使用FB iOS SDK标记Foursquare的地方

时间:2013-05-27 22:06:12

标签: ios facebook-graph-api foursquare

概述:我想获取Foursquare位置并将其附加到FB OpenGraph对象 - 使用iOS SDK 。 “约翰史密斯在帕特西的芝加哥比萨吃了披萨/”

FB API文档仅使用直接URL方法显示4SQ附件:http://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/guides/tagging/#placeobjects

但是iOS SDK说明没有显示如何获取4SQ URL,并将其与FB OpenGraph对象相关联。这可能吗?

我尝试创建一个FBGraphPlace,将'id'指定为4SQ URL,然后将该GraphPlace附加到OG对象,但FB忽略它。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


//if (self.selectedPlace) {
        // Facebook SDK * pro-tip *
        // We don't use the action.place syntax here because, unfortunately, setPlace:
        // and a few other selectors may be flagged as reserved selectors by Apple's App Store
        // validation tools. While this doesn't necessarily block App Store approval, it
        // could slow down the approval process. Falling back to the setObject:forKey:
        // selector is a useful technique to avoid such naming conflicts.
        [action setObject:@"https://foursquare.com/v/computer-history-museum/4abd2857f964a520c98820e3" forKey:@"place"];

Posted to place