这一点,但我总是将断言全部省略,只使用report ... severity failure;


  signal value : natural := 0;

begin  -- architecture beh

  -- purpose: none
  do_something : process (all) is
  begin  -- process to_something
    if rst = '0' then                   -- asynchronous reset (active low)
      value <= 0,
    elsif rising_edge(clk) then         -- rising clock edge
        assert value >= 10 and value <= 99  report "Value out of range." severity failure;
        if value < 15 then
          do something;
        elsif value > 20 and value < 50 then
          do some other thing;
          do yet another thing;
        end if;
      end if;
  end process do_something;


   signal value : natural := 0;

begin  -- architecture beh

  -- purpose: none
  do_something : process (all) is
  begin  -- process to_something
    if rst = '0' then                   -- asynchronous reset (active low)
      value <= 0,
    elsif rising_edge(clk) then         -- rising clock edge
        if value < 10 or value > 99 then
          report "Value out of range." severity failure;
        elsif value < 15 then
          do something;
        elsif value > 20 and value < 50 then
          do some other thing;
          do yet another thing;
        end if;
      end if;
  end process do_something;

更难理解Snipped A的哪个条件在剪切B中发挥作用,尤其是else子句,并且在此示例中只检查了一个数值。