
时间:2013-05-29 08:10:27

标签: c# asp.net-mvc entity-framework asp.net-mvc-4 ef-code-first




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您可以为用户可以添加的自定义属性指定单独的表。此自定义字段将引用您的主模型。基本上,您将拥有1 to M关系

public class MyModel
    public int MyModelID            { get; set; }

    public string FixedProperty1    { get; set; }
    public string FixedProperty2    { get; set; }

    // This is a navigation property for all your custom properties
    public virtual ICollection<CustomProperty> CustomProperties  { get; set; }

public class CustomProperty
    public int CustomPropertyID      { get; set; }

    // This is the name of custom field
    public string PropertyName       { get; set; }
    // And this is its value
    public string PropertyValue      { get; set; }

    // FK reference and navigation property to your main table
    public int MyModelID             { get; set; }
    public virtual MyModel MyModel   { get; set; }