
时间:2013-06-03 15:14:53

标签: batch-file delete-file

我必须每天删除大量文件(200k +),所以我写了一个批处理文件来执行以下调用:

del *.* /S /F /Q


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Multi-thread file deleting program
if "%1" equ "Thread" goto ProcessBlock

rem Create the list of file names and count they
cd C:\TheFolder
set numFiles=0
(for /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /S /A-D *.*') do (
   echo %%f
   set /A numFiles+=1
)) > "%temp%\fileNames.tmp"

rem Get number of threads and size of each block
set numThreads=%1
if not defined numThreads (
   set /A numThreads=1, blockSize=numFiles
) else (
   set /A blockSize=numFiles/numThreads

rem Create asynchronous threads to process block number 2 up to numThreads
if exist thread.* del thread.*
for /L %%t in (2,1,%numThreads%) do (
   echo %time% > thread.%%t
   start "" /B "%~F0" Thread %%t

rem Process block number 1
set count=0
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%f in ("%temp%\fileNames.tmp") do (
   del "%%f"
   set /A count+=1
   if !count! equ %blockSize% goto endFirstBlock


rem Wait for all asynchronous threads to end
if exist thread.* goto endFirstBlock

rem Delete the auxiliary file and terminate
del "%temp%\fileNames.tmp"
goto :EOF

rem Process blocks 2 and up (asynchronous thread)

set /A skip=(%2-1)*blockSize, count=0
for /F "usebackq skip=%skip% delims=" %%f in ("%temp%\fileNames.tmp") do (
   del "%%f"
   set /A count+=1
   if !count! equ %blockSize% goto endBlock
del thread.%2

上述批处理文件假定文件名没有感叹号。如果需要这一点,可能会包含相应的setlocal / endlocal命令,但此详细信息会降低该过程的速度。

