
时间:2009-11-04 21:48:41

标签: .net vb.net winforms graphics drawing


他们想要它非常像mac / ubuntu / vista / Windows 7,所以我想出了一些非常有趣的控件和漂亮的GUI功能。其中一个是屏幕顶部附近的一些增长/缩小按钮,当您将鼠标悬停在屏幕上方时会增加尺寸(它使用距离公式来计算需要增加的尺寸)。当您将鼠标从控件上移开时,它们会缩小。效果看起来非常专业和华丽,除了有一个重影效果,因为按钮缩小(和按钮右侧的按钮,因为它们固定在臀部)。


alt text




Private Sub buttonPop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    For Each control As System.Windows.Forms.Control In Me.Controls
        If control.GetType.ToString = "Glass.GlassButton" AndAlso control.Location.Y > sender.Location.Y AndAlso control.Location.X >= sender.Location.X AndAlso control.Width < sender.Width AndAlso control.Location.X + control.Width < sender.Location.X + sender.Width Then
            control.Visible = True
        End If
End Sub


Private Sub shrinkpop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    Dim oldSize As Size = sender.Size
    sender.Size = New Size(60, 60)
    For Each control As System.Windows.Forms.Control In Me.Controls
        If control.GetType.ToString = "Glass.GlassButton" AndAlso control.Location.X > sender.Location.X AndAlso (Not control.Location.X = control.Location.X + (sender.size.width - oldSize.Width)) Then

            control.Location = New Point(control.Location.X + (sender.size.width - oldSize.Width), control.Location.Y)

        End If
        If control.GetType.ToString = "Glass.GlassButton" AndAlso control.Location.Y > sender.Location.Y AndAlso control.Location.X = sender.Location.X AndAlso control.Width < sender.Width Then
            control.Location = New Point(control.Location.X, control.Location.Y + (sender.size.height - oldSize.Height))
            If Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition.X < control.Location.X Or Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition.X > control.Location.X + control.Width Then
                control.Visible = False
            End If
        End If
End Sub


    Private Sub buttonMouseMovement(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
    Dim oldSize As Size = sender.Size
    Dim middle As Point = New Point(30, 30)
    Dim adder As Double = Math.Pow(Math.Pow(middle.X - e.X, 2) + Math.Pow(middle.Y - e.Y, 2), 0.5)
    Dim total As Double = Math.Pow(1800, 0.5)

    adder = (1 - (adder / total)) * 20

    If Not (sender.size.width = 60 + adder And sender.size.height = 60 + adder) Then
        sender.Size = New Size(60 + adder, 60 + adder)
    End If
    For Each control As System.Windows.Forms.Control In Me.Controls
        If control.GetType.ToString = "Glass.GlassButton" AndAlso control.Location.X > sender.Location.X AndAlso (Not control.Location.X = control.Location.X + (sender.size.width - oldSize.Width)) Then
            control.Location = New Point(control.Location.X + (sender.size.width - oldSize.Width), control.Location.Y)
        End If
        If control.GetType.ToString = "Glass.GlassButton" AndAlso control.Location.Y > sender.Location.Y AndAlso control.Location.X >= sender.Location.X AndAlso control.Width < sender.Width AndAlso control.Location.X + control.Width < sender.Location.X + sender.Width AndAlso (Not control.Location.Y = control.Location.Y + (sender.size.height - oldSize.Height)) Then
            control.Location = New Point(control.Location.X, control.Location.Y + (sender.size.height - oldSize.Height))
        End If
End Sub


Private Sub SmallButtonMouseMovement(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
    Dim oldSize As Size = sender.Size
    Dim middle As Point = New Point(22.5, 22.5)
    Dim adder As Double = Math.Pow(Math.Pow(middle.X - e.X, 2) + Math.Pow(middle.Y - e.Y, 2), 0.5)
    Dim total As Double = Math.Pow(1012.5, 0.5)

    adder = (1 - (adder / total)) * 15

    If Not (sender.size.Width = 45 + adder And sender.size.height = 45 + adder) Then
        sender.Size = New Size(45 + adder, 45 + adder)
    End If
    For Each control As System.Windows.Forms.Control In Me.Controls
        If control.GetType.ToString = "Glass.GlassButton" AndAlso control.Location.Y > sender.Location.Y AndAlso control.Location.X = sender.location.X AndAlso (Not control.Location.Y = control.Location.Y + (sender.size.height - oldSize.Height)) Then
            control.Location = New Point(control.Location.X, control.Location.Y + (sender.size.height - oldSize.Height))
        End If
End Sub


    Private Sub SmallShrinkPop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    Dim oldsize As Size = sender.Size
    If Not (sender.size.width = 45 AndAlso sender.size.height = 45) Then
        sender.size = New Size(45, 45)
    End If

    Dim ChildCounter As Integer = 0

    For Each control As System.Windows.Forms.Control In Me.Controls
        If control.GetType.ToString = "Glass.GlassButton" AndAlso control.Location.X = sender.location.X AndAlso control.Width = sender.width AndAlso control.Location.Y > sender.location.y Then
            ChildCounter += 1
            control.Location = New Point(control.Location.X, control.Location.Y + (sender.size.height - oldsize.Height))
            If Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition.X < control.Location.X Or Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition.X > control.Location.X + control.Width Then
                sender.visible = False
                control.Visible = False
            End If
        End If
    If (ChildCounter = 0 AndAlso Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition.Y > sender.Location.Y + sender.Height) Or (Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition.X < sender.Location.X Or Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition.X > sender.Location.X + sender.Width) Then
        sender.visible = False
        For Each control As System.Windows.Forms.Control In Me.Controls
            If control.GetType.ToString = "Glass.GlassButton" AndAlso control.Location.X = sender.location.x AndAlso control.Width = sender.width Then
                control.Visible = False
            End If
    End If
End Sub


  1. 如果表单没有背景图片,我就不会有重影问题。
  2. 如果这只是我正在画的普通按钮,我可能不会有重影问题。
  3. 我做了什么,以及我是如何尝试解决的:

    1. 确保表单的双重缓冲已打开(确实如此)
    2. 使用bufferedGraphics类手动双重缓冲(没有帮助或使情况变得更糟)
    3. 说服设计师不需要背景图片或漂亮的玻璃按钮(不去)
    4. 在包含表单的矩形上运行Invalidate()(没有帮助)
    5. 在表单上运行Refresh()(修复重影,但现在整个屏幕在重新加载图像时闪烁)
    6. 坐在我隔间的一角,轻轻地对自己哭泣(帮助压力,但也没有解决问题)
    7. 我正在寻找的是这些问题的答案:

      1. 有谁知道如何摆脱我所描述的重影?我应该专注于不经常改变尺寸吗?我应该专注于缓冲背景图像吗?
      2. 我应该在这里使用其他技术吗?是否有比ActiveX用户继承的ActiveX控件更好?是否可以让DirectX用户控件使用图形卡自行绘制?
      3. 我还有其他想法吗?
      4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~更新1:11/17/2009 9:21 AM ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  public partial class Form1 : Form {
    public Form1() {
      this.IsMdiContainer = true; 
      foreach (Control ctl in this.Controls) {
        if (ctl is MdiClient) {
          ctl.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.SampleImage;
    protected override CreateParams CreateParams {
      get {
        CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
        cp.ExStyle |= 0x02000000;  // Turn on WS_EX_COMPOSITED
        return cp;

样式标志适用于XP SP1及更高版本。它可以对整个表单进行双重缓冲,而不仅仅是每个单独的控件,并且应该消除您看到的重影效果。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


