
时间:2013-05-31 17:13:37

标签: c++ cuda


编辑 - 代码块包含数据。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cufft.h>
#include <cuda.h>

typedef enum signaltype {REAL, COMPLEX} signal;

typedef float2 Complex;

printData(Complex *a, int size, char *msg) {

  if (msg == "") printf("\n");
  else printf("%s\n", msg);

  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    printf("%f %f\n", a[i].x, a[i].y);

normData(Complex *a, int size, float norm) {

  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    a[i].x /= norm;
    a[i].y /= norm;

// flag = 1 for real signals.
randomFill(Complex *h_signal, int size, int flag) {

  // Real signal.
  if (flag == REAL) {
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      h_signal[i].x = rand() / (float) RAND_MAX;
      h_signal[i].y = 0;

// FFT a signal that's on the _DEVICE_.
signalFFT(Complex *d_signal, int signal_size) {

  // Handle type used to store and execute CUFFT plans.
  // Essentially allocates the resouecwes and sort of interns
  // them.

  cufftHandle plan;
  if (cufftPlan1d(&plan, signal_size, CUFFT_C2C, 1) != CUFFT_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Failed to plan FFT\n");

  // Execute the plan.
  if (cufftExecC2C(plan, (cufftComplex *) d_signal, (cufftComplex *) d_signal, CUFFT_FORWARD) != CUFFT_SUCCESS) {
    printf ("Failed Executing FFT\n");


// Reverse of the signalFFT(.) function.
signalIFFT(Complex *d_signal, int signal_size) {

  cufftHandle plan;
  if (cufftPlan1d(&plan, signal_size, CUFFT_C2C, 1) != CUFFT_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Failed to plan IFFT\n");

  if (cufftExecC2C(plan, (cufftComplex *) d_signal, (cufftComplex *) d_signal, CUFFT_INVERSE) != CUFFT_SUCCESS) {
    printf ("Failed Executing FFT\n");

// Pointwise Multiplication Kernel.
__global__ void
pwProd(Complex *signal1, int size1, Complex *signal2, int size2) {

  int threadsPerBlock, blockId, globalIdx;

  threadsPerBlock = blockDim.x * blockDim.y;
  blockId = blockIdx.x + (blockIdx.y * gridDim.x);
  globalIdx = (blockId * threadsPerBlock) + threadIdx.x + (threadIdx.y * blockDim.x);

  if (globalIdx <= size1) {

      signal1[globalIdx].x = (signal1[globalIdx].x * signal2[globalIdx].x - signal1[globalIdx].y * signal2[globalIdx].y);
      signal1[globalIdx].y = (signal1[globalIdx].x * signal2[globalIdx].y + signal1[globalIdx].y * signal2[globalIdx].x);


cudaConvolution(Complex *d_signal1, int size1, Complex *d_signal2,
                int size2, dim3 blockSize, dim3 gridSize) {

  signalFFT(d_signal1, size1);
  signalFFT(d_signal2, size2);

  pwProd<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(d_signal1, size1, d_signal2, size2);

  //signalIFFT(d_signal1, size1);


int allocateAndPad(Complex **a, int s1, Complex **b, int s2) {

  int oldsize, newsize, i;

  newsize = s1 + s2 - 1;

  while (!((newsize != 0) && !(newsize & (newsize - 1)))) {

  oldsize = s1;
  *a = (Complex *) malloc(sizeof(Complex) * newsize);
  for (i = oldsize; i < newsize; i++) {
    (*a)[i].x = 0;
    (*a)[i].y = 0;

  oldsize = s2;
  *b = (Complex *) malloc(sizeof(Complex) * newsize);
  for (i = oldsize; i < newsize; i++) {
    (*b)[i].x = 0;
    (*b)[i].y = 0;

  return newsize;

int main()

  Complex *h1, *h2, *d1, *d2;

  int s1, s2, newsize, i, dim;

  int deviceCount;
  cudaError_t e = cudaGetDeviceCount(&deviceCount);
  if (e != cudaSuccess) {
    return -1;

  dim = 1;

  s1 = 16;
  s2 = 16;

  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)  {

      newsize = allocateAndPad(&h1, s1, &h2, s2);

      /*h1 = (Complex *) malloc(sizeof(Complex) * s1);
      h2 = (Complex *) malloc(sizeof(Complex) * s2);
      newsize = 16;*/

      randomFill(h1, s1, REAL);
      randomFill(h2, s2, REAL);

      // Kernel Block and Grid Size.
      const dim3 blockSize(16, 16, 1);
      const dim3 gridSize(newsize / 16 + 1, newsize / 16 + 1, 1);

      printData(h1, newsize, "H Signal 1");
      printData(h2, newsize, "H Signal 2");

      cudaMalloc(&d1, sizeof(Complex) * newsize);
      cudaMalloc(&d2, sizeof(Complex) * newsize);
      cudaMemcpy(d1, h1, sizeof(Complex) * newsize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
      cudaMemcpy(d2, h2, sizeof(Complex) * newsize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

      cudaConvolution(d1, newsize, d2, newsize, blockSize, gridSize);

      // Explicit code run below,

      /*signalFFT(d1, newsize);
      cudaMemcpy(h1, d1, sizeof(Complex) * newsize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
      printData(h1, newsize, "1 FFT");
      cudaMemcpy(d1, h1, sizeof(Complex) * newsize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
      signalFFT(d2, newsize);
      cudaMemcpy(h2, d2, sizeof(Complex) * newsize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
      printData(h2, newsize, "2 FFT");
      cudaMemcpy(d2, h2, sizeof(Complex) * newsize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

      pwProd<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(d1, newsize, d2, newsize);

      signalIFFT(d1, newsize);*/


      cudaMemcpy(h1, d1, sizeof(Complex) * newsize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

      //normData(h1, newsize, newsize);

      printData(h1, newsize, "PwProd");

      free(h1); free(h2);
      cudaFree(d1); cudaFree(d2);


  return 0;

EDIT: Required Output Data
0.840188 0.000000
0.394383 0.000000
0.783099 0.000000
0.798440 0.000000
0.911647 0.000000
0.197551 0.000000
0.335223 0.000000
0.768230 0.000000
0.277775 0.000000
0.553970 0.000000
0.477397 0.000000
0.628871 0.000000
0.364784 0.000000
0.513401 0.000000
0.952230 0.000000
0.916195 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 H Signal 2
0.635712 0.000000
0.717297 0.000000
0.141603 0.000000
0.606969 0.000000
0.016301 0.000000
0.242887 0.000000
0.137232 0.000000
0.804177 0.000000
0.156679 0.000000
0.400944 0.000000
0.129790 0.000000
0.108809 0.000000
0.998924 0.000000
0.218257 0.000000
0.512932 0.000000
0.839112 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 PwProd
64.765198 0.000000
-20.097927 72.754028
1.797580 1.074046
-5.184547 7.412243
0.148326 0.121253
-3.457163 3.253345
0.834668 -0.752979
-0.414450 0.328347
-1.268492 0.297919
1.634082 -2.054814
0.542893 0.087469
0.244198 -1.392576
0.680159 -0.110084
0.938037 1.743742
1.318125 -2.269666
-1.448638 1.534995
-0.207152 -0.000000
-1.448638 -1.534995
1.318125 2.269666
0.938037 -1.743742
0.680159 0.110084
0.244198 1.392576
0.542893 -0.087469
1.634082 2.054814
-1.268492 -0.297919
-0.414450 -0.328347
0.834668 0.752980
-3.457164 -3.253347
0.148326 -0.121253
-5.184546 -7.412243
1.797580 -1.074046
-20.097923 -72.754013


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您应该对所有cuda API调用和内核调用执行cuda error checking(您已经对cufft API调用进行了错误检查)。


========= Invalid __global__ read of size 8
=========     at 0x00000088 in pwProd(float2*, int, float2*, int)
=========     by thread (0,2,0) in block (0,0,0)
=========     Address 0x400200300 is out of bounds
=========     Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at kernel launch time
=========     Host Frame:/usr/lib64/libcuda.so (cuLaunchKernel + 0x3dc) [0xc9edc]
=========     Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so.5.0 [0xf513]
=========     Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so.5.0 (cudaLaunch + 0x183) [0x30f13]
=========     Host Frame:./t171 [0x13e1]
=========     Host Frame:./t171 (__gxx_personality_v0 + 0x2d2) [0xdea]
=========     Host Frame:./t171 (__gxx_personality_v0 + 0x2fd) [0xe15]
=========     Host Frame:./t171 [0x108b]
=========     Host Frame:./t171 [0x1322]
=========     Host Frame:/lib64/libc.so.6 (__libc_start_main + 0xf4) [0x1d994]
=========     Host Frame:./t171 (__gxx_personality_v0 + 0x51) [0xb69]


if (globalIdx <= size1) {


if (globalIdx < size1) {
