在DOS批处理文件中,实现某些事情的方法有些混淆。幸运的是,有一个很棒的批处理脚本参考站点:Simon Sheppard's SS64。 (同一网站也有大量关于 Bash 的信息。)
显而易见的if exist "%dir%\*.*"
( dir /b /a "%dir%" | findstr . ) > nul && (
echo %dir% non-empty
) || (
echo %dir% empty
另一个尴尬的问题是根据文件内容进行分支。 可以这样做:
( fc /B "%file1%" "%file2%" | find "FC: no differences encountered" ) > nul && (
echo "%file1%" and "%file2%" are the same
) || (
echo "%file1%" and "%file2%" are different
REM *** pseudo-code!
if "%file1%" is_newer_than "%file2%" (
echo "%file1%" is newer
) else if "%file1%" is_older_than "%file2%" (
echo "%file2%" is newer
) else (
echo "%file1%" and "%file2%" are the same age
答案 0 :(得分:33)
SET FILE1=foo.txt
SET FILE2=bar.txt
FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR /B /O:D %FILE1% %FILE2%') DO SET NEWEST=%%i
ECHO %NEWEST% is (probably) newer.
SET FILE1=foo.txt
SET FILE2=bar.txt
FOR %%i IN (%FILE1%) DO SET DATE1=%%~ti
FOR %%i IN (%FILE2%) DO SET DATE2=%%~ti
IF "%DATE1%"=="%DATE2%" ECHO Files have same age && GOTO END
FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR /B /O:D %FILE1% %FILE2%') DO SET NEWEST=%%i
ECHO Newer file is %NEWEST%
答案 1 :(得分:9)
Dave Webb的说法虽然很棒,但当然只能处理同一目录中的文件。
首先获取文件时间(参见How to get file's last modified date on Windows command line?)。
for %%a in (MyFile1.txt) do set File1Date=%%~ta
for %%a in (MyFile2.txt) do set File2Date=%%~ta
然而,人们必须手动将日期和时间分成它的组件,因为Cmd.exe会将它们作为一个标记进行比较,因此2>上午10点和10点> 2:00 PM。
首先比较年份,然后是月份,然后是当天,然后是上午/下午,然后是小时,然后是分钟和秒,(实际上是耗费时间,但我没有一分钟更好的想法) ,最后看最后的代码。
for /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('forfiles /m MyFile1.txt /c "cmd /c echo @fdate @ftime"')
do set File1Date=%%a
for /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('forfiles /m MyFile2.txt /c "cmd /c echo @fdate @ftime"')
do set File2Date=%%a
请注意,“ForFiles”有一个限制,即它不能使用带空格的路径,因此如果您有一个带空格的路径,则必须先更改为该目录,请参阅forfiles - spaces in folder path
set "originalFileTime=%1"
set "secondFileTime=%2"
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%a in (%originalFileTime%) do (
set "originalDatePart=%%a"
set "originalTimePart=%%b"
set "originalAmPmPart=%%c"
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%a in (%secondFileTime%) do (
set "secondDatePart=%%a"
set "secondTimePart=%%b"
set "secondAmPmPart=%%c"
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/" %%a in ("%originalDatePart%") do (
set "originalMonthPart=%%a"
set "originalMonthDayPart=%%b"
set "originalYearPart=%%c"
rem We need to ensure that the year is in a 4 digit format and if not we add 2000 to it
rem Cmd considers "50" > "100" but 50 < 100, so don't surround it with qoutes
if %%c LSS 100 set "originalYearPart=20%%c
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/" %%a in ("%secondDatePart%") do (
set "secondMonthPart=%%a"
set "secondMonthDayPart=%%b"
set "secondYearPart=%%c"
rem We need to ensure that the year is in a 4 digit format and if not we add 2000 to it
rem Cmd considers "50" > "100" but 50 < 100, so don't surround it with quotes
if %%c LSS 100 set "secondYearPart=20%%c
if %originalYearPart% GTR %secondYearPart% goto newer
if %originalYearPart% LSS %secondYearPart% goto older
rem We reach here only if the year is identical
rem Cmd considers "2" > "10" but 2 < 10, so don't surround it with quotes or you will have to set the width explicitly
if %originalMonthPart% GTR %secondMonthPart% goto newer
if %originalMonthPart% LSS %secondMonthPart% goto older
if %originalMonthDayPart% GTR %secondMonthDayPart% goto newer
if %originalMonthDayPart% LSS %secondMonthDayPart% goto older
rem We reach here only if it is the same date
if %originalAmPmPart% GTR %secondAmPmPart% goto newer
if %originalAmPmPart% LSS %secondAmPmPart% goto older
rem we reach here only if i=t is the same date, and also the same AM/PM
for /F "tokens=1 delims=:" %%a in ("%originalTimePart%") do set "originalHourPart=%%a"
for /F "tokens=1 delims=:" %%a in ("%secondTimePart%") do set "secondHourPart=%%a"
rem Cmd considers "2" > "10" but 2 < 10, so don't surround it with qoutes or you will have to set the width explicitly
if %originalHourPart% GTR %secondHourPart% goto newer
if %originalHourPart% LSS %secondHourPart% goto older
rem The minutes and seconds can be compared directly
if %originalTimePart% GTR %secondTimePart% goto newer
if %originalTimePart% LSS %secondTimePart% goto older
if %originalTimePart% EQU %secondTimePart% goto same
goto older
exit /b
echo "newer"
exit /b
echo "older"
exit /b
echo "same"
exit /b
答案 2 :(得分:8)
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
strFile1 = objArgs(0)
strFile2 = objArgs(1)
Set objFile1 = objFS.GetFile(strFile1)
Set objFile2 = objFS.GetFile(strFile2)
If objFile1.DateLastModified < objFile2.DateLastModified Then
WScript.Echo "File1: "&strFile1&" is older than "&strFile2
WScript.Echo "File1: "&strFile1&" is newer than "&strFile2
End If
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 08AC-4F03
Directory of C:\test
11/06/2009 07:40 PM <DIR> .
11/06/2009 07:40 PM <DIR> ..
11/06/2009 06:26 PM 135 file
11/02/2009 04:31 PM 4,516 m.txt
C:\test>cscript /nologo test.vbs file m.txt
File1: file is newer than m.txt
当然,在较新版本的Windows中,您可能想要试用Powershell ......
答案 3 :(得分:7)
call :getfiledatestr path\file1.txt file1time
call :getfiledatestr path\file2.txt file2time
if %file1time% equ %file2time% (
echo path\file1.txt is the same age as path\file2.txt to within a minute
) else if %file1time% lss %file2time% (
echo path\file1.txt is older than path\file2.txt
) else (
echo path\file1.txt is newer than path\file2.txt
goto :eof
@REM usage:
@REM :getfiledatestr file-path envvar
@REM result returned in %envvar%
for %%f in (%1) do set getfiledatestr=%%~tf
@REM for MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AMPM use call :appendpadded %2 %%c %%b %%a %%f %%d %%e
@REM for DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM AMPM use call :appendpadded %2 %%c %%b %%a %%f %%d %%e
@REM for YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM AMPM use call :appendpadded %2 %%a %%b %%c %%f %%d %%e
set %2=
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6 delims=/: " %%a in ("%getfiledatestr%") do (
call :appendpadded %2 %%c %%b %%a %%f %%d %%e
@goto :eof
@REM Takes an env var as the first parameter
@REM and values to be appended as the remaining parameters,
@REM right-padding all values with leading 0's to 4 places
set temp_value=000%2
call :expand set %1=%%%1%%%%temp_value:~-4%%
shift /2
if "%2" neq "" goto appendpadded
set temp_value=
@goto :eof
@REM forces all variables to expand fully
@goto :eof
答案 4 :(得分:5)
for /f "delims=" %%r in ('xcopy /D /Y /f /e "%inputdir%\%source_filename%" "%outputdir%\%dest_filename%"') do (
IF "%%r" EQU "1 File(s) copied" %build_command% "%inputdir%\%source_filename%" "%outputdir%\%dest_filename%"
仅在原始文件较新时才覆盖目标文件。如果它不是更新的,则%% r是&#34; 0文件被复制&#34;,因此条件命令不会被执行,并且目标文件永远不会被覆盖。如果它更新,%% r是&#34; 1文件已复制&#34;,因此您的目标文件只是源文件的副本,然后执行构建命令,将其替换为新版本的无论目标文件实际应该是什么。
答案 5 :(得分:2)
xcopy /L /D /Y PATH_TO_FILE1 PATH_TO_FILE2|findstr /B /C:"1 " && echo FILE1 is newer!
答案 6 :(得分:0)
基于Wes answer我创建了更新的脚本。更新太多,无法发表评论。
@REM usage:
@REM :getfiledatestr file-path envvar
@REM result returned in %envvar%
for %%A in (%1) do (
set getfilefolderstr=%%~dpA
set getfilenamestr=%%~nxA
@REM Removing trailing backslash
if %getfilefolderstr:~-1%==\ set getfilefolderstr=%getfilefolderstr:~0,-1%
@REM clear it for case that the forfiles command fails
set getfiledatestr=
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('"forfiles /p ""%getfilefolderstr%"" /m ""%getfilenamestr%"" /c "cmd /c echo @fdate @ftime" "') do set getfiledatestr=%%i
@REM old code: for %%f in (%1) do set getfiledatestr=%%~tf
set %2=
@REM consider missing files as oldest files
if "%getfiledatestr%" equ "" set %2=""
@REM Currently supported date part delimiters are /:. and space. You may need to add more delimiters to the following line if your date format contains alternative delimiters too. If you do not do that then the parsed dates will be entirely arbitrarily structured and comparisons misbehave.
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6 delims=/:. " %%a in ("%getfiledatestr%") do (
@REM for MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AMPM use call :appendpadded %2 %%c %%b %%a %%g %%d %%e %%f
@REM for DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS AMPM use call :appendpadded %2 %%c %%b %%a %%g %%d %%e %%f
@REM for YYYY/DD/MM HH:MM:SS AMPM use call :appendpadded %2 %%a %%b %%c %%g %%d %%e %%f
call :appendpadded %2 %%c %%b %%a %%g %%d %%e %%f
@goto :eof
@REM Takes an env var as the first parameter
@REM and values to be appended as the remaining parameters,
@REM right-padding all values with leading 0's to 4 places
set temp_value=000%2
call :expand set %1=%%%1%%%%temp_value:~-4%%
shift /2
if "%2" neq "" goto appendpadded
set temp_value=
@REM cmd is not able to compare integers larger than 1+31 bits, so lets convert them to quoted numeric strings instead. The current implementation generates numeric strings much longer than 31 bit integers worth.
call :expand set %1="%%%1%%%"
@goto :eof
@REM forces all variables to expand fully
@goto :eof
答案 7 :(得分:0)
*WasFile compares ..
.. time&date of two files (or directories),
.. the date of two files, time ignored
.. the date of a file with today-n (days)
.. time&date of a file with now-n (minutes)
WasFile this.zip created before that.zip
WasFile this.zip modified after today-8
WasFile this.dat created before now-10
Using file stamps for created, modified (default) or accessed;
comparison: [not] before|after|sametime
Option to compare date only, ignore time: /DateLocal or /DateUTC*