
时间:2013-06-03 18:09:08

标签: email scripting applescript containers


tell application "Mail"
set draftMessages to every message in drafts mailbox
repeat with theMessage in draftMessages
    set theSender to (sender of theMessage)
    set theSubject to (subject of theMessage)
    set theContent to (content of theMessage)
    set theRecipients to (to recipients of theMessage)
    set theAddress to (address of theRecipients)

    set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, sender:theSender, address:theAddress, visible:true}

    end repeat
end tell


tell application "Mail"
get every message of drafts mailbox
    --> {message id 23241 of mailbox "Drafts" of account "BLAH", message id 23236 of mailbox "Drafts" of account "BLAH"}
get sender of message id 23241 of mailbox "Drafts" of account "BLAH"
    --> "Blah Blah <blah@blah.com>"
get subject of message id 23241 of mailbox "Drafts" of account "BLAH"
    --> "test 2"
get content of message id 23241 of mailbox "Drafts" of account "BLAH"
    --> "test 2"
get every to recipient of message id 23241 of mailbox "Drafts" of account "BLAH"
    --> {to recipient 1 of message id 23241 of mailbox "Drafts" of account "BLAH"}
error "Can’t get address of {to recipient 1 of message id 23241 of mailbox \"Drafts\" of
account \"BLAH\" of application \"Mail\"}." number -1728 from «class radd» of {«class 
trcp» 1 of «class mssg» id 23241 of «class mbxp» "Drafts" of «class mact» "BLAH"}

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


tell application "Mail"
set draftMessages to every message in drafts mailbox
    repeat with theMessage in draftMessages
        send theMessage
    end repeat
end tell


答案 1 :(得分:0)


tell application "Mail"
    set draftMessages to every message in drafts mailbox
    repeat with theMessage in draftMessages
        tell theMessage
            set theSender to (sender of theMessage)
            set theSubject to (subject of theMessage)
            set theContent to (content of theMessage)
        end tell
        set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, sender:theSender, visible:true}
    end repeat
end tell