我一直在使用eXist REST服务,访问资源URL,例如/ exist / rest / db / orbeon / app / form / data来运行xqueries。
在Liferay 6.1.1-CE上运行4.1.0.2013040182144-PE
这些URL适用于FR和FR代理Portlet,但不适用于FR Full Portlet。我需要使用Full Portlet才能将Liferay角色用于可见性/只读约束。
2013-05-28 18:29:52,851 INFO PageFlowControllerProcessor - not found {controller: "oxf:/page-flow-portlet.xml", method: "POST", path: "/exist/rest/db/orbeon/fr/parkers/cars/data", resource: "/apps/exist/page-flow.xml"}
2013-05-28 18:29:52,936 INFO ProcessorService - /exist/rest/db/orbeon/fr/parkers/cars/data - Timing: 121
2013-05-28 18:29:53,009 ERROR XFormsServer - xforms-submit-error - setting throwable {throwable: "
|An Error has Occurred |
|Fatal error: The element type "img" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</img>". |
|Application Call Stack |
|file:///exist/rest/db/orbeon/fr/parkers/cars/data | 1| 611| |
|Exception: org.orbeon.oxf.common.ValidationException |