按多个复选框类别过滤帖子 - wordpress

时间:2013-05-21 08:55:21

标签: php wordpress widget

我想设置一个小部件来按类别过滤我的帖子。 让我们说,我确实有两个不同的类别,“国家”和“逗留时间”与子类别。这是我的一个例子:

enter image description here


我尝试使用Query Multiple Taxonomies插件。但是,这种堵塞是 检索所有包含“老挝”类别的帖子以及所有长度为“2-4天”的帖子。



<?php // cat 42=Laos      cat 57=2-4Days
    <?php $my_query_1 = new WP_query(array('category__and' => array(42,57))); ?>
    <?php while ($my_query_1->have_posts()) : $my_query_1->the_post(); ?>
    <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to
    <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?><?php the_excerpt(); ?></a>
    <?php endwhile; ?>



  1. 我创建了一个新的侧栏,我想添加新表单
  2. 我创建了这个新侧栏的模板“sidebar-filters.php”。这是我里面的代码。

    <div id="secondary" class="widget-area" role="complementary">
    I'm the sidebar filters
        $current_countries = get_query_var('countries');
        $current_stays = get_query_var('stays');
        $countries = get_categories('child_of=62');
        $stays = get_categories('child_of=63');
    <form action="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" id="filterForm" method="post">
                    foreach ($countries as $country) {
    //                  var_dump($country->cat_ID);
    //                  var_dump($country->name);
                        echo sprintf('<li><input type="checkbox" name="countries[]" id="checkbox_%s" value="%s" %s',$country->name , $country->cat_ID, set_checked($current_countries, $country));
                        echo sprintf('/><label for="checkbox_%s">%s</label></li>',$country->name,$country->name );
                           <label><b>Length of stay</b></label>
                    foreach ($stays as $stay) {
    //                  var_dump($stay->cat_ID);
    //                  var_dump($stay->slug);
                        echo sprintf('<li><input type="checkbox" name="stays[]" id="checkbox_%s" value="%s" %s',$stay->slug , $stay->cat_ID, set_checked($current_stays, $stay));
                        echo sprintf('/><label for="checkbox_%s">%s</label></li>',$stay->slug,$stay->name );
                           <button type="submit">Send email</button>
            <input type="hidden" name="submitted" id="submitted" value="true" />

  3. 这是我在function.php

  4. 中的代码

    function my_query_vars($ vars) {   array_push($ vars,'countries','stay');   返回$ vars; } add_filter('query_vars','my_query_vars');

    function set_checked($ arr,$ value) {   $ checked ='';   if(!empty($ arr)&amp;&amp; in_array($ value,$ arr))$ checked ='checked';   return $ checked; }

    function my_query($query)
      // You can use is_archive() or whatever you need here
      if ($query->is_main_query() && is_search()) {
        $cat_and = array();
        foreach (array('countries', 'stays') as $variable) {
          $categories = get_query_var($variable);
          if (!empty($categories)) {
            $cat_and = array_merge($cat_and, $categories);
        if (!empty($cat_and)) $query->set('category__and', $cat_and);
    add_action('pre_get_posts', 'my_query');
    But, I'm retrieving nothing for the moment, what do I am doing wrong?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



add_filter('query_vars', 'my_query_vars');
function my_query_vars($vars)
  array_push($vars, 'countries', 'stays');
  return $vars;


function set_checked($arr, $value)
  $checked = '';
  if (!empty($arr) && in_array($value, $arr)) $checked = 'checked';
  return $checked;

$current_countries = get_query_var('countries');
$current_stays = get_query_var('stays');

$countries = get_categories('child_of=id_for_countries');
$stays = get_categories('child_of=id_for_length-of-stay');

// Begin form

foreach ($countries as $country) {
  echo sprintf('<input type="checkbox" name="countries[]" value="%s" %s', $country->cat_ID, set_checked($current_countries, $country));

foreach ($stays as $stay) {
  echo sprintf('<input type="checkbox" name="stays[]" value="%s" %s/>', $stay->cat_ID, set_checked($current_stays, $stay));

// End form


add_action('pre_get_posts', 'my_query');
function my_query($query)
  // You can use is_archive() or whatever you need here
  if ($query->is_main_query() && is_search()) {

    $cat_and = array();

    foreach (array('countries', 'stays') as $variable) {
      $categories = get_query_var($variable);

      if (!empty($categories)) {
        $cat_and = array_merge($cat_and, $categories);

    if (!empty($cat_and)) $query->set('category__and', $cat_and);


答案 1 :(得分:1)

   $checkboxArray = $_POST['checkbox']; //checkbox[] is name of all your checkboxes
   $catIds = implode(',',$checkboxArray);
  $my_query = new WP_Query('showposts=10&cat='.$catIds); ?>

    <?php while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>

    <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">

    <?php the_title(); ?></a>

    <?php the_content(); ?> //optional, can also be the_excerpt

    <?php endwhile; ?>

You can change the value of showposts as you required.