
时间:2013-05-23 07:02:38

标签: c++ parallel-processing openmp tbb


我正在实现QuickHull算法的并行版本(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QuickHull)来查找一组数据点的凸包。 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convex_hull)。


  1. 找到最左边和最右边的点(P和Q)。
  2. 根据这两个点(P和Q)的线连接分割整个数据集。
  3. 对于这两组中的每一组,获得距离最后一次分割发生的行(PQ)最远的点。
  4. 根据最远点(C)将数据分成两组:一组包含线PC右侧的所有元素,另一组包含线QC右侧的所有元素。
  5. 请注意,第3部分和第4部分是递归完成的,直到每个子集为空。

    首先,我使用OpenMP主要使用#pragma omp parallel for...完成此操作。但我个人认为我做错了,因为加速从未超过2倍。其次,我还使用英特尔TBB进行了实施,以便比较加速比,这导致负加速(即使对于大数据集)。使用TBB,我使用了tbb :: parallel_for()和tbb :: parallel_reduce()。

    基本上我的问题可以分为两部分: 1)OpenMP实现 2)TBB实施



    Runtimes for small sets up to 10,000 elements Runtimes for larger sets starting from 100,000 elements Speed up comparing OpenMP and sequential algorithm


         void ompfindHull(POINT_VECTOR &input, Point* p1, Point* p2, POINT_VECTOR& output){
            // If there are no points in the set... just stop. This is the stopping criteria for the recursion. :)
            if (input.empty() || input.size() == 0) return;
            int num_threads = omp_get_max_threads();
            // Get the point that is the farthest from the p1-p2 segment
            Point** farthest_sub = new Point*[num_threads];
            double** distance_sub = new double*[num_threads];
            int thread_id;
            #pragma omp parallel private (thread_id)
                thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
                farthest_sub[thread_id] = input[0];
                distance_sub[thread_id] = new double(0);
                #pragma omp for
                    for (int index = 1; index < input.size(); index++){
                        Point*a = p1;
                        Point*b = p2;
                        Point*c = input[index];
                        double distance = ( ( b->x - a->x ) * ( a->y - c->y ) ) - ( ( b->y - a->y ) * ( a->x - c->x ) );
                        distance = distance >= 0 ? distance : -distance;
                        double cur_distance = *distance_sub[thread_id];
                        if (cur_distance < distance){
                            farthest_sub[thread_id] = input[index];
                            distance_sub[thread_id] = new double(distance);
            Point* farthestPoint = farthest_sub[0];
            int distance = *distance_sub[0];
            for (int index = 1; index < num_threads; index++){
                if (distance < *distance_sub[index]){
                    farthestPoint = farthest_sub[index];
            delete [] farthest_sub;
            delete [] distance_sub;
            // Add the farthest point to the output as it is part of the convex hull.
            // Split in two sets.
            // The first one contains points right from p1 - farthestPoint
            // The second one contains points right from farthestPoint - p2
            vector<POINT_VECTOR> left_sub(num_threads), right_sub(num_threads);
            #pragma omp parallel private(thread_id)
                thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
                #pragma omp for
                for (size_t index = 0; index < input.size(); index++){
                    Point* curPoint = input[index];
                    if (curPoint != farthestPoint){
                        if (getPosition(p1, farthestPoint, curPoint) == RIGHT){
                        } else if (getPosition(farthestPoint, p2, curPoint) == RIGHT){
            //Merge all vectors into a single vector :)
            POINT_VECTOR left, right;
            for (int index=0; index < num_threads; index++){
                left.insert(left.end(), left_sub[index].begin(), left_sub[index].end());
                right.insert(right.end(), right_sub[index].begin(), right_sub[index].end());
            // We do more recursion :)
            ompfindHull(left, p1, farthestPoint, output);
            ompfindHull(right, farthestPoint, p2, output);
         double ompquickHull(POINT_VECTOR input, POINT_VECTOR& output){
            Timer timer;
            // Find the left- and rightmost point.
            // We get the number of available threads.
            int num_threads = omp_get_max_threads();
            int thread_id;
            POINT_VECTOR minXPoints(num_threads);
            POINT_VECTOR maxXPoints(num_threads);
            // Devide all the points in subsets between several threads. For each of these subsets
            // we need to find the minX and maxX
            #pragma omp parallel shared(minXPoints,maxXPoints, input) private(thread_id)
                thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
                minXPoints[thread_id] = input[0];
                maxXPoints[thread_id] = input[0];
                int index;
                #pragma omp for
                for (index = 1; index < input.size(); index++)
                    Point* curPoint = input[index];
                    if (curPoint->x > maxXPoints[thread_id]->x){
                        maxXPoints[thread_id] = curPoint;
                    } else if (curPoint->x < minXPoints[thread_id]->x) {
                        minXPoints[thread_id] = curPoint;
                #pragma omp barrier
            // We now have all the minX and maxX points of every single subset. We now use
            // these values to find the overall min and max X-point.
            Point* minXPoint = input[0], *maxXPoint = input[0];
            for (int index = 0; index < num_threads; index++){
                if (minXPoint->x > minXPoints[index]->x){
                    minXPoint = minXPoints[index];
                if (maxXPoint->x < maxXPoints[index]->x){
                    maxXPoint = maxXPoints[index];
            // These points are sure to be part of the convex hull, so add them
            // Now we have to split the set of point in subsets.
            // The first one containing all points above the line
            // The second one containing all points below the line
            const int size = input.size();
            vector<POINT_VECTOR> left_sub(num_threads), right_sub(num_threads);
            #pragma omp parallel private(thread_id)
                thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
                #pragma omp for
                for (unsigned int index = 0; index < input.size(); index++){
                    Point* curPoint = input[index];
                    if (curPoint != minXPoint || curPoint != maxXPoint){
                        if (getPosition(minXPoint, maxXPoint, curPoint) == RIGHT){
                        else if (getPosition(maxXPoint, minXPoint, curPoint) == RIGHT){
            //Merge all vectors into a single vector :)
            POINT_VECTOR left, right;
            for (int index=0; index < num_threads; index++){
                left.insert(left.end(), left_sub[index].begin(), left_sub[index].end());
                right.insert(right.end(), right_sub[index].begin(), right_sub[index].end());
            // We now have the initial two points belonging to the hill
            // We also split all the points into a group containing points left of AB and a group containing points right of of AB
            // We now recursively find all other points belonging to the convex hull.
            ompfindHull(left,minXPoint, maxXPoint, output);
            ompfindHull(right, maxXPoint, minXPoint, output);
            return timer.getTimeElapsed();




    在TBB实现上运行相同的测试会得到以下结果: Runtime for small datasets Runtime for large datasets Speedup graph



    请注意typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<Point*> CPOINT_VECTOR


        class FindExtremum{
        enum ExtremumType{
        FindExtremum(CPOINT_VECTOR& points):fPoints(points), fMinPoint(points[0]), fMaxPoint(points[0]){}
        FindExtremum(const FindExtremum& extremum, tbb::split):fPoints(extremum.fPoints), fMinPoint(extremum.fMinPoint), fMaxPoint(extremum.fMaxPoint){}
        void join(const FindExtremum& other){
            Point* curMinPoint = other.fMinPoint;
            Point* curMaxPoint = other.fMaxPoint;
            if (isLargerThan(curMinPoint, MINIMUM)){
                fMinPoint = curMinPoint;
            if (isSmallerThan(curMaxPoint, MAXIMUM)){
                fMaxPoint = curMaxPoint;
        void operator()(const BLOCKED_RANGE& range){
            for (size_t index = range.begin(); index < range.end(); index++){
                Point* curPoint = fPoints[index];
                if (isLargerThan(curPoint, MINIMUM)){
                    fMinPoint = curPoint;
                if (isSmallerThan(curPoint, MAXIMUM)){
                    fMaxPoint = curPoint;
        bool isSmallerThan(const Point* point, const ExtremumType& type){
            switch (type){
            case MINIMUM:
                return fMinPoint->x < point->x;
            case MAXIMUM:
                return fMaxPoint->x < point->x;
        bool isLargerThan(const Point* point, const ExtremumType& type){
            return !isSmallerThan(point, type);
        Point* getMaxPoint(){
            return this->fMaxPoint;
        Point* getMinPoint(){
            return this->fMinPoint;
        CPOINT_VECTOR fPoints;
        Point* fMinPoint;
        Point* fMaxPoint;
    class Splitter{
        Splitter(const CPOINT_VECTOR& points, Point* point1, Point* point2,
                Point* farthestPoint, CPOINT_VECTOR* left, CPOINT_VECTOR* right, int grainsize):
            fPoints(points), p1(point1), p2(point2), farthestPoint(farthestPoint), fLeft(left), fRight(right), fGrain(grainsize)
            //fLeft = new tbb::concurrent_vector<Point*>();
            //fRight = new tbb::concurrent_vector<Point*>();
            //fLeft = new vector<Point*>();
            //fRight = new vector<Point*>();
        Splitter(const Splitter& splitter, tbb::split):
            fPoints(splitter.fPoints), p1(splitter.p1), p2(splitter.p2), farthestPoint(splitter.farthestPoint),
            fLeft(splitter.fLeft), fRight(splitter.fRight), fGrain(splitter.fGrain){}
        void operator()(const BLOCKED_RANGE& range) const{
            const int grainsize = fGrain;
            Point** left = new Point*[grainsize];
            Point** right = new Point*[grainsize];
            int leftcounter = 0;
            int rightcounter = 0;
            for (size_t index = range.begin(); index < range.end(); index++){
                Point* curPoint = fPoints[index];
                if (curPoint != farthestPoint){
                    if (getPosition(p1, farthestPoint, curPoint) == RIGHT){
                        left[leftcounter++] = curPoint;
                    } else if (getPosition(farthestPoint, p2, curPoint) == RIGHT){
                        right[rightcounter++] = curPoint;
        Point* p1;
        Point* p2;
        Point* farthestPoint;
        int fGrain;
        CPOINT_VECTOR* fLeft;
        CPOINT_VECTOR* fRight;
        CPOINT_VECTOR fPoints;
    class InitialSplitter{
        InitialSplitter(const CPOINT_VECTOR& points, CPOINT_VECTOR* left, CPOINT_VECTOR* right,
                        Point* point1, Point* point2, int grainsize):
                fPoints(points), p1(point1), p2(point2), fLeft(left), fRight(right), fGrain(grainsize){}
        InitialSplitter(const InitialSplitter& splitter, tbb::split):
            fPoints(splitter.fPoints), p1(splitter.p1), p2(splitter.p2),
            fLeft(splitter.fLeft), fRight(splitter.fRight), fGrain(splitter.fGrain){
        void operator()(const BLOCKED_RANGE& range) const{
            const int grainsize = fGrain;
            Point** left = new Point*[grainsize];
            Point** right = new Point*[grainsize];
            int leftcounter = 0;
            int rightcounter = 0;
            for (size_t index = range.begin(); index < range.end(); index++){
                Point* curPoint = fPoints[index];
                if (curPoint != p1 || curPoint != p2){
                    if (getPosition(p1, p2, curPoint) == RIGHT){
                        left[leftcounter++] = curPoint;
                    } else if (getPosition(p2, p1, curPoint) == RIGHT){
                        right[rightcounter++] = curPoint;
        CPOINT_VECTOR fPoints;
        int fGrain;
        Point* p1;
        Point* p2;
        CPOINT_VECTOR* fLeft;
        CPOINT_VECTOR* fRight;
    class FarthestPointFinder{
        FarthestPointFinder(const CPOINT_VECTOR& points, Point* p1, Point* p2):
            fPoints(points), fFarthestPoint(points[0]),fDistance(-1), p1(p1), p2(p2){}
        FarthestPointFinder(const FarthestPointFinder& fpf, tbb::split):
            fPoints(fpf.fPoints), fFarthestPoint(fpf.fFarthestPoint),fDistance(-1), p1(fpf.p1), p2(fpf.p2){}
        void operator()(const BLOCKED_RANGE& range){
            for (size_t index = range.begin(); index < range.end(); index++){
                Point* curPoint = fPoints[index];
                double curDistance = distance(p1,p2,curPoint);
                if (curDistance > fDistance){
                    fFarthestPoint = curPoint;
                    fDistance = curDistance;
        void join(const FarthestPointFinder& other){
            if (fDistance < other.fDistance){
                fFarthestPoint = other.fFarthestPoint;
                fDistance = other.fDistance;
        Point* getFarthestPoint(){
            return this->fFarthestPoint;
        CPOINT_VECTOR fPoints;
        Point* fFarthestPoint;
        int fDistance;
        Point* p1;
        Point* p2;


       void tbbfindHull(CPOINT_VECTOR &input, Point* p1, Point* p2, POINT_VECTOR& output, int max_threads){
        // If there are no points in the set... just stop. This is the stopping criteria for the recursion. :)
        if (input.empty() || input.size() == 0) return;
        else if (input.size() == 1) {
        // Get the point that is the farthest from the p1-p2 segment
        int GRAINSIZE = ((double)input.size())/max_threads;
        FarthestPointFinder fpf(input, p1, p2);
        tbb::parallel_reduce(BLOCKED_RANGE(0,input.size(),GRAINSIZE), fpf);
        Point *farthestPoint = fpf.getFarthestPoint();
        // Add the farthest point to the output as it is part of the convex hull.
        // Split in two sets.
        // The first one contains points right from p1 - farthestPoint
        // The second one contains points right from farthestPoint - p2
        CPOINT_VECTOR* left = new CPOINT_VECTOR();
        CPOINT_VECTOR* right = new CPOINT_VECTOR();
        Splitter splitter(input,p1,p2,farthestPoint, left, right, GRAINSIZE);
        tbb::parallel_for(BLOCKED_RANGE(0,input.size(), GRAINSIZE), splitter);
        // We do more recursion :)
        tbbfindHull(*left, p1, farthestPoint, output, max_threads);
        tbbfindHull(*right, farthestPoint, p2, output, max_threads);
     * Calling the quickHull algorithm!
    double tbbquickHull(POINT_VECTOR input_o, POINT_VECTOR& output, int max_threads){
        CPOINT_VECTOR input;
        for (int i =0; i < input_o.size(); i++){
        int GRAINSIZE = input.size()/max_threads;
        Timer timer;
        // Find the left- and rightmost point.
        FindExtremum fextremum(input);
        tbb::parallel_reduce(BLOCKED_RANGE(0, input.size(),GRAINSIZE), fextremum);
        Point* minXPoint = fextremum.getMinPoint();
        Point* maxXPoint = fextremum.getMaxPoint();
        // These points are sure to be part of the convex hull, so add them
        // Now we have to split the set of point in subsets.
        // The first one containing all points above the line
        // The second one containing all points below the line
        CPOINT_VECTOR* left = new CPOINT_VECTOR;
        CPOINT_VECTOR* right = new CPOINT_VECTOR;
        //Timer temp1;
        InitialSplitter splitter(input, left, right, minXPoint, maxXPoint, GRAINSIZE);
        tbb::parallel_for(BLOCKED_RANGE(0, input.size(),GRAINSIZE), splitter);
        // We now have the initial two points belonging to the hill
        // We also split all the points into a group containing points left of AB and a group containing points right of of AB
        // We now recursively find all other points belonging to the convex hull.
        tbbfindHull(*left,minXPoint, maxXPoint, output, max_threads);
        tbbfindHull(*right, maxXPoint, minXPoint, output, max_threads);
        return timer.getTimeElapsed();

    在TBB中,当对代码的不同并行部分进行计时时,可能会注意到一些异常。使用tbb :: parallel_for()将总子集InitialSplitter初始划分为两个子集所花费的时间几乎与相应OpenMP版本的整个运行时间一样长,并且当使用不同数量的线程时,此时间不会发生变化。这很奇怪,因为在InitialSplitter - 作为tbb :: parallel_for()参数传递的对象内部进行计时时,可以注意到显着的加速。在InitialSplitters'operator() - 方法中迭代的for循环显示了当线程数增加时预期的加速。

    我认为单个tbb::parallel_for() - 例如初始化中采用InitialSplitter实例的那个 - 需要与整个OpenMP实现一样长,这是非常奇怪的。我还认为很奇怪,当tbb::parallel_for()没有加速的时间可以观察到,而InitialSplitters - 运算符()中的时间可以观察到接近线性的加速......



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Point* farthestPoint;
//int distance = *distance_sub[0];  //is this a bug shouldn't distance be a double?
double distance = 0
#pragma omp parallel private
    Point farthest_sub = input[0];
    double distance_sub = 0;
     #pragma omp for nowait
     for (int index = 1; index < input.size(); index++){
     // for loop code
     #pragma omp critical 
         if (distance < distance_sub){
            farthestPoint = farthest_sub;
     #pragma omp barrier 
     //next part of code 

您现在可能遇到的一个问题是虚假分享。每个线程都试图写入同一缓存行中的数组(例如,在数组distance_sub [num_threads]中)。当我在并行块中声明值时,我不确定OpenMP会做什么,但我怀疑它更有可能分配值以避免错误共享。

另一个评论你应该尝试避免多次调用OpenMP,特别是在少量元素上。 OpenMP存在开销。我会尝试使用屏障或其他任何东西尽可能多地在一个并行块中获取。

另外,在你的代码中你有int distance = *distance_sub[0]这是一个错误吗?距离不应该是双倍的吗?


答案 1 :(得分:1)

要获得QuickHull算法的并行加速,需要特别注意数据结构。在大多数情况下,顶级分区确实占据了运行时间,所以它应该是并行的。但是,使用concurrent_vector :: push_back会引入很多跨线程缓存争用,因为不同的线程会推送到同一缓存行(所谓的“false sharing”),并且这些线程会争用具有concurrent_vector大小的缓存行。

在TBB发行版中,查看目录examples / parallel_reduce / convex_hull /中的完整QuickHull算法,确保加速。它使用parallel_reduce(而不是parallel_for)来执行顶级分区。它确实使用了concurrent_vector,但是在将它们复制到concurrent_vector之前批量分配点,以最小化错误共享问题。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


  • 并非OpenMP的所有实现都能处理在递归并行操作中可能出现的并行性“爆炸”。由于这个原因,您可能会遇到性能问题。
  • TBB实现似乎是按值传递/返回tbb :: concurrent_vector(例如Splitter :: getLeftSubset),而另一个实现似乎没有这么昂贵的操作。