
时间:2013-06-02 13:09:52

标签: python python-3.x

[使用Python 3.x]我正在尝试创建一个包含两列的CSV文件,一列包含虚假的电子邮件地址,第二列应包含相应功能中指定的某个国家/地区代码。

我希望国家代码 - 至少 - 均匀分配到每个电子邮件地址。但如果还有一种方式不均匀分布,那就太好了。例如,一个国家可以被分配到30%的电子邮件地址,另一个国家被分配到10%等等。



from random import choice, randint
from string import ascii_lowercase
from itertools import zip_longest
import csv

def gen_name(length):
    """"Generates a random name with the given amount of characters."""
    return ''.join(choice(ascii_lowercase) for i in range(length))

def email_gen():
    """Generates a fake email address."""
    user = gen_name(randint(5, 10))
    host = gen_name(randint(5, 15))
    return user + "@" + host + ".com"

def gen_plain_email_list(n):
    """Generates a list of n amount of random e-mail addresses"""
    emaillist = []
    for i in range(n):
    return emaillist

def gen_email_dict(n):
    """Generates a dictionary where the key is an e-mail address and the value a random country code."""
    email_list = []
    cc = ['us', 'gb', 'de', 'fr', 'it', 'nl', 'es', 'ae', 'br', 'au']

    # Creating a list of n amount of e-mail addresses
    for i in range(n):
    # Creates dictionary with with an e-mail address from email_list and
    # a random country code from the cc list
    email_dict = dict(zip_longest(email_list, cc, fillvalue=choice(cc)))
    return email_dict

def dict_to_csv(filename, n):
    with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as f:
        w = csv.writer(f)

dict_to_csv('test.csv', 1000)


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您正在尝试滥用 zip功能。在你的情况下使用genexp或dict-comprehension很简单:

def gen_email_dict(n):
    return {get_email(): choice(cc) for _ in range(n)}
    #return dict((get_email(), choice(cc)) for _ in range(n))  # python2



cc = ['us', 'gb', 'de', 'fr', 'it', 'nl', 'es', 'ae', 'br', 'au']
def _countries():
    while True:
        yield choice(cc)

countries = _countries()

def gen_email_dict(n):
    # using zip_longest you'll get an infinite loop!!!
    return dict(zip((gen_email() for _ in range(n)), countries))
    # using itertools.islice you wont get an infinite loop.
    # but there is no reason to complicate things.
    #return dict(zip_longest((gen_email() for _ in range(n)), it.islice(countries, n)))

答案 1 :(得分:0)


cc = [('us', .2), ('gb', .2), ('de', .1), ('fr', .05), ('it', .05)]
distribution = n / sum(dist for c, dist in cc)
countries = []
for c, dist in cc:
    countries.extend([c] * int(round(distribution * dist)))
# rounding errors may mean we have too few, add until we have enough
while len(countries) < n:


答案 2 :(得分:0)

要随机选择具有不同概率的国家/地区代码,您可以创建一组权重,这些权重可用于生成从中随机选择代码的Universe。我在这里使用Python 2,但总体思路是一样的:

emails = [chr(65 + i) + '@foo.bar' for i in range(26)]

cc_weights = dict(
    us = 5,
    gb = 3,
    de = 2,

# A universe of country codes, based on the weighting we defined.
ccs = sum(([c] * n for c,n in cc_weights.iteritems()), [])

email_ccs = dict((e, choice(ccs)) for e in emails)