你能解释下面的C / C ++语句吗?

时间:2009-11-06 12:51:36

标签: c++ c function-pointers

void (*func)(int(*[ ])());

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:31)



void (*func)(int(*[ ])());


       func                   -- func
      *func                   -- is a pointer
     (*func)(           )     -- to a function taking
     (*func)(     [ ]   )     --    an array
     (*func)(    *[ ]   )     --    of pointers
     (*func)(   (*[ ])())     --    to functions taking 
                              --      an unspecified number of parameters
     (*func)(int(*[ ])())     --    returning int
void (*func)(int(*[ ])());    -- and returning void


 * Define the functions that will be part of the function array
int foo() { int i; ...; return i; }
int bar() { int j; ...; return j; }
int baz() { int k; ...; return k; }
 * Define a function that takes the array of pointers to functions
void blurga(int (*fa[])())
  int i;
  int x;
  for (i = 0; fa[i] != NULL; i++)
    x = fa[i](); /* or x = (*fa[i])(); */
 * Declare and initialize an array of pointers to functions returning int
int (*funcArray[])() = {foo, bar, baz, NULL};
 * Declare our function pointer
void (*func)(int(*[ ])());
 * Assign the function pointer
func = blurga;
 * Call the function "blurga" through the function pointer "func"
func(funcArray); /* or (*func)(funcArray); */

答案 1 :(得分:20)


它将func声明为指向函数的指针,该函数返回void并获取类型为int (*[])()的单个参数,该参数本身是一个指向函数的指针,该函数返回int并采用固定但未指定的争论的数量。


cdecl> explain void (*f)(int(*[ ])());
declare f as pointer to function (array of pointer to function returning int) returning void

答案 2 :(得分:5)


$ cdecl
explain void (* x)(int (*[])());
declare x as pointer to function 
  (array of pointer to function returning int) returning void

答案 3 :(得分:2)

void (*func)(blah);是指向以blah作为参数的函数的指针,其中blah本身是int(*[ ])()是一个函数指针数组。

答案 4 :(得分:2)

答案 5 :(得分:2)

Geordi是一个C ++机器人,可以训练这个:

<litb> geordi: {} void (*func)(int(*[ ])());
<litb> geordi: -r << ETYPE_DESC(func)
<geordi> lvalue pointer to a function taking a pointer to a pointer to a nullary function 
         returning an integer and returning nothing


<litb> geordi: show parameter-declarations
<geordi> `int(*[ ])()`.


<litb> geordi: {} int func;
<litb> geordi: make func a pointer to function returning void and taking array of pointer to 
       functions returning int
<litb> geordi: show
<geordi> {} void (* func)(int(*[])());

如果你问它,它会执行你给它的任何东西。如果你受过训练但只是忘记了一些可怕的括号规则,你也可以混合使用C ++和geordi风格的类型描述:

<litb> geordi: make func a (function returning void and taking (int(*)()) []) *
<geordi> {} void (* func)(int(*[])());
