我正在尝试从SolarWinds网络性能数据库(MS SQL 2005)中检索数据,并且交互式工作的查询(在Orion数据库管理器中)在通过JDBC运行时不返回任何行。有什么想法吗?
我认为查询复杂性并不重要,因为JDBC不会尝试解析查询 - 它只会将其传递给后端。
String qtext = new String("select rd.nodeid, rd.hr, rd.response, rd.loss, cd.cpu, cd.mem, bd.nomem, bd.smmiss, bd.mdmiss, bd.bgmiss, bd.lgmiss, bd.hgmiss" + " from" +
" (select nodeid, DATEPART(hh, DateTime) as hr, round(avg(AvgResponseTime), 0) as response, round(avg(PercentLoss), 0) as loss" +
" from ResponseTime_Detail" +
" where DateTime >= " + today + " and DateTime < " + tomorrow +
" group by nodeid, DATEPART(hh, DateTime)" +
" ) as rd" +
" left outer join" +
" (select nodeid, DATEPART(hh, DateTime) as hr, round(avg(AvgLoad), 0) as cpu, bound(avg(AvgPercentMemoryUsed), 0) as mem" +
" from CPULoad_Detail" +
" where DateTime >= " + today + " and DateTime < " + tomorrow +
" group by nodeid, DATEPART(hh, DateTime)" +
" ) as cd" +
" on rd.nodeid = cd.nodeid and rd.hr = cd.hr" +
" left outer join" +
" (select nodeid, DATEPART(hh, DateTime) as hr, round(avg(BufferNoMem), 0) as nomem, round(avg(BufferSmMiss), 0) as smmiss, round(avg(BufferSmMiss), 0) as mdmiss," +
" round(avg(BufferBgMiss), 0) as bgmiss, round(avg(BufferLgMiss), 0) as lgmiss, round(avg(BufferHgMiss), 0) as hgmiss" +
" from CiscoBuffers_Detail" +
" where DateTime >= " + today + " and DateTime < " + tomorrow +
" group by nodeid, DATEPART(hh, DateTime)" +
" ) as bd" +
" on rd.nodeid = bd.nodeid and rd.hr = bd.hr" +
" order by rd.nodeid, rd.hr;");
System.out.println("Query from hell = [" + qtext + "]");
st = sol.db.createStatement();
System.out.println("Created statement");
rs = st.executeQuery(qtext);
System.out.println("Executed statement");
while (rs.next()) {
答案 0 :(得分:1)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
" order by rd.nodeid, rd.hr");