
时间:2009-11-08 19:17:42

标签: f# pattern-matching wildcard

作为项目的一部分,我已经指定自己作为一种提高我对F#和函数式编程的了解的方法,我试图从头开始编写字符串模式匹配算法,而不使用任何循环或变量(或正则表达式) ,或String.Replace和朋友)。由于这纯粹是一个学习项目,我对最好的方法不感兴趣,只是最好的功能方式。


我有这个主要工作,我会在稍后包含代码。我编写了一个通用模式匹配函数,它可以在任何支持相等性的通用列表上工作,然后是一个辅助函数,它接受字符串并将字符列表传递给泛型函数。这一切都有效,除了一件事:模式字符串中对多个通配符的支持不是很好 - 它会为每个通配符匹配并将它们连接成输出中的单个字符串。


> strMatch '*' "foo" "bar";;
val it : string option = None

> strMatch '*' "test" "test";;
val it : string option = Some ""

> strMatch '*' "functional programming is *" "functional programming is fun";;
val it : string option = Some "fun"

> strMatch '*' "* and *" "you and me";;
val it : string option = Some "youme"

这是我要修复的最后一个。理想情况下,我想返回一个字符串列表而不是一个字符串,列表中的每个元素都是匹配一个通配符的字符串。如果做不到这一点,我可能会做一个只返回第一个通配符匹配的版本 - 它是我需要摆脱的两个通配符的连接值。我只是不太确定如何处理它。


let rec doMatch (wildcard:'a) (pat:'a list) (input:'a list) : 'a list option =
    let singleMatch p i =
        match (p, i) with
        | phd :: ptl, ihd :: itl ->
            if phd = wildcard then
                match doMatch wildcard ptl itl with
                | None -> None
                | Some x -> Some(ihd :: x)
            else None
        | _ -> None

    let longerMatch p i =
        match (p, i) with
        | phd :: ptl, ihd :: itl ->
            if phd = wildcard then
                match doMatch wildcard p itl with
                | None -> None
                | Some x -> Some(ihd :: x)
            else None
        | _ -> None

    match (pat, input) with
    | [], [] -> Some([])
    | [], _::_ -> None
    | _::_, [] -> None
    | phd :: ptl, ihd :: itl ->
        if phd <> wildcard then
            if phd = ihd then doMatch wildcard ptl itl
            else None
            match singleMatch pat input with
            | Some x -> Some(x)
            | None -> longerMatch pat input

let strMatch (wildcard:char) (pat:string) (input:string) =
    match doMatch wildcard (List.ofSeq pat) (List.ofSeq input) with
    | None -> None
    | Some x -> Some(new string(Array.ofList x))

你可能已经猜到了,但这是F#中Eliza chat-bot实现的一部分。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


'a list option


None              // it did not match
Some[]            // matched, input had 0 wildcards
Some["foo";"bar"] // matched, input has 2 wildcards, "foo" matched 1st, "bar" 2nd






'a list list option

因为'a是一个字符,'一个列表就像一个字符串,我们想要一个字符串列表。 singleMatch启动一个新的字符串列表,而longerMatch则出现在当前字符串的前面。

let rec doMatch (wildcard:'a) (pat:'a list) (input:'a list) 
           : 'a list list option =
    let singleMatch p i =
        match (p, i) with
        | phd :: ptl, ihd :: itl ->
            if phd = wildcard then
                match doMatch wildcard ptl itl with
                | None -> None
                | Some xs -> Some([ihd]::xs)
            else None
        | _ -> None

    let longerMatch p i =
        match (p, i) with
        | phd :: ptl, ihd :: itl ->
            if phd = wildcard then
                match doMatch wildcard p itl with
                | None -> None
                | Some ([]) -> Some([[ihd]])
                | Some (x::xs) -> Some((ihd :: x)::xs)
            else None
        | _ -> None

    match (pat, input) with
    | [], [] -> Some([])
    | [], _::_ -> None
    | _::_, [] -> None
    | phd :: ptl, ihd :: itl ->
        if phd <> wildcard then
            if phd = ihd then doMatch wildcard ptl itl
            else None
            match singleMatch pat input with
            | Some x -> Some(x)
            | None -> longerMatch pat input

let strMatch (wildcard:char) (pat:string) (input:string) =
    match doMatch wildcard (List.ofSeq pat) (List.ofSeq input) with
    | None -> None
    | Some x -> Some(x|>List.map (fun chList -> new string(Array.ofList chList)))

printfn "%A" (strMatch '*' "foo" "bar")
printfn "%A" (strMatch '*' "test" "test")
printfn "%A" (strMatch '*' "functional programming is *" 
                           "functional programming is fun")
printfn "%A" (strMatch '*' "* and *" "you and me")