
时间:2013-05-17 04:58:23

标签: facebook algorithm recursion towers-of-hanoi



移动包括拾取任何一个钉子的最顶部圆盘并将其放置在任何其他钉子的顶部。 在任何时候,必须保持所有栓钉的半径减小性能。



1 <= N <= 8

3 <= K <= 5








第一行包含M - 完成转换所需的最小移动次数。

以下M行描述了一个移动,通过一个挂钩编号来挑选,一个挂钩编号放在上面。 如果有多个解决方案,则输出其中任何一个就足够了。您可以假设,始终存在少于7次移动的解决方案,并且初始确认将与最终确认不同。



2 3

1 1

2 2




1 3

1 2

3 2



6 4

4 2 4 3 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1




3 1

4 3

4 1

2 1

3 1



void hanoi(char s, char i, char d, int n)
            hanoi(s, d, i, n-1);
            hanoi(i, s, d, n-1);


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

这是我的动态编程解决方案,它在最多O(K ^ N)步骤中找到最佳移动序列,它在K = 5,N = 8的情况下在一秒钟内运行。由于懒惰,我对输入数据进行了硬编码





class Program
    static int N = 8;
    static int K = 5;
    static List<int> StartState = new List<int> { 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 1, 5, 2 };
    static List<int> EndState = new List<int> { 1, 4, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3 };

    static LinkedList<int> StateQueue = new LinkedList<int>();
    static int[] MovesToState = new int[(int)Math.Pow(K, N)];

    static void Main(string[] args)
        for (int i = 0; i < StartState.Count; i++)

        int startStateIndex = StateToNum(StartState);
        int endStateIndex = StateToNum(EndState);

        for (int i = 0; i < MovesToState.Length; i++)
            MovesToState[i] = -1;

        MovesToState[startStateIndex] = 0;

        while (StateQueue.Count > 0 && MovesToState[endStateIndex] == -1)
            var legalMoves = LegalMoves(StateQueue.Last.Value);
            foreach (var newStateIndex in legalMoves)
                int currMoves = MovesToState[StateQueue.Last.Value];
                if (MovesToState[newStateIndex] == -1)
                    MovesToState[newStateIndex] = currMoves + 1;

        var currStateIndex = endStateIndex;
        var moves = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();
        while (currStateIndex != startStateIndex)
            var legalMoves = LegalMoves(currStateIndex);
            int currMoves = MovesToState[currStateIndex];
            foreach (var prevStateIndex in legalMoves)
                if (MovesToState[prevStateIndex] == MovesToState[currStateIndex] - 1)
                    var currState = NumToState(currStateIndex);
                    var prevState = NumToState(prevStateIndex);
                    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                        if (currState[i] != prevState[i])
                            moves.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(prevState[i] + 1, currState[i] + 1));
                            currStateIndex = prevStateIndex;
        foreach (var move in moves)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", move.Item1, move.Item2);


    static List<int> LegalMoves(int stateIndex)
        var legalMoves = new List<int>();

        var state = NumToState(stateIndex);

        int[] minOnPeg = new int[K];
        for (int i = 0; i < minOnPeg.Length; i++)
            minOnPeg[i] = N;
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < K; j++)
                if (state[i] == j && i < minOnPeg[j])
                    minOnPeg[j] = i;

        bool[] isTop = new bool[N];
        for (int i = 0; i < isTop.Length; i++)
            isTop[i] = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
            if (minOnPeg[i] < N)
                isTop[minOnPeg[i]] = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            if (!isTop[i])

            for (int j = 0; j < K; j++)
                if (minOnPeg[j] <= i)

                var tmp = state[i];
                state[i] = j;
                var newStateIndex = StateToNum(state);
                state[i] = tmp;
        return legalMoves;

    static int StateToNum(List<int> state)
        int r = 0;
        int f = 1;
        foreach (var peg in state)
            r += f * peg;
            f *= K;
        return r;

    static List<int> NumToState(int num)
        var r = new List<int>();
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            r.Add(num % K);
            num = num / K;
        return r;

答案 1 :(得分:2)

在java中找到此solution。 基本上它将所有可能的移动映射到树中并执行BFS。

答案 2 :(得分:2)



答案 3 :(得分:0)


6 4
3 3 2 1 4 1
1 4 2 2 3 4

Leandro Facchinetti from this comment的Ruby版本在〜10秒内解决了它。 Java version通过e-digga~0.5秒。我的python版本运行在~30ms。我不确定为什么我的实现如此之快。这是:

import sys


def valid_moves(state, K):
    pegs, tops = [-1] * K, []
    for r, peg in enumerate(state):
        if pegs[peg] < 0:
            pegs[peg] = r
            for top_r, top_peg in tops:
                yield (top_r, top_peg, peg)
            tops.append((r, peg))
    for dst_peg, peg_r in enumerate(pegs):
        if peg_r < 0:
            for top_r, top_peg in tops:
                yield (top_r, top_peg, dst_peg)

def move_apply(state, move):
    r, src, dst = move
    return state[:r] + (dst,) + state[r + 1:]

def solve_bfs(initial_state, final_state, K):
    known_states = set()
    next_states = [(initial_state, [])]
    depth = 0
    while next_states and depth < MAX_MOVES:
        states, next_states = next_states, []
        for state, moves in states:
            for move in valid_moves(state, K):
                new_state = move_apply(state, move)
                if new_state in known_states:
                new_moves = moves + [move]
                if new_state == final_state:
                    return new_moves
                next_states.append((new_state, new_moves))
        depth += 1

lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
N, K = [int(i) for i in lines[0].strip().split()]
initial_state = tuple(int(i) - 1 for i in lines[1].strip().split())
final_state = tuple(int(i) - 1 for i in lines[2].strip().split())

solution = solve_bfs(initial_state, final_state, K)
if solution:
    print len(solution)
    for disk, src, dst in solution:
        print src + 1, dst + 1

答案 4 :(得分:0)





import sys


def main():
    lines = sys.stdin.readlines()

    [discs, npegs] = map(int, lines[0].split())
    #read in the initial and final states
    istate = tuple(int(n) - 1 for n in lines[1].split())
    fstate = tuple(int(n) - 1 for n in lines[2].split())

    #call recursive function to find possible moves and 
    #generate new states to add to tree
    tree = findStates(istate, fstate, npegs)
    solution = findSolution(istate, fstate, tree)

    if solution:
        print solution[0]
        for a, b in solution[1:]:
            print "{} {}".format(a,b) 
        print "No solution found for {} max moves".format(MAX_MOVES)

def findTopDisks(state, npegs):
    list the pegs with disks and the top disk radius in a dict with key being peg number
    and value being disk radius
    This function is used to find valid disks and their peg positions to make a move from
    topdict = dict()
    for peg in range(npegs):
            if peg in state:
                topdict[peg] = state.index(peg)
    return topdict

def findValidMoves(state, npegs):
    Finds the valid moves given the current state and number of pegs.
    Yields tuples consisting of source and destination pegs
    #find the top disk of every peg number
    top_disks = findTopDisks(state, npegs)
    for from_peg, disk_r in top_disks.items():
        for dest_peg in range(npegs):
            if not top_disks.has_key(dest_peg): #dest peg is empty
                    yield (from_peg, dest_peg)
            elif top_disks[dest_peg] > disk_r:
                    yield (from_peg, dest_peg)

def findStates(istate, fstate, npegs):
    Generates new states first by calling findValidMoves on current state to get valid moves.
    Then generates the new states and put them in the tree implemented using a dict.
    Key of the dict is the current state, and value is the state that leads to that state.
    queue = [(istate, 0)]
    tree = {istate: None}
    while queue and (queue[0][1] < MAX_MOVES):
        cstate = queue[0][0]
        cmove = queue[0][1]
        #enumerate and find all valid moves and add to queue
        for from_peg, dest_peg in findValidMoves(cstate, npegs):
            if from_peg in cstate:
                nstate = list(cstate)
                nstate[cstate.index(from_peg)] = dest_peg
                nstate = tuple(nstate)
                if nstate not in tree: #new state never been found!
                    tree[nstate] = cstate
                    if nstate == fstate:
                        return tree
                    queue.append((nstate, cmove+1))
    return tree

def findSolution(istate, fstate, tree):
    back track through dict and find the moves taken to get from istate and final state
    solution = []
    cstate = fstate
    if fstate in tree:
        while (cstate != istate):
            #compare current state and previous
            #find the difference, record in tuple and add to list of solution moves
            pstate = tree[cstate]
            for p, c in zip(pstate, cstate):
                if p != c:
                    solution.insert(0, (p+1, c+1)) #add one to adjust for 0 offset
            cstate = pstate
        solution.insert(0, len(solution))

    return solution

if __name__ == "__main__":

答案 5 :(得分:0)


import FBSample.Node.Move;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeMap;

 * @author Sada Kurapati <sadakurapati@gmail.com>
public class FBSample {

  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    int n = sc.nextInt();
    int k = sc.nextInt();
    //pegs initial config
    Node source = readPegsConfiguration(k, n, sc);
    //read target configuration
    Node target = readPegsConfiguration(k, n, sc);
    //To keep track what config we visited and avoid cycles
    Set<Node> visited = new HashSet<Node>();
    try {
      minMovesToTarget(source, target, visited);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      System.out.println("Exception = " + ex);

  private static void minMovesToTarget(Node source, Node target, Set<Node> visited) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
    //Perform BFS
    //add soource node to Queue
    Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();
    Node current = source;
    while (!q.isEmpty()) {
      current = q.poll();
      if (current.equals(target)) { //found the target configuration
      List<Node> neighbors = current.neighbors();
      if (neighbors.size() > 0) {
        for (Node n : neighbors) {
          if (!visited.contains(n)) {//if not visited, put it in queue
    //Printing path and moves if target config found
    if (current.equals(target)) {

  private static Node readPegsConfiguration(int k, int n, Scanner sc) {
    Stack<Integer>[] initialState = new Stack[k];
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
      initialState[i] = new Stack<Integer>();
    //reading and reversing the line as we need to put the elements in decresing size
    //disc is key and peg is value.
    TreeMap<Integer, Integer> map = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>(Collections.reverseOrder());
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      map.put(i, sc.nextInt());
    //prepare pegs
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
      initialState[entry.getValue() - 1].push(entry.getKey());
    return new Node(initialState);

  static void printOutput(Node target) {
    Stack<Move> stack = new Stack<>(); //using stack as we need to print the trail from Source - target config
    while (target.parent != null) {
      target = target.parent;
    while (!stack.isEmpty()) {

  static class Node implements Cloneable {
    Stack<Integer>[] state = null;
    Node parent = null;  //for backtracking trail
    Move move = null; // The move we made to go to next neighbor config

    public Node(Stack<Integer>[] st) {
      state = st;

    protected Node clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
      Stack<Integer>[] cloneStacks = new Stack[state.length];
      for (int i = 0; i < state.length; i++) {
        cloneStacks[i] = (Stack) state[i].clone();
      Node clone = new Node(cloneStacks);
      return clone;

    //returns the neghboring configurations.
    //What all configurations we can get based on current config.
    public List<Node> neighbors() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
      List<Node> neighbors = new ArrayList<>();
      int k = state.length;
      for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
          if (i != j && !state[i].isEmpty()) {
            Node child = this.clone();
            //make a move
            if (canWeMove(child.state[i], child.state[j])) {
              //this is required to backtrack the trail once we find the target config
              child.parent = this;
              //the move we made to get to this neighbor
              child.move = new Move(i, j);
      return neighbors;

    public boolean canWeMove(Stack<Integer> fromTower, Stack<Integer> toTower) {
      boolean answer = false;
      if (toTower.isEmpty()) {// if destination peg is empty, then we can move any disc
        return true;
      int toDisc = toTower.peek();
      int fromDisc = fromTower.peek();
      if (fromDisc < toDisc) { //we can only place small disc on top
        answer = true;
      return answer;

    public int hashCode() {
      int hash = 7;
      return hash;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      if (obj == null) {
        return false;
      if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
        return false;
      final Node other = (Node) obj;
      if (!Arrays.deepEquals(this.state, other.state)) {
        return false;
      return true;

    class Move {

      int pegFrom, pegTo;

      public Move(int f, int t) {
        pegFrom = f + 1;
        pegTo = t + 1;

      public String toString() {
        return pegFrom + " " + pegTo;