// for every book entry, append checkboxes
$('.document-frame').append('<p>Choose:?<input type="checkbox" class="Jcustom_c" /></p><p>Serendepity?:<input type="checkbox" class="Jserep" /></p><p>Include snippet?:<input type="checkbox" class="Jsnippet" /></p>');
// append a Submit button at the bottom of the page, and a blank div for feedback upon success in POST-ing the necessary data
$('#resultPage').append('<input id="Justin" class="Jcustom" type="submit"/><div id="Jfeedback"></div>');
// whenever my checkbox is checked, retrieve / "scrape" the necessary book data
$('.Jcustom_c').change(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked'))
var title = $(this).parent().parent().find('.title a').text();
var author = $(this).parent().parent().find('.authors a').text();
var publishd = $(this).parent().parent().find('.publisher').text();
var status = $(this).parent().parent().find('.metadata .summary').text();
var img_link = $(this).parent().parent().find('img.artwork').attr("src")
// create an XML string from that data. Escape "<" and ">", otherwise when we append the string to the browser for feedback, the browser will not render them correctly.
var appended = '<div class="Jappended"><item><title>' + title + '</title><author>' + author + '</author><publisher_n_edn>' + publishd + '</publisher_n_edn><status>' + status + '</status><image>' + img_link + '</image><serep>N</serep></item></div>';
// show the string just below the book title. Hence if I "pick" the book from the catalogue, the XML string will show up to confirm my the fact that I "picked" it.
// if I uncheck the box, I remove the XML string
else {
$('#Justin').click(function(e) {
var string = "<itemset>";
$(".Jappended").each(function() {
var placeh = $(this).text();
string = string + placeh;
// these come from <textarea> boxes I append to the end of the page just before the Submit button. (Above, I did not include the jQuery to append these boxes.)
var odp = $("#odp").val()
var mre = $("#motivation_revisit").val()
var mra = $("#motivation_rationale").val()
var stu = $(".hdr_block h5 span").text()
var string = string + "<odpath>" + odp + "</odpath><stused>" + stu + "</stused><motivation><revisit>" + mre + "</revisit><rationale>" + mra + "</rationale></motivation></itemset>"
var post_var = { xml_string : string, source : "NUS" };
$.post('http://localhost:8888/db-ajax.php', post_var , function(data) {
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js" ></script>
$(document).ready( function() {
$('#Justin').click(function(e) {
var string = "<itemset>";
$(".Jappended").each(function() {
var post_var = { xml_string : "hello", source : "NUS" };
$.post('http://localhost:8888/db-ajax.php', post_var , function(data) {
// if (data == "Success") {
// }
echo "Success";
我已经阅读了这篇文章:jQuery cannot retrieve data from localhost,其中提到“由于同源策略,JavaScript目前无法跨域直接请求”。这是我的代码无法在外部页面上工作的原因吗?如果是,我可以做些什么来使代码工作,或者我可以采用哪些其他方法来实现相同的目标?我有多个正在处理的书籍搜索网站,其中许多都没有我可以直接从中提取数据的API。
P.S。:我还尝试了CG_DEV对How to use type: "POST" in jsonp ajax call的建议,其中说$ .post可以用jsonp完成,jsonp是用于跨域AJAX的数据类型。结果:在Firebug上,我确实看到了POST请求。但是我的函数回调没有被触发,并且当至少应该返回“Success”时,firebug不会注册Response主体。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您可以设置允许跨源资源共享 遵循两个步骤: 从服务器设置此响应标题
// *如果您想允许所有原始域使用它,或者您也可以指定您想要允许其来源的原始域。
$.support.cors = true;
缺点:ie&lt;不完全支持它。 IE10。