我有两列选择框。第一个(左侧)由上载的CSV文件的所有列填充。 第二个(右)是他们可以导入的“客户”表的所有列。对的数量由上传文件中的总列数确定。
然后,用户可以浏览并设置其数据的哪些列将更新Clients表中的哪些列。 例如,他们会将左侧的第一个框设置为“电子邮件”,将右侧的第一个框设置为“电子邮件”,他们的电子邮件将更新为我们数据库中的电子邮件列。
如果他们有一个名为“组织”的列,我们只有“公司”,那么他们可以相应地设置它以进行更新。 基本上映射其导入的客户端,以便他们可以使用更广泛的列名约定。
现在我正在尝试更新查询。 这是文件上传后的选择框。
<form class="formContent960" id="csvmap" name="csvmap" method="post" action="custom_upload_update.cfm">
<table class="form960" cellpadding="5">
<!--- Set Uploaded file to Array --->
<cfset arrCSV = CSVToArray(CSVFilePath = #form.UploadedFile#,Delimiter = ",",Qualifier = """") />
<!--- Create Key array from column names --->
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(arrCSV[1])#" index="t">
<!--- Variable Headers --->
<cfif Len(form.UploadedFile) GTE 5>
<select name="upfield[#t#]" class="search" id="Header">
<option selected value="">--- Headers Uploaded ---</option>
<cfloop from="1" to="1" index="i">
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(arrCSV[i])#" index="j">
<option value="#arrCSV[i][j]#">#arrCSV[i][j]#</option>
</select> =
<!---Column Constants--->
<select name="bofield[#t#]" class="search" id="Column">
<option selected value="">--- Headers Clients ---</option>
<cfloop query="clientsCols">
<option value="#Column_name#">#Column_name#</option>
</select><br /><br />
<input type="hidden" name="filelength" id="filelength" value="#ArrayLen(arrCSV[1])#">
<input type="submit" name="csvmapsubmit" id="csvmapsubmit">
所以我想我需要设置一个包含Clients(Right)列的值的变量select string来设置在循环内的查询中要更新的列。
<cfset bostring = "#bofields#"/>
<cfquery name="addclientubmit" datasource="#request.dsn#">
#uploaded Values#
任何帮助将不胜感激。 先谢谢你,
答案 0 :(得分:0)
看看这是否对您有所帮助。请注意,我已经修改了您的初始代码以用于演示目的,但已经表示您应该能够连接回测试。 这可能很棘手......但应该给你一个很好的起点。
请注意,Coldfusion中有新工具可用于处理CSV文件 - 我在2008年为CF 8编写了我的实用程序,但它们至今仍在使用。比较和对比什么对你有用。
=== cfm page
<!---import csv utility component (modify for your pathing)--->
<cfset utilcsv = CreateObject("component","webroot.jquery.stackoverflow.csvColumnMap.utils_csv_processing_lib")>
<!---declare the csv file (modify for your pathing)--->
<cfset arrCSV = utilcsv.readinCSV(ExpandPath('./'),'Report-tstFile.csv') />
<!---declare the header row column values--->
<cfset headerRow = listToArray(arrCSV[1],',')>
<!---declare the column names query--->
<cfset q = QueryNew('offer,fname,lname,address,city,state,zip',
<cfset colList = q.columnList>
<!---form submission processing--->
<cfif isdefined("form.csvmapsubmit")>
<cfset collection = ArrayNew(1)>
<!---collect the column and column map values : this step could be eliminated by
just assigning the the arrays in the next step, however this allows reference for
dump and debug--->
<cfloop collection="#form#" item="key">
<cfif FIND('BOFIELD',key) && trim(StructFind(form,key)) neq "">
<cfset fieldid = ReREPLACE(key,"\D","","all")>
<cfset valueKey = 'UPFIELD[' & fieldid & ']'>
<cfset t = { 'column'=StructFind(form,key),'value'=StructFind(form,valueKey) }>
<cfset arrayappend(collection,t)>
<!---collect the column and column map values : this ensures that the table column is in the same position as the mapped column for the sql statement--->
<cfset tblColsArr = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset valColsArr = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(collection)#">
<cfset arrayappend(tblColsArr, collection[i]['column'])>
<cfset arrayappend(valColsArr, collection[i]['value'])>
<!---convert the uploaded data into an array of stuctures for iteration--->
<cfset uploadData = utilcsv.processToStructArray(arrCSV)>
<!---loop uploaded data--->
<cfloop index="y" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(uploadData)#">
<!---create sql command for each record instance--->
<cfset sqlCmd = "INSERT INTO Clients(" & arraytolist(tblColsArr) & ") Values(">
<cfloop index="v" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(valColsArr)#">
<!---loop over the column maps to pull the approriate value for the table column--->
<cfif isNumeric(trim(valColsArr[v])) eq true>
<cfset sqlCmd &= trim(uploadData[y][valColsArr[v]])>
<cfset sqlCmd &= "'" & trim(uploadData[y][valColsArr[v]]) & "'">
<cfset sqlCmd &= (v lt ArrayLen(valColsArr)) ? "," : ")" >
<!---perform insert for record--->
<cfquery name="insert" datasource="">
#REReplace(sqlCmd,"''","'","ALL")# <!---In the event that the quotation marks are not formatted properly for execution--->
<form class="formContent960" id="csvmap" name="csvmap" method="post">
<table class="form960" cellpadding="5">
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(headerRow)#" index="t">
<!--- Variable Headers --->
<cfif ArrayLen(headerRow) GTE 5>
<select name="upfield[#t#]" class="search" id="Header">
<option selected value="">--- Headers Uploaded ---</option>
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(headerRow)#" index="j"><option value="#headerRow[j]#">#headerRow[j]#</option></cfloop>
</select> =
<!---Column Constants--->
<select name="bofield[#t#]" class="search" id="Column">
<option selected value="">--- Headers Clients ---</option>
<cfloop list="#colList#" index="li" delimiters=","><option value="#li#">#li#</option></cfloop>
<td> </td>
<input type="hidden" name="filelength" id="filelength" value="#ArrayLen(headerRow)#">
<input type="submit" name="csvmapsubmit" id="csvmapsubmit">
== utils_csv_processing_lib.cfc
//// CSV File Processing - Read In File /////
//// Return is array with each array item being a row /////
//// 9.22.08 BP /////
//// /////
<cffunction name="readinCSV" access="public" returntype="array">
<cfargument name="fileDirectory" type="string" required="yes">
<cfargument name="fileName" type="string" required="yes">
<!---/// 1. read in selected file ///--->
<cffile action="read" file="#fileDirectory##fileName#" variable="csvfile">
// 2. set csv file to array ***Note; the orginal csv file ListToArray only used the carrige return/line return as delimiters, ///
// so each array value/member is a full record in comma delimited format (i.e.: 01, Fullname, Address1, City, etc) //////////--->
<cfset csvList2Array = ListToArray(csvfile, "#chr(10)##chr(13)#")>
<cfset ret = checkCSVRowLengths(csvList2Array)>
<cfreturn ret>
//// Create Structured Array of CSV FILE /////
//// Return is a structured array uing the colmn header as the struct element name //
//// 9.22.08 BP /////
//// /////
//// ****UPDATED 1.6.09********** /////
//// Added empty field file processing - takes empty value /////
//// and replaces with "nul" /////
//// /////
<cffunction name="processToStructArray" access="public" returntype="array">
<cfargument name="recordFile" type="array" required="yes">
<!---retrieve the placeholder we are setting for strings containing our default list delimiter (",")--->
<cfinvoke component="utils_csv_processing_lib" method="SetGlobalDelimiter" returnvariable="glblDelimiter">
<!---/// 1. get length of array (number of records) in csv file ///--->
<cfset csvArrayLen = ArrayLen(recordFile)>
//// EMPTY VALUE Processing //
<!---// a. create array to hold updated file for processing--->
<cfset updatedRowsFnlArr = ArrayNew(1)>
<!---// b. loop entire csv file to process each row--->
<cfloop index="li2" from="1" to="#csvArrayLen#">
<!---// c. grab each column (delimited by ",") for internal loop. *******The value of each array index/item is a comma delimited list*******--->
<cfset currRecRow = #recordFile[li2]#>
<!---/// d. loop each row in file--->
<cfloop list="#currRecRow#" index="updateRowindex" delimiters="#chr(10)##chr(13)#">
<!---// e. find and replace empty column values in list with a set value for processing--->
<!---consolidated for single list output per array index: regenerates a value of val,val,val for a value of val,,val--->
<!---// process middle positions in list //--->
<cfset currRowListed = updateRowindex>
<cfset updatedRowListed = REreplace(currRowListed,",,",",nul,","ALL")>
<cfset updatedRowListed = REreplace(updatedRowListed,",,",",nul,","ALL")>
<!---// process 1st position in list //--->
<cfset frstpos = REFIND(",",updatedRowListed,1)>
<cfif frstpos EQ 1>
<cfset updatedRowListed = REReplace(updatedRowListed,",","nul,","one")>
<!---// process last position in list //--->
<cfset rowStrngLen = Len(updatedRowListed)>
<cfset lastpos = REFIND(",",updatedRowListed,rowStrngLen)>
<cfif lastpos EQ rowStrngLen>
<cfset updatedRowListed = updatedRowListed & "nul">
<!---// f. append current row with updated value of 'nul' for empty list positions to array--->
<cfset ArrayAppend(updatedRowsFnlArr, updatedRowListed)>
<!---/// 2. get number of records in updated array--->
<cfset updatedRowsFnlLen = ArrayLen(updatedRowsFnlArr)>
<!---/// 3. set the first item in the array to a variable (at postion 1). This will set the entire first record to the variable, delimited by commas ///--->
<cfset getRecColumns = updatedRowsFnlArr[1]>
<!---/// 4. get length of 1st record row, which will tell us hom many columns are in the csv file ///--->
<cfset ColumnCount = ListLen(updatedRowsFnlArr[1],",")>
<!---/// 5. create array to hold value for return and start loop of list *****Loop started at 2 to exclude header row***** ///--->
<cfset recordArr = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfloop index="i" from="2" to="#updatedRowsFnlLen#">
<!---/// 6. grab each column (delimited by ",") internal loop. The value of each array index/item is a comma delimited list ///--->
<cfset currRecRow = #updatedRowsFnlArr[i]#>
<!---/// 7. We now create a structure and assign each row value to the corresponding header within the structure ///--->
<cfset recordStruct = StructNew()>
<cfloop index="internal" from="1" to="#ColumnCount#">
<!---conditional to set the 'nul' value added for empty list position values in order to process back to empty values--->
<cfif listGetAt(currRecRow,internal,",") NEQ 'nul'>
<!---check for global placeholder delimiter and reset to ","--->
<cfif FIND(glblDelimiter,listGetAt(currRecRow,internal,",")) NEQ 0>
<cfset resetDelimiterVal = Replace(listGetAt(currRecRow,internal,","),glblDelimiter,',','All')>
<cfset resetDelimiterVal = listGetAt(currRecRow,internal,",")>
<cfset recordStruct[listGetAt(getRecColumns,internal,",")] = resetDelimiterVal>
<cfset recordStruct[listGetAt(getRecColumns,internal,",")] = "">
<!---/// 8. append the struct to the array ///--->
<cfset ArrayAppend(recordArr,recordStruct)>
<cfreturn recordArr>
//// SetGlobalDelimiter /////
//// Sets a placeholder for strings containing the primary delimiter (",") /////
//// 02.6.11 BP /////
<cffunction name="SetGlobalDelimiter" access="public" returntype="string" hint="set a placeholder delimiter for the strings that contain the primary list comma delimiter">
<cfset glblDelimiter = "{_$_}">
<cfreturn glblDelimiter>
//// checkCSVRowLengths /////
//// due to some inconsistencies in excel, some csv files drop the delimiter if list is empty /////
//// 7.20.11 BP /////
<cffunction name="checkCSVRowLengths" access="public" returntype="array">
<cfargument name="readArray" type="array" required="yes">
<cfset column_row = readArray[1]>
<cfset column_row_len = listlen(column_row,',')>
<cfloop index="i" from="2" to="#ArrayLen(readArray)#">
<cfset updateRowindex = readArray[i]>
<cfif listlen(updateRowindex) lt column_row_len>
<!---// process middle positions in list //--->
<cfset currRowListed = updateRowindex>
<cfset updatedRowListed = REreplace(currRowListed,",,",",nul,","ALL")>
<cfset updatedRowListed = REreplace(updatedRowListed,",,",",nul,","ALL")>
<!---// process 1st position in list //--->
<cfset frstpos = REFIND(",",updatedRowListed,1)>
<cfif frstpos EQ 1>
<cfset updatedRowListed = REReplace(updatedRowListed,",","nul,")>
<!---// process last position in list //--->
<cfset rowStrngLen = Len(updatedRowListed)>
<cfset lastpos = REFIND(",",updatedRowListed,rowStrngLen)>
<cfif lastpos EQ rowStrngLen>
<cfset updatedRowListed = updatedRowListed & "nul">
<cfset updatedRowListed = updateRowindex>
<cfif listlen(updatedRowListed) lt column_row_len>
<cfset lc = column_row_len - listlen(updatedRowListed)>
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#lc#">
<cfset updatedRowListed = updatedRowListed & ',nul'>
<cfset readArray[i] = updatedRowListed>
<cfreturn readArray>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
在我查看您当前的表单之前,请允许我提及另一个选项:使用数据库的导入工具,例如OPENROWSET或BULK INSERT。前者更灵活,可以从SELECT
语句中使用。所以你可以从CSV文件直接插入,没有循环。 (我通常更喜欢先插入临时表。运行一些验证查询,然后将insert/select
<!--- see below for how to validate list of column names --->
<cfquery name="insertRawData" datasource="yourDSN">
INSERT INTO YourTable ( #theSelectedColumnNames# )
FROM OPENROWSET( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'
, 'SELECT * FROM [yourFileName.csv]' )
<cfset csvHeaders = csvData[1]>
<cfloop array="#csvHeaders#" index="headerName">
Map file header: #headerName#
to column:
<select name="targetColumns">
<option value="" selected>--- column name---</option>
<cfloop query="getColumnNames">
<option value="#column_name#">#column_name#</option>
然后根据db元数据重新验证列名列表以防止sql注入。 不要跳过这一步!。 (您也可以使用单独的映射表,以免暴露数据库模式。这是我的偏好。)
<cfquery name="qVerify" datasource="yourDSN">
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'YourTableName'
<cfqueryparam value="#form.targetColumns#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
<cfif qVerify.recordCount eq 0 OR qVerify.NumberOfColumns neq listLen(form.targetColumns)>
ERROR. Missing or invalid column name(s) detected
<cfset csvData = CSVToArray(....)>
<!--- deduct one to skip header row --->
<cfset numberOfRows = arrayLen(csvData) - 1>
<cfset numberOfColumns = arrayLen(csvData[1])>
<cfif numberOfColumns eq 0 OR numberOfColumns neq listLen(form.targetColumns)>
ERROR. Missing or invalid column name(s) detected
<cfloop from="1" to="#numberOfRows#" index="rowIndex">
<cfquery ...>
INSERT INTO ClientColumnMappings ( #form.targetColumns# )
<cfloop from="1" to="#numberOfColumns#" index="colIndex">
<cfif colIndex gt 1>,</cfif>
<cfqueryparam value="#csvData[rowIndex][colIndex]#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">