
时间:2013-05-19 20:01:27

标签: c# unity3d


    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;

public class Menu : MonoBehaviour 
    //public Texture2D background;
    public GUITexture backgroundCopy;
    public GUITexture background;
    float bgPos, bgCopyPos;
    public GUISkin buttonSkin;
    public GUISkin recordSkin;
    public GUIText guiRecordLabel;
    public GUIText guiTime;
    public GUIText guiComplete;
    public GUIText guiTurns;
    public GUIText guiLosses;
    public GUIText guiQuits;

    Records records = new Records();

    //public static Menu instance = null;
    private bool onMenuScreen;              //this prevents the menu buttons from being pressed when I'm not on the menu. weird issue.

    void Awake()
        //ScreenFader.fadeToBlack = false;
        //create a singleton so that there's only one instance of a menu at any time.
        //if (instance != null)
        //    DestroyObject(this);    //destroys the new instance
        //    instance = this;

        //menu needs to persist for the duration of the game because I want the music to keep playing across multiple screens. -THIS IS NO LONGER THE CASE

        //load records

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () 
        bgPos = 0;                  //initial x Position of the background
        bgCopyPos = -Screen.width;  //this is placed before the original background.
        onMenuScreen = true;        //I SHOULDN'T NEED THIS


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () 
        if (!onMenuScreen)  //I need to do this check because the menu persists and remains on screen.
            guiRecordLabel.enabled = false;
            guiTime.enabled = false;
            guiComplete.enabled = false;     //I shouldn't need any of this
            guiTurns.enabled = false;
            guiLosses.enabled = false;
            guiQuits.enabled = false;
            guiRecordLabel.enabled = true;
            guiTime.enabled = true;
            guiComplete.enabled = true;
            guiTurns.enabled = true;
            guiLosses.enabled = true;
            guiQuits.enabled = true;

        //show records
        guiRecordLabel.material.color = Color.red;
        guiTime.text = "Total Time: " + records.TotalTime;
        guiComplete.text = "Completion: " + records.CompletionRate + "%";
        guiTurns.text = "Turn Total: " + records.TurnTotal;
        guiLosses.text = "Total Losses: " + records.LossCount;
        guiQuits.text = "Rage Quits: " + records.RageCount;

        //scroll the background. TODO: provide different backgrounds
        bgPos = (bgPos > Screen.width) ? -Screen.width + 2 : bgPos += 1;
        bgCopyPos = (bgCopyPos > Screen.width) ? -Screen.width + 2 : bgCopyPos += 1;

        background.pixelInset = new Rect(bgPos, background.transform.position.y, Screen.width, Screen.height);
        backgroundCopy.pixelInset = new Rect(bgCopyPos, background.transform.position.y, Screen.width, Screen.height);


    void OnGUI()

        GUI.skin = buttonSkin;
        if (onMenuScreen && GUI.Button(new Rect(60 * Title.scale.x, 400 * Title.scale.y, 130 * Title.scale.x, 33 * Title.scale.y), "Level Select"))
            onMenuScreen = false;

        if (onMenuScreen && GUI.Button(new Rect(300 * Title.scale.x, 400 * Title.scale.y, 130 * Title.scale.x, 33 * Title.scale.y), "Help & Options"))
            onMenuScreen = false;

        if (onMenuScreen && GUI.Button(new Rect(540 * Title.scale.x, 400 * Title.scale.y, 130 * Title.scale.x, 33 * Title.scale.y), "Back to Title"))
            //DestroyObject(this);    //Kill the menu whenever I return to title screen.         
            onMenuScreen = false;


   /* This script is used to allow music to persist between screens. It uses a singleton to prevent more than once instance
 * from being created. This script must be placed in MenuScreen scene. */

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System;

public class MusicPlayer : MonoBehaviour 

    public static MusicPlayer instance = null;
    AudioClip track;        //copy of the music currently playing.
    public AudioClip[] musicTracks;
    AudioSource source;
    private bool musicPlaying;
    private short trackNumber;

    void Awake()
        //create a singleton so that there's only one instance of a music track at any time.
        if (instance != null)
            DestroyObject(this);    //destroys the new instance
            instance = this;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () 
        source = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

    public string TrackName
        get { return musicTracks[trackNumber].name; }

    public short TrackNumber
        get { return trackNumber; }
        set { trackNumber = value; }

    public bool MusicPlaying
        get { return musicPlaying; }
        set { musicPlaying = value; }

    /* Create/update a file to save track number. */
    public void UpdateTrackFile()
        string directory = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Tile Crusher/Data/";
        string fileName = "trackfile.savefile";

        //initialize track number if file doesn't exist.
        if (!File.Exists(directory + fileName))
            trackNumber = 0;

        FileStream fs = new FileStream(directory + fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs);

        //write track number to file


    void LoadTrackFile()

        //start searching and reading files
        string directory = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Tile Crusher/Data/";
        string fileName = "trackfile.savefile";

        //locate the file.  If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
        if (!File.Exists(directory + fileName))

        //read data. The file is read in a specific order.
        FileStream fs = new FileStream(directory + fileName, FileMode.Open);
        StreamReader fileRead = new StreamReader(fs);

        //load track number
        string track = fileRead.ReadLine();
        trackNumber = Int16.Parse(track);



    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () 

        if (!musicPlaying && trackNumber >= 0)
            //play music
            source.clip = musicTracks[trackNumber];
            musicPlaying = true;
        else if (trackNumber < 0)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. 仅当您实际进入菜单场景时才需要Update上的代码
  2. OnGui相当昂贵,因为它每帧被调用几次
  3. 您可以使用Object.DontDestroyOnLoad制作一个空的游戏对象MenuManager甚至更好的SceneManager持续。因此,可以在此类中启用和禁用Menu对象。

    也许Unity singleton manager classes可以给你一些灵感。我使用这种方法来保持层次结构小而干净。我的所有场景都包含来自预制件的游戏对象_ApplicationStartup,其中包含初始引导代码和一些开发增强功能。当您的项目不断增长并且有几个场景时,我强烈建议您以可以直接测试场景的方式设计场景。当您在第5级场景中工作时,如果您必须切换回主场景进行测试,则会非常烦人。